Plasticine caterpillar, how to stick it

Modern children are developing very fast. What we were interested only in 5-6 years old, they know how to do at the age of 2 years.

It is very important to regularly engage with your child, because it depends on what skills a little man gets in childhood, what he will become in adulthood.

There are a huge number of developmental institutions for children from one year old: schools for toddlers, kindergartens, clubs for mothers and their children, etc., but not one school and not one kindergarten will be able to attract a child to educational games like this can do his parent.

There are many ways to develop your child at home, this can be picking up grooves, reading books, studying pictures of flowers, animals, vehicles, building tools and clothes, drawing and painting pictures, picking up a designer and modeling from plasticine.

It is about working with plasticine that we will discuss in our article today.

The benefits of working with plasticine

Experts advise to start modeling from plasticine with children from one year old. It is at this age that a child can realize what can be taken by mouth and what is not, and lends itself well to learning.

Here are some examples of the benefits of working with plasticine for children:

  • Games with plasticine perfectly develop the child’s fine motor skills.
  • Due to the fact that the department responsible for the movement of the fingers is very close to the speech department, modeling from plasticine can significantly improve the speech of your child.
  • Plasticine perfectly develops creative thinking, a molded plasticine caterpillar in childhood can be a great impetus for his imagination in the future.
  • And of course, like all kinds of games taking place at the table, modeling from plasticine well promotes perseverance and concentration of attention of your baby.

In this article, we will look at how to mold a plasticine caterpillar.

plasticine caterpillar

A bit about material selection

For small sculptors, it is best to choose a mass for sculpting from natural materials, otherwise your plasticine caterpillar molded by your child will do more harm than good.

Another condition is that plasticine should quickly warm up and wrinkle well, otherwise working with it will not turn into the most enjoyable task.

If you do not trust in store products, then you can make a likeness of plasticine yourself by mixing flour, salt and water in equal proportions and adding food colors to the resulting mass.

Plasticine caterpillar, how to sculpt it

First of all, when dealing with a child, remember that you can’t force him, let the modeling take place in a playful way. Put him at the table, explain what you will make today and what a fun process it is. And then the development of your baby will bring joy to you and him.

how to mold a plasticine caterpillar

  • Make plasticine in yellow, purple, green, pink, white, and blue.
  • Let the child mash him in the pens, help him knead all the pieces.
  • Tear from each color a piece the size of a cherry.
  • Roll up five small and one slightly larger balls with your child.
  • The plasticine caterpillar should have a head, so stick the horns to the big ball (for this, ask the child to roll 2 small sticks).
  • Attach two white cakes with blue pupils to your head.
  • Blind together all the elements of the track.
    chestnut and plasticine caterpillar

Your joint craft is ready!

A chestnut and plasticine caterpillar is a great toy. To make it, ask the child to mold chestnuts with pieces of plasticine among themselves, and stick eyes to the first chestnut


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