Bush roses: varieties, care

In nature, many species of roses and their varieties grow. They differ in growing conditions, flowering periods, shape, color of flowers and other characteristics. This article discusses bush roses: varieties, names, care for them.

spray roses

Flower Overview

The appearance of roses on Earth dates back to ancient times. About them people learned 40 million years ago. These plants are from the genus of wild rose, which unites 250 species of plants and 200 thousand of their varieties. At present, roses have been bred , the flowers of which differ in different structure, smell, petal shape, color and other characteristics. These amazing flowers are popular among gardeners, designers and simply beauty lovers. Shrub roses are one of the species. They are easy to care for, because, in addition to watering and timely pruning, they do not need anything.


The height of rose bushes of different varieties is different. Some grow very low, about 35 cm, while others grow up to 95. The flowers can be miniature or reach a diameter of 20 cm. The number of petals on them is also different: some varieties have only a few, and others have more than a hundred. Some bushes are strewn with lush, double flowers, while others are graceful, goblet-shaped.

spray roses photo

Breeders were able to bring roses of this species with various aromas: light, delicate and sharp, spicy and citrus. All varieties of spray roses (photos are presented for review in the article) have the following similar characteristics:

  • The flowering period is long: it begins in late spring and ends in late autumn.
  • Leaves have the same shape.
  • Caring for roses of different varieties is no different.
  • The bush has the main and annual shoots.
  • All varieties of spray roses (see photo above) have good immunity, so temperature changes are easily tolerated.
  • The predominant number of roses has a very pleasant smell.
  • It can be grown at home, especially varieties with miniature parameters.

English roses

These flowers are distinguished by aroma: it is special and delicious. For their breeding, bourbon, tea-hybrid, and other plants of this species were crossed. The result of breeding work was to obtain different varieties of spray roses, the name of which is different, but the universality remains unchanged. The fact is that the shape of the bush can change if the plant needs to adapt to the new growing conditions.

roses spray photos with title

For a period limited to several seasons, bushes have the appearance of wicker, sparse and open forms. Plants can bloom luxuriantly twice during the summer. English spray roses with a name and photo are presented below:

  • Abraham Derby - in this variety the buds have a classic shape. The main tone of the gradient petals is copper apricot, the tide is pink. The bushes are distinguished by great growth power, and are resistant to diseases. Due to the severity of the buds, shoots are prone to lodging.
  • Benjamin Britten - This rose reaches a height of one meter. The buds are cup-shaped. Petals are painted in a rich red-orange color. This variety is unpretentious to the growing conditions. It has good immunity, due to which it is rarely affected by fungal infections. The bush always has an excellent shape; only heavy rain can spoil it.
spray roses name varieties

French roses

These flowers are the oldest. The beginning of their cultivation dates back to the Middle Ages. They are compact bushes whose shoots with numerous spikes are directed upwards. Roses bloom no more than a month. Depending on the variety, the petals are double and semi-double, and their color is purple or carmine-red. Flowers have a delicate aroma, stamina and vitality. Some names of spray roses of this species are presented below:

  • Rosa Galica is the oldest representative of French roses. These flowers are wild growing. Their aroma is very pronounced. It is this feature that allowed in the Middle Ages to appreciate the flower. The bush with semi-double buds reaches a height of one and a half meters. Rose petals are painted in carmine red. With the onset of autumn, fruits are obtained from them.
  • Cardinal de Richelieu is the most popular variety. His made a deep purple color. This rose is very old, its existence was known in 1747. It has a unique ability to change the color of petals. When buds open, they are dark red, but with age they become saturated purple. The back of the petals is pink. The flowers are medium in size, their diameter reaches seven centimeters. All French roses bloom for one month. This period falls in the middle of summer. This variety is no exception. The bush is compact, its height is not more than one meter. There are almost no thorns; if they occur, it is extremely rare. These flowers smell good. In terms of cultivation - universal. They grow in flower beds in the garden, in pots, they are used to create a hedge.
spray roses varieties photo

Hybrid Tea Roses

These plants have a low bush, only 65 cm. Flowers with a diameter of 10 cm are solitary, but can also form inflorescences. The plant blooms for a long time, in two stages, a break between which lasts two weeks for early roses and a month for later ones. Flowering stops late in the fall. The bushes of such roses are a wonderful decoration for a home flower bed. Some varieties of this type:

  • Flamingos - roses are named after one of the representatives of the animal world. Like the bird itself, the petals are tender, painted pink. Their edges burn out in the sun and acquire a silver tint. The flowers have a goblet shape, their diameter reaches 9-11 cm. The bud consists of 25 petals with a weak aroma. The shoots are long, single flowers are located on them. The bush has an average height of about one meter. This rose is characterized by a long flowering, which begins in late June and ends before the onset of autumn frost.
  • Big Perple - this beautiful rose has petals with an unforgettable purple color. Oval buds when blooming acquire terry shapes. Each flower has 35 petals. The rose blooms for a long time, alternately. This is achieved through the gradual formation of new buds instead of wilted. Large flowers, reaching a diameter of 15 cm, are very fragrant. Rose has an interesting feature: it changes color depending on climatic conditions. If the weather is warm, it is crimson, with the onset of cold weather - purple. The bushes are quite large: they reach 120 cm in height and 75 in width. They are rarely damaged by diseases, they do not freeze during wintering, but they do not tolerate rains.


In this species, a medium-sized flower is similar to a tea rose, the petals of which, depending on the variety, are smooth and double. Flowers form small rosettes. The bushes are low, reaching a height of 50-100 cm. It is not difficult to care for such roses with a long flowering period, which is why they are often grown by gardeners. These spray roses can be grown as standard trees. Names of some varieties:

spray roses names
  • Lily Marlene - this rose is the most popular among all representatives of this species due to the deep, blood-red color and neatness of the bush. Several decades have passed since this variety appeared in culture, but even today there is no analog to it. One brush at the same time forms 3-15 flowers with a diameter of 8 cm. The bush is compact, low - 50 cm, has many leaves. Flowering continues throughout the summer. The variety is resistant to disease, but powdery mildew is a problem, so preventive measures are needed.
  • Niccolo Paganini - numerous rose petals can perfectly keep their shape, they are painted in a velvet red tone. Each brush forms 12 buds with a distinct aroma. The bush has an average height of 80 cm. For good growth and bud formation, the plant needs nutrients, so it needs to be planted in fertile soil.

How to care for a bush rose?

The most important procedure in flower care is pruning. It starts before landing. It is carried out as follows:

  • The seedlings are first removed with unblown buds the size of a seed and pinch shoots, which managed to grow strongly.
  • After 12 months and in subsequent years with the onset of spring, sprouts are cut from crossed stems with dark bark, which weakened during the winter or received injuries of a different nature.
  • In the center of the bush, branches with great growth power are selected and cut. This is necessary in order to quickly appear young shoots in large numbers.
  • If during the winter the kidneys froze, they are removed.
  • Throughout the summer, bushes are constantly scanned and, if necessary, get rid of wilted flowers, fallen leaves, dried and diseased shoots.
  • Watch the shape of the crown. If the branches "popped out" from under the general outline, they are pruned.

Caring for rose bushes includes watering. But it is important to know that the soil under the flowers needs to be moistened moderately, do not fill it and do not allow it to dry out. Throughout the season, two times you need to make fertilizers, which contain phosphorus and potassium. In preparation for winter, the bushes do not need to be covered, it is enough to huddle them.

how to care for a bush rose

How to grow roses at home?

There is hardly a florist who refuses to have this flower in his collection. But a decorative rose needs to create certain conditions in which it will be comfortable growing:

  • This flower needs room.
  • Indoor temperature and humidity should be observed.
  • Depending on the season, change the frequency of irrigation.
  • It is important to constantly monitor the condition of the flower.

In order for bush roses at home to maintain decorativeness, you need to consider the following points:

  • In order for the rose to develop correctly, the buds are pruned before flowering. The slice is pinched at the location of the developing kidney. When two shoots appear, the procedure must be repeated. Young shoots will grow again, but this time they need to be left, after a while they will bloom.
  • The purchased rose brought into the house grows rapidly and soon begins to bloom. Her appearance at the same time loses accuracy. Therefore, the bush immediately needs to be cut.
  • Regarding the transplant: if you want to determine the purchased flower in your pot, you need to wait time to adapt it to the conditions of your apartment. To do this, put the rose on a window located in the southeast direction and periodically water it.
  • When the rose gets used to the microclimate of the room, it is transplanted into self-prepared soil: turf, humus, sand and clean earth are mixed.
  • A pre-watered bush is removed from the pot together with a lump of earth and placed in a new container, completely filling the root neck and compacting the soil.
  • After planting, the rose is watered and put in a shaded place for a day, after which it is determined at the place where it will grow constantly. After a month, top dressing is used in the form of a solution of mineral additives. They water the flower two weeks once.

Home Rose Care

If done correctly, the flower will grow well and smell. For this, it is important not to miss the following points:

spray roses at home
  • In summer, the rose must be taken out to the balcony, otherwise it will not bloom in the stuffiness. It is important that the plant is in moist soil, but not overheated.
  • Rosa needs a lot of light, but direct sunlight is destructive for him.
  • It is necessary to get rid of withered buds.
  • In autumn, reduce the frequency of watering and rearrange the flower on the south window in the apartment.
  • At the end of the flowering period, the rose is transplanted into a large pot.
  • Before the onset of winter, you need to cut off all branches at the level of the fifth kidney.


Rose bushes are grown to decorate the area. If you plant varieties with different periods of flowering and contrasting color of buds, you can dream up and come up with a composition of shrubs that will surprise you with a palette of colors and aroma that will not be comparable to anything all summer. For sprawling bushes, rose gardens, triangular, square or rectangular rabatki are suitable. Here they are planted as single plants. Roses are unpretentious, do not require special care, but the simplest procedures still need to be carried out in order to ensure comfortable growth and lush flowering.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25918/

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