What is morality

Morality and morality are those words that are used as synonyms. These terms can replace each other. Let's try to answer the question: what is morality?

In general, morality is a revelation of free will, an internal attitude of a person, which is based on special principles, norms and ideas. It is she who is able to determine how we will behave in a particular situation. Moral qualities are formed in us every day and every minute, from the moment when we began to make various kinds of decisions. The level of morality can characterize a person from different angles. It is expressed both in a personโ€™s attitude to himself and to people around him.

Society sets its ideals, but this does not mean that we should be as if we had just left the incubator. We must be individuals, personalities. Each of us should be a peculiar embodiment of social values, but an unusual embodiment. Templates do not exist, but everyone has his own life path .

However, it should be noted that almost everyone is trying to repeat the actions and fate of other people. We are inclined to this, but such a position most often leads to disappointment. And the creative years in this regard are the most vulnerable. Often we get lost in life or in some situations. Devotion changes to hypocrisy, and kindness to deception. What is morality? This is an understanding of life, as well as an assessment of any actions. This is a choice of conscience that we make to some extent consciously, but to some extent not.

What is morality? How to characterize it? If there is such a concept, then certain qualities that could describe it can certainly be distinguished. Moral qualities are compassion, honesty, kindness, lack of aggression, reliability, generosity, sincerity, peace, industriousness, decency and so on. Everyone can find and name their qualities. Of course, one should not forget about mutual understanding and love, as well as respect. They note that true love does not exist without mutual respect.

What is morality? If we consider representatives of individual professions, it should be said that a judge must have justice, a soldier - courage, and for a doctor an important moral quality is compassion.

How to achieve the manifestation of such qualities in a child or adult? It's simple: proper education will help to do everything as it should. Moral education is a rather complex process that should be focused. It is also a continuous process, pauses in which are unacceptable. This is a close interaction between the teacher and the pupil. Of course, the teacher must have moral qualities. Raising a moral personality is not an easy matter; it will require patience and a huge amount of time. By the way, many educators cannot do this. Why? Yes, because they are too convinced of their methods and do not understand the importance of experimentation. Surprisingly, new to these people is too often inaccessible.

Forming a personality is not so simple. The teacher in this case should set and set an example in various life situations. Of course, every life position must be explained and disassembled. Modern education needs special methods. It is necessary to take into account the age-related characteristics of the person, their readiness to perceive this or that information, as well as to its understanding and analysis. To one degree or another, each person has morality, only someone โ€œsleepsโ€, while someone does not. You can wake her up. The methods are numerous. Just try to be better, kinder, wiser in everything.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25939/

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