How to claim your inheritance rights

Every competent person knows that any property has its owner. Among the owners are the state, commercial structures, public organizations and citizens. Each of them has the opportunity to get one or another object into their property. Very often, a change of ownership occurs after the death of a particular person. This person leaves behind certain material values. The list of such values ​​includes:

  • Houses and apartments;
  • Land plots;
  • Products from precious metals.

The list of property that the testator left behind can be continued. But this is not a feature of the situation. The heirs, as a rule, are interested in the question of who will get this or that share of the accumulated property. For those who want to quickly understand the situation, it acts free legal advice by phone . For a long time the procedure for registration of the inheritance worked out to the smallest detail and lawyers are well versed in it. Heirs only need to clearly follow the required sequence of actions.

The first and main action is a visit to a notary. Choose a notary public at the place of registration of the testator or at the location of the inherited property. In this case, we are talking about real estate or land. The notary accepts a statement from the heir in the prescribed form and opens a hereditary case. In this context, it is important to note that the application must be submitted within six months after the death of the testator. If this period is violated, all of their inheritance rights will have to be proved in court.

Succession order

In accordance with applicable laws and regulations, the owner of the property has the right to bequeath it to any persons and organizations at his discretion. A will is executed in the presence of a notary and is kept with him. The content of this document is a secret, for the disclosure of which there is a corresponding liability. It should be emphasized that the testator has the right at any time to amend his will or completely change it. Heirs need to know about this.

In the event that the testator did not leave a will, his property shall be inherited in accordance with the norms established by the Law. The circle of people who are entitled to claim the remaining property is clearly defined. There are eight levels of relatives, dependents and brother-in-law who can be considered potential heirs. Suffice it to say that the first line includes children, parents and spouses. With all this, any of them will have to deal with the design of the mandatory package of documents in full.


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