The substrate for the orchid. Coconut substrate in briquettes

A beautiful plant orchid pleases with its beauty and exoticism. This flower was brought from Europe, and it immediately won the hearts of beauty connoisseurs. Orchid cultivation is not too troublesome, despite the unusual nature of the plant. However, inept care can lead to the death of the flower. What is the problem? It is known that the orchid is unpretentious for watering. The main feature of its breeding is the selection of soil. The substrate for the orchid must be special. Its incorrect consistency is a common cause of death of this magnificent flower.

Where do orchids grow?

The soil for the orchid must be selected depending on the type of plant. Even the finished mixture, which is sold in stores, is not suitable for every flower. It is necessary to select individual types of substrates in each case. The main requirements for the soil are lightness, moisture capacity, breathability and friability. The tropical climate is native to orchids. In nature, they grow in high humidity, clinging to branches and trunks.

Substrate for orchids
Plants feed on dead bark and plant debris in cracks. Algae and moss coexist with these plants. This is the most optimal environment for the good development of orchids. It is impossible to create such a harmony at home , but it is necessary to bring the environment as close to natural as possible. This is especially true for soil.

Substrate Features

The substrate for plants is very diverse. Each type of flower requires its own conditions for full growth and development. Orchid is no exception and even requires a special soil composition. For this plant, ordinary fertile land is not suitable and can lead to its death. The most common mistake of gardeners is an improperly selected substrate for an orchid. What gardeners have not tried to create comfortable conditions for the growth of this flower. The earth was mixed with straw and even synthetic fibers.

Coconut substrate in briquettes
To date, a certain list of components that are suitable for the formation of the substrate has already been formed. The main uses are wood bark, fern roots, charcoal, sphagnum moss, leafy ground, polystyrene, perlite, horse peat and coconut fiber. These are the most common components. A popular and affordable component is pine bark. The substrate for the orchid can be purchased at the store or prepared independently.

Orchid transplant

When a plant shows signs of a lack of nutrients: the leaves dry, the color changes and there are no peduncles, you should think about transplanting it. If you have a greenhouse, you can transplant at any time, even during the formation of flowers. If the whole process of adaptation will take place on the windowsill, it is better to wait until the flowering ends. During the rest period, the transplant will be more successful. The roots of the plant are very tightly attached to the walls of the pot. Therefore, it is necessary to wet the soil of the flower well and after 15 minutes it is easy to pull it out. Orchid roots can be pruned depending on the size of the new pot. We replace the old substrate with a new one and plant a flower. It is better to strengthen it by putting a stick, until the plant takes root.

Pine bark

One of the most important components that make up the substrate is the pine bark. The structural features of the roots require high aeration and excellent access to moisture. Therefore, the substrate for the orchid should perfectly cope with these tasks. The basis of the soil may be the bark of oak, spruce, birch and deciduous trees. It can be purchased at the store or assembled by yourself. The cortex contains microorganisms that decompose it and are activators of the development of mycelium. It provides free access of oxygen to the roots.

Types of Substrates
But do not forget that the components of the crust to a large extent absorb nitrogen. The plant begins to lack this component and needs additional nutrition. The acidic environment of this element reacts with the alkaline medium of water and makes the soil neutral.

How to prepare bark?

You should choose the bark of middle-aged trees. They should not be too old or young. The bark should be free of mold, tar or other foreign impurities. For greater safety, you can boil it, and then dry it. Then this component is cut into pieces, the size of which depends on the age of the plant and its dimensions. For small plants, the size of the fragments should be no more than a hazelnut, and for large plants - no more than a walnut.

Substrate Components

The substrate for seedlings and orchid cultivation may include various components. Firstly, it is a pine bark. A frequent component of the soil is also charcoal. It can be taken from a fire, where coals are completely burnt out. The amount of this component should not be large. It has the ability to accumulate salt, which adversely affects the growth of the plant. For young orchids, sphagnum moss is one of the components of the substrate. It needs to be changed at least once a year. Before use, moss must be soaked in water for a day to get rid of insects.

Coconut substrate price
Peat is very often introduced into the composition of the soil for planting orchids. Its structure should be fibrous and contain a minimum amount of salts. Its direct task is to retain moisture in the soil. Sometimes, fern roots are added to the substrate for orchids. For this, adult plants are better suited. With self-preparation of the soil, it is necessary to carefully steam all the components to avoid the ingress of fungi and bacteria. You should always remember that the composition of the substrate depends on the type of orchid.


Today, for many gardeners, a coconut substrate for orchids has become available. This is an organic component that is made from the shell of a coconut and its outer skin. The shell is thoroughly washed, sterilized, dried well and pressed.

Coconut substrate for orchids
This makes fiber transport more convenient. Coconut substrate is sold in briquettes. This is an excellent environment for the good growth and development of orchids and some other plants. After soaking, the coconut substrate retains moisture perfectly.

What is a coconut block?

What is a coconut substrate in briquettes? This is a pressed block, usually measuring 30 centimeters in length and width and 15 centimeters in height. Its weight is about 4.5 kg. One such block when soaked gives about 15 liters of substrate.

Substrate for plants
It can be used both independently, for growing a plant, and in combination with other components for preparing soil with a specific composition. The fiber particles in the blocks can be of different sizes. Therefore, it is necessary to select them depending on the requirements of plants for oxygen and moisture capacity. Coconut blocks are ideal for growing orchids. They are composed of organic matter and have excellent drainage.

Coconut Fiber Benefits

Today, in almost every specialized store you can buy coconut substrate. Its price ranges from 200 to 450 rubles per block. The advantages of this component are obvious. Firstly, it is a completely organic medium. Secondly, it has excellent breathability, which is especially important for orchids. The third advantage is the high moisture capacity. Coconut substrate is able to retain moisture 7 times its own weight.

Seedling substrate
The microflora of this component is not pathogenic. It is safe and free of chemical additives. It is an environmentally friendly product. Coconut substrate has a neutral environment, which is ideal not only for orchids, but also for many other plants. It is an ideal material for hydroponic cultivation. This component is an ideal environment for the development of the root system. Coconut substrate can be used repeatedly. It is suitable for growing orchids, gerberas, tomatoes, anthurium, peppers, cucumbers and many other plants.


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