How to bring out the Dragon Sunflower in the game "Dragon Mania". Complete game instructions

The modern gaming industry offers its fans a wide selection of different "virtual farms", each of which is distinguished by its plot and features, and deserves due attention. But in this short review, we’ll talk about a project called Dragon Mania. This mobile application created for Android devices allows you to plunge into the magical world of majestic and flying creatures. Next, you will find a small description of the game, as well as the disclosure of some secrets, for example, you will learn how to bring out the Dragon Sunflower in the game "Dragon Mania".

how to bring out a sunflower dragon in a dragon mania game

Description of the mobile application

Before we learn how to bring out the Dragon of the Sunflower in the game "Dragon Mania", let's understand the plot of this adventure. According to the scenario, you find yourself on a magical island inhabited by these majestic animals, precisely at the moment when the chief guardian of this place - Professor Hogwin, is captured by the evil Vikings. This race of warriors has been sharpening its teeth on Dragons for a long time and wants to wipe them off the face of the earth. And you become the only hope of salvation for these sweet and intelligent creatures.

dragon mania legend game how to bring out the dragon sunflower

In order to attack the Viking settlement, you will need to create a powerful and powerful army consisting of fighting Dragons. And for this it will be necessary to build premises for housing, as well as mines for the extraction of resources and other useful buildings. In general, for "farm enthusiasts" everything will be clear. Each building will increase the level of protection of your settlement, which will allow you to fight back from the raids of aggressive neighbors, while you are engaged in breeding fighting dragons.

Variety of creatures

The game has more than fifty types of dragons, each of which has its own characteristics, and the main purpose of the application is to breed new creatures by crossing them. At the same time, it depends on your level how strong and powerful dragons you can create on your farm. And on their characteristics depends on success in battles with the Vikings or other players. In addition, the welfare of the economy depends on the number and variety of your Dragons, because each individual brings you a certain profit in the form of crystals that can be spent both for buying new creatures and for pumping and speeding up buildings. Now let's figure out how to bring out the Dragon Sunflower or any other species. To do this, we need to understand a process such as crossbreeding. He will be discussed in the next block.

Dragon Mania Game: Crossbreeding

First of all, you will need two adult creatures from the fourth level, with those indicators and characteristics that will allow you to grow the desired type of Dragon. Further, parents need to be placed in a special building - Nests, where they will spend some time necessary to create an egg. This is a fundamental rule for breeding creatures, including how to bring out the Sunflower dragon in the Dragon Mania game. The time for crossing individuals depends on their rarity, as well as on the element to which they belong. And the more powerful the creature that you want to get, the longer his parents will stay in Nests.

how to bring out a dragon sunflower

After some time, you will be able to pick up the egg, but this is not the end stage of the breeding of the dragon. After all, now you need to transfer it to the Incubator, where it will remain until the dragon hatches from it. After this, the baby must be transferred to a building suitable for him according to the elements, and to engage in its cultivation and education.

The game "Legends: Dragon Mania." How to Bring a Dragon Sunflower

This creature is rare, and in order to create it, you need to get some extraordinary individuals. The first option is to merge dragons with the nickname Bee and Leaf, the second - with the names Boiling and Tree, the third - with the names Faun and Lava. Each of these species is not "elemental", so they will also have to be mined.

dragon mania game
After you get the right parents, you will need to move them to Gnezdovye, and leave them in this building for 12 hours. After this time, take the obtained egg and transfer it to the incubator, where it will remain for almost 17 hours to β€œripen”. After this, it is necessary to pick up the hatched "chick" and move it to a building that is suitable for the elements, and there it is already possible to take care of its rearing and upbringing. This concludes our review of how to bring out the Sunflower dragon in the Dragon Mania game, and we wish you every success in breeding these magnificent creatures.


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