Susan Meyer: love books, biography, photos

The modern writer Susan Meyer , the author of romantic romance novels, was born in the northeastern United States. Her homeland is Pennsylvania, an American state whose motto for all times is "virtue, freedom and independence."

Meyer, the author of sixty-two love novels, 32 of which are translated into Russian, was born on April 22, 1956, her biography, books and creative plans will be discussed in our article.

Susan Meyer

Not immediately the tale affects ...

Susan Meyer was the third child in a large and friendly family. The family was really big, eleven children were brought up in it. Already at school, Susan became seriously interested in literature, however, she did not show her first poetic experiments to anyone.

But already in high school, the future writer became interested in drama and directing, staging plays for school events. In high school, he again returns to poetry and writes poetry.

It so happened that at the beginning of her career, Susan Meyer worked as an ice cream seller, a waitress in a cafe, and as a secretary to a lawyer. With practical experience, the girl continued her career in two jobs at once: she was an employee of a large enterprise of the Ministry of Defense and a columnist for a small local newspaper.

But she did not lose her passion for writing. And on the eve of his thirtieth birthday, in 1990, publishes his first novel. After the publication of the young author noticed, Susan became one of the most active members of the Writers' Union of Pennsylvania, and served as treasurer and president of the organization. Note that the activities in the writing organization were public.

Finally, after twenty-five years of working experience with a major defense contractor, she decides to quit and only do full-time writing. Yes, you can’t refuse Susan's hard work.

writer career choice

Who writes novels Susan Meyer

According to the writer, if you do not work, and only deal with the creation of novels or stories, the most important thing is to control time and not let yourself relax.

She tries to “press” time even when she believes that the work of one day can be extended to two or even three. Her friends gasp when they see Susie’s usual daily routine. The fact is that the author of romantic romance novels is sure that ordinary working women fulfill their duties even more, especially if they have children.

Susan Meyer is proud to write about love, she believes that a little romance will not hinder women from exhausted life, they will add a little excitement and dreams to the routine of everyday life. Tied to daily worries, squeezed in a vise of commitment, readers prefer romance novels written by women very similar to themselves.

Susan recalls that it seems that she recently accompanied her young children to sports in the Little League or the gym, so she perfectly understands that every woman dreams of at least one minute of silence.

Susan Meyer still lives in Pennsylvania with her husband Michael and three children: two boys - Allen and Michael Jr., daughter of Sarah. They also have two cats, Banana and Fluffy, which are also full members of the family.

time of year - love

Romance and inspiration

For a long time, Susan was an active member of the Pennsylvania Writing Organization called Pennwriters. Prior to that, she acted as president, vice president, treasurer, and representative of the region’s writers. She was the chairman of the Committee on the development of charters of the organization and the chairman of the elections.

She won the Pennsylvania Writing Organization Prize for 1999. Among other things, he is a member of RWA (Romance Writers of America) and a moderator of various Internet services. He often speaks at seminars on the latest online communities.

Susan Meyer often writes in her novels about bliss and beautiful human relationships, but she felt her personal "bliss" when she began to write. She visited ski resorts and pastry factories in order to understand the atmosphere of ordinary, ordinary women, to conduct her research and get a "texture" for the novels.

True, she often writes in pajamas, but the real joy for her is the creation of stories about women for women. In her books, the writer also raised such serious issues as the loss of a child, husband, infertility and other problems that any woman may face.

In her novels, readers find many answers to their questions, and the manner of writing makes both cry and laugh.

The cover of the new Susan Meyer book How to Train a Genius is published in the photo below.

2017 book How to Tame a Genius

The story "How to Tame a Genius" belongs to the genre of short romance novels.

The protagonist of the book is a computer genius named Dean Suminsky. He has been subordinating his career and passionate work all his life. He forgot that in the world, besides work, there are other values ​​- kindness, understanding, and finally, the love of a woman. The mystery of the character of the protagonist lurks in early childhood and betrayal ... But suddenly in his life a cheerful and cheerful beauty Christine Andersen appears, who will be able to change his outlook on life.

In his free time from the novel

The writer is often asked what she does in her free time, during hours of forced creative downtime.

Susan says that in her free time, which happens infrequently, she reads a lot to expand her horizons and to train her imagination. Usually, while waiting for the editor’s response, she does not lose time, updates her website, writes on her blog, talks about her new books, which will be published in the near future.

She comes up with new “recipes” for communicating with readers, practices live seminars with readers, and leads master classes for beginning writers. Therefore, there is very little free time left, then she can plan a Sunday trip to the eldest son’s new home. But the main time in her life is the creation of new works.

Another Susan Meyer love story is Garland of Kisses.

Susan Meyer book

What is this book about? He is Gerard Johnson, she is Elise McDermott. And horror, they try not to notice each other, despite the fact that they are forced to live in the same house.

The fact is that Elise inherited a house and therefore the girl has to break away from her usual place and go to North Carolina, but she has big plans and new hopes. True, there are fears, is she really afraid of Gerard, because it seems that he will never leave a woman in trouble.


Susan Meyer became a repeated winner for his writing work. So, during her work, she was nominated many times for local and industry awards and won several awards.

Susan Meyer’s novel “Tycoon’s Secret Daughter” reached the finals of the romantic short story competition and was awarded the highest award by RWA-Rita Publishing House.

In the same 2013, the book “The Nanny for the Twins of a Millionaire” reached the final of the national contest “Reader's Choice” and received the prize “Best Book, According to Customers.”

Author Series Lists

The American writer Susan Meyer divides all the books into copyrighted series, for example:

  • The Bryant Brothers.
  • "Cupid Campaign."
  • "Babies on the board of directors."
  • Daddies.

Also related to the content or the main characters, such as "Handmaids", "Texas Families."


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