The most interesting sunset quotes

If you have ever seen a sunset, you probably remembered the incomparable play of colors and the bright sun, which at this time of day can be yellow, and orange, and bright red. In this article we will give you the most famous and beautiful quotes about sunset.

quotes about sunset

About the unforgettable beauty of sunset

Of course, everyone saw the setting sun. Below we have collected the most beautiful sunset quotes for you.

  1. As soon as the sun sets, the very time comes when the lighting and shades of flowers become incredibly beautiful. This effect lasts only a few short seconds when the sun has just set below the horizon, and its long rays continue to illuminate the planet (Robert Waller).
  2. The sunset blazed and went out. And every moment of it seemed like an eternity, despite the fact that the transition from bright red to ashen lasted no more than a few demonic seconds (Mervik Peak).
  3. Do you know what I recently noticed? In Moscow, the sun sets as if a cool samovar had been taken away. In St. Petersburg, it was as if they hid a Peter's coin by the sleeve. In Odessa - itโ€™s like a big-eared ride on a big drum ... And in Astrakhan, for example, the sunset is so beautiful, as if red fish were fried on it. In Arkhangelsk, it was as if they were treated to fish, but nevertheless they carried you by. In Ryazan, itโ€™s like a deck slightly eaten by ants. In Riga - as if they put a pill under the tongue (as the hero of the novel "The Abode" Z. Prilepina says).
  4. In all worlds, this amazing natural phenomenon is almost always bloody, crimson and flooded with beautiful molten gold. There is something alarming and dramatic in the sunset ... A sort of rich funeral of the past day according to all the canons of the classics. But the birth of a new day is soft and quiet. Slightly pinkish, barely perceptible gilding. In the sea of โ€‹โ€‹whiteness, morning is light and gentle, everything inspires hope and joy, drives away darkness without any tension and pressure. And the sacrament is rarely observed: during sunset we do not sleep like owls, but at dawn we dream. Probably, for this reason, there are much fewer optimists in the world than pessimists (Max Dallin).

quotes about sunrise and sunset

About sadness and past time

Sunset is primarily a symbol of the past day and time, which can no longer be returned. Below we have quoted quotes about sunset, which talk about sadness and a lost day.

  1. All sunsets are literally saturated with sadness. And willy-nilly you think that, no matter how many failures in the past day, this day will still remain mine, but now it is leaving forever (Safarli Elchin).
  2. Just move the chair a few steps and you can watch the sunset again. You just need to want it (Antoine de Saint-Exupery).
  3. And then, let's honestly say: how many hours can you enjoy the sunset? Who needs sunset to be eternal? And who needs eternal warmth? Who needs all this endless fragrance? After all, you inevitably get used to it and then just stop noticing. You can admire the sunset for a couple of minutes, and then you want to get distracted by something. That's the way people are, Leo. Have you really forgotten about this? That's why we love sunset time, because it happens only once a day (Ray Bradbury).
  4. Get up at dawn and never forget that the sunset is sure to come when you do not expect it at all ("Tabor goes to heaven").

quotes about sunset and love

Quotes about sunrise and sunset

And by all means, after sunset, night will come, and after it the long-awaited dawn - a symbol of a new beginning, a new day. We have quoted below that you might like:

  1. Everything in the world has its own sunset. But only the night certainly ends with the dawn (Grzhegorchik Vladislav).
  2. Their eyes are full of sunset, and the souls of dawn (Joseph Brodsky).
  3. Sunrises and sunsets are only where you are. Here only dull twilight (Tamara Kryukova).
  4. The gray colors of sunset are so different from the gray twilight, although the colors seem to be the same. But at sunrise, everything seems active, while dark shades are passive. In the evening, ever-increasing darkness is active, and light, on the contrary, is passive (Thomas Hardy).
  5. Yielding to us, the dawn rose. Ashamed of our dawn, the sunset blushed (Henry Oldie).

quotes about summer sunset

Quotes about sunset and love

Undoubtedly, love is a passionate and fiery feeling. And below we have given you quotes about summer sunset and love.

  1. Have you ever noticed that the sunset is much more beautiful if you admire it with your loved one? (Angela Montenegro).
  2. The heart begins to whine during sunset, no matter how beautiful and beautiful it may be (Romain Gary).
  3. A wedding is like a sunset. Have you noticed the romance of the moment? Marriage is like the sea in which the scarlet sun inevitably sets ("Trap for the bride").
  4. When you watch the sunset, I will do it too. After all, it was at sunset that we met with you. I know that someday he will connect us again and forever ("Sentence").

Who else wrote about the sunset

Of course, we did not give you all the quotes about sunset. You will find beautiful references to this unique and wonderful phenomenon by such writers as Irina Samarina, Igor Guberman, Rozbitskaya Natalia, Milli-Adel, Vladislav Grzhegorchik, Arina Shavel, Andrew Frieze, Igor Teryokhin, Karl Gershelman, Robin Sharma, Alexandra Veremeychik, Vladimir Zangiev, Harry Simanovich, Valentina Samot. There are many authors. We hope you enjoyed the quotes about sunset that we cited in this article.


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