The composition "My Pushkin". Composition-reasoning on the topic "My Pushkin" in literature (grade 10)

Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin is a merger of all the most spiritual, dear, original and special that is in the soul of a Russian person. This is truly a national personality, the embodiment of the whole past, present and future. "Pushkin is our everything," as the poet Apollo Grigoriev rightly wrote .

composition my Pushkin

Detailed plan

To successfully write the composition "My Pushkin", you must first draw up a detailed plan. However, for any other topic, a plan is necessary. First of all, an introduction is thought out, which usually consists of several phrases that can introduce the reader to the course: what will be discussed and why, what is the purpose of compiling the entire given text.

Further, when the introduction has already been written, we can start the problem, which will be the main one in the whole composition. The composition "My Pushkin" will be a red thread to conduct, for example, the problem of the significance of a truly national poet in Russia or one that the student considers more important. After the problem is identified with a few detailed phrases, a comment is written on it first on behalf of the poet himself (for example, a quote from the poem "Monument"). Then, in more detail, the author of this study submits his position on this issue.

Case Studies

An essay on the subject “My Pushkin” on literature in this section may consist of an expression of disagreement, consent or partial consent of the student with the disclosure of the role of the poet by the poet himself; there may be a contradictory assessment, and a dual one. For example, regarding the “people's path”, which “will not overgrow”, one can enthusiastically agree, they say, of course, it does not overgrow, citing examples of popular love for Pushkin.

my Pushkin essay grade 10

Or you can start a polemic: "Today, few people understand Pushkin, because among the Pushkin archaisms you can get lost: by God 's command , they accepted , dust , corruption , pite - almost all of Pushkin’s dictionary is not used today." The choice of tonality depends on the views of the writer of the composition "My Pushkin". Instead of the poem "Monument", you can explore any other, even the most textbook (in the lower grades): coachman , sash , on exposure and so on. It is reasonable to complain about how poor the Russian language is and clogged up with foreigners.

Subject Argument

The arguments given at the beginning of the disclosure of the problem should be continued. Usually convincing when reading at least two clearly presented, supported by life or reader experience arguments.

Phrases are best used deployed, well-built. So the main part will be completed, if this is a mini-composition "My Pushkin". If a more detailed essay is required, one must continue to argue, disclosing the problem more broadly or adding others to it.

an essay on the topic my Pushkin grade 10

It is necessary to outline the Pushkin theme that is closest to the student: whether it is friendship, love and other relationships, or civic pathos. It is imperative to identify the genres that are loved by the one who writes this essay-argument "My Pushkin" - lyrics, fairy tales, dramaturgy, or he generally loves prose, which the poet is no less beautiful.

Conclusions and Conclusion

In the last part, an essay usually sums up: for the sake of what topics were raised, problems were revealed, controversy was started. Here “My Pushkin” is an essay on literature, so the student needs to identify his attitude to the work and life path of the great poet: how Pushkin’s works influenced the author of the lines, what they taught, what they repelled, if this happened, etc.

After the conclusions made, a conclusion follows, giving the whole composition a finished look. It usually consists of several detailed phrases aimed at completing the entire topic.

Secrets of a good start

To preface the essay "My Pushkin" with a small informational introduction, which tells about the life and work of the poet, means to start the research in a classical, correct way. For example: "Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin is the creator of the modern Russian language, a true master of a truly artistic word, in which inexhaustible love of life is adjacent to a pronounced civic position, which is especially close to his work." It is logical to confirm this statement with a carefully selected quote.

my pushkin essay on literature

Does the essay on the theme “My Pushkin” begin class 10 with abstract concepts? The answer is yes. This can be done in an adult way. The main thing here is that abstract concepts must necessarily be related to Pushkin. For example: "Friendship, love, fidelity, mutual assistance, compassion - these moral concepts are a litmus test characterize a human person. In his work, the main poet of Russia was guided by this very postulate." Further, it is quite appropriate to give a quote again.

Questions and Reflections

An essay on the theme “My Pushkin”, grade 10, may also begin with rhetorical questions that inevitably lead to the topic or main idea of ​​the study. For example: "How is it possible in our terrible age with such terrible hearts to arouse good feelings with a lyre? Who will be able to foresee the path of his own genius, with villainy incompatible? What is the difference between a swinger from a libertine? Each reader must have thought about this over the poems of A. Pushkin."

essay reasoning my Pushkin

And you can immediately start with your own thoughts on the topic "My Pushkin." Composition 10 class should already write boldly. For example: "It always seemed surprising to me how Pushkin managed to explain to mankind such complicated moral concepts as faith, happiness, hope, friendship, love of the motherland ... Everyone is looking for, for example, love or happiness from the beginning to the end of the century but few could explain what they are looking for. Pushkin did it more clearly than anyone else. In any case, I reread it not because I didn’t understand something, but because I agree with the poet. And he expressed this opinion most right, simplest and most beautiful with by fishing. I wouldn’t be able to. "

Fragmentation and Integrity

To write on such a fertile topic as "My Pushkin", an essay of grade 10 can be done according to any plan, the main thing is to compose it all the same. And it should be remembered that, dividing the plan of the essay into subparagraphs, one must keep in mind the merging of these fragments as they are written. It is bad if the thought goes in a circle - it means that the plan has gone out of control. However, “ringing” the composition with a single thought is worth a lot: the completeness of the entire construction appears.

When making a plan, we must not forget about the main stages of the path along which the thought of a tenth grader will run. Each microtext in a fragment - a paragraph or several - must fully correspond to this point of the plan, without leaving the rails of a single thought that the composition carries. On the subject of “My Pushkin” you can collect as much homogeneous material as you like, since each line of the great poet has several volumes of all kinds of research.

Some Planning Tips

It’s best to write the plan in full, that is, instead of simple names (introduction, main part, conclusion), not even separate words or phrases are needed - “me and Pushkin” or “life and work”, but the quintessence of the topic, which will be conveniently disclosed. For example, instead of the introduction, “Light and Shadows of Pushkin’s Time”. You can’t get carried away too, making up an extensive proposal, which in itself is a complete thought. The most important thing here is the convenience for further writing the essay.

mini composition my Pushkin

The plan is needed in order to inform the student about the structure of the work, about the content of each part and the entire composition as a whole. The introduction introduces thematically the main idea, gives a tone to the narrative, outlines the circle of problems. The main part already reveals each capsule of questions, presents evidence of all the points put forward. The conclusion sums up all the results, draws final conclusions and puts assessments.

Rough plan

I. Pushkin and monuments to him.
II. Walking in Pushkin places: biography and creativity. Connections with modernity, as I see them.

a) Tsarskoye Selo, the beginning of the friendship of lyceum students.

b) Decembrists: even during separation, friendship does not end. Relations with the king.

c) Boldinskaya autumn, the love of nature, which I saw through his eyes. Comprehension of life, love and friendship. "Little tragedies." "Eugene Onegin". "Belkin's story." Poems.

d) "Captain's daughter" and the story of Pugachev. There are no absolute villains among the characters! Christian love for all people. Dmitriev, who prompted the plot and became the prototype of Grinev.

III. Pushkin is alive in the works that I re-read. The relevance of Pushkin.

an essay on the topic of my Pushkin on literature

Very many could repeat the Tsvetaevo phrase - “My Pushkin”. First of all, because for almost all people from any time in his writings he appears as a friend. I.D. Yakushkin said about his curly-haired comrade that any competent warrant officer in the army knows Pushkin's revolutionary poems. Yakushkin was a Decembrist, Pushkin - no. But friendship is above all. Belinsky, on the contrary, considered the poet to be the greatest humanist and kind of unusually loving. Both are right.


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