Raspberry variety Bryansk divo: description, planting, care, reproduction

In a garden or summer cottage, I want to plant as many plants as possible, which will not only please the eye, but also indulge in sweet and tasty fruits. Among the ornamental shrubs, raspberries are especially popular among gardeners. Everybody loves its fragrant and, moreover, healing berries. Raspberries are often used for harvesting for the winter, in cooking and baking. Thanks to the selection work, it became possible to plant beautiful, disease-resistant shrubs with high productivity. The raspberry variety Bryansk divo, the description of which is offered here, is one of them.

What is raspberry

This plant belongs to the shrubs. Its upper part is annual or biennial. In contrast, raspberry roots are perennial. Raspberries blooms from May to June, and after 3-5 weeks the fruits ripen. The plant begins to bear fruit from the age of two. A special type of raspberry is a remontant. Her fruits appear in the first year of growth.

Raspberry variety Bryansk divo description

Such raspberries produce several crops in a year. Another feature of remont raspberry is frost resistance. These plants can tolerate up to 4 degrees of frost. There are many varieties of raspberries that differ in climatic conditions, shoot height, fruit size and ripening time. Raspberry Bryansk divo, the description of the variety, the reproduction, care and planting of which we will consider later, is very popular among gardeners.

Bryansk divo

This raspberry variety is a shrub with thick or medium shoots with spikes. The height of the bush can reach 1.8 meters. The total number of raspberry shoots Bryansk divo can reach 5-7 pieces.

How to plant raspberries

This variety can be called compact. About a meter of shoot length is a fruiting zone. The raspberry variety Bryansk divo, the description of which is proposed here, requires a garter so that branches with fruits do not fall to the ground. Moreover, in this form, the bush grows very carefully and does not take up much space.


I would also like to say about the fruits of this plant. The raspberry variety Bryansk divo, the description of which should begin with its beautiful berries, is characterized by high productivity. The berries of the plant have an elongated conical shape. They are very beautiful and large (up to 5-6 grams). In addition to the external advantages, the fruits also have a great taste. Delicate aroma will add any note to any dish. The fruits have a beautiful crimson color.

Raspberries when to plant

They are medium-dense and easily detachable from the peduncle. Knots are formed on the shoots of raspberry, from which two fruit branches can grow. That is why the raspberry variety Bryansk divo, the description of which will be a good help to gardeners, is characterized by high productivity. The first fruits begin to ripen in mid-August. Yield from the bush can reach 3 kilograms per year.


Raspberry bushes Bryansk divo have moderate resistance to disease. If you plant a plant in a shady, damp place, then in rainy weather the appearance of fungal diseases is possible. Raspberry bushes should be planted at a distance from each other. In the case of thickening of landings, the appearance of diseases is possible. Therefore, raspberries should be thinned, cleaned of grass and provide the plant with a sufficient amount of sun.

Bryansk diva landing depth

The application of nitrogen fertilizers and mullein should be carried out with caution. It is better to use complex preparations to prevent infection of the plant, since organic fertilizers can be a source of pests and pathogenic microflora.


What other features does raspberry Bryansk divo have? The planting depth of the plant is 15-20 centimeters, depending on the size of the root system. Only healthy seedlings should be selected, without damage and obvious signs of the disease. It is better to purchase seed in specialized stores. Many people ask: what raspberry is when to plant it? It is best to do this in the fall.

Raspberry Bryansk divo variety description propagation
For large areas, a tape landing is recommended. In this case, a distance of 1.5-2 meters is left in the row-spacing, and 1 meter between the bushes. Garter remontant raspberries required. This will not only save the shoots, but also save the harvest. This is especially true in bad weather. The lower tiers do not rot, and there is no risk of disease, the berries remain clean and do not rot. For a higher harvest, it is recommended to pick off the lower branches with buds before flowering. Before planting raspberries, you can make complex fertilizers at the rate of 10-15 grams per square meter of land. It is also recommended to add wood ash (a liter jar), humus or peat to the planting hole.

Landing place

For planting raspberries, the Bryansk Divo is better to choose sunny areas with enough heat. The plant does not like drafts, so the sunny side of the southern part of the building will be ideal. Lack of sun and heat leads to crop loss and disease. All agrotechnical methods associated with warming the soil for this raspberry will be beneficial. They contribute to the rapid growth of the plant, early ripening of fruits and abundant harvests.

Watering and feeding

This plant can not be called very whimsical. It requires minimal agro-technical measures related to watering and top dressing. If you want to get a rich harvest of juicy berries, then provide raspberries with a sufficient amount of moisture. Drying of the soil should not be allowed.

Raspberry bushes

Drought leads to lower yields. Berries become small or not ripen at all. Repairing varieties require regular feeding. Fertilizers should be applied at the beginning of the season (May-June). For this, liquid fertilizers are best suited. They are brought in every two weeks.

Seasonal Care

Each season requires a certain type of work. In spring, you should prune the bushes. We remove weak and sick shoots, leaving only the strongest. Pruning is carried out 5 centimeters below the soil level. During the summer period, it is necessary to remove emerging shoots. No need to make the landing too thick. Leave only 5-6 strong shoots. In this case, the berries will be large and ripen quickly.

In the fall, the bush gives the most delicious fruits. They are less prone to decay, tolerate transportation well and have better taste. It is better to harvest at intervals of 4-5 days. Raspberry bears fruit until the frost. In the autumn, before the onset of frost, all shoots are cut to the ground. Then the soil around the plant is loosened, fertilized and mulched. You can fill the roots of the plant with manure or sawdust.

Landing Features

To ensure a high harvest of raspberries, you should know some of the subtleties of planting. First, potato, eggplant, tomatoes, or other raspberry varieties should not be allowed to be the precursor of raspberries. Therefore, before you plant it, carefully consider the place. Only after seven years you can return the bushes of this plant to its original place. Raspberry roots secrete a caustic substance that is detrimental to young shoots.

raspberries cuttings

Although the shrub does not like drought, excess moisture will be harmful to it. For planting, you need to choose seedlings with a good root and aerial parts of at least 30 centimeters. But it should be noted that raspberries are very unpretentious. When to plant this plant? In spring or fall.

Raspberry propagation

It is not worth waiting for a lot of shoots from repair raspberries. This makes reproduction a little difficult. Therefore, for the formation of a larger number of cuttings, the shoots that appeared in the early spring in the bushes of two years of age should be cut. After this, the plant will have many root shoots that can be planted in a new place. Raspberry cuttings propagate very well. It is better to take shoots that have reached a height of 5 centimeters. Longer sprouts take root worse. Before planting raspberries, you should prepare a hole. Then they carefully dig up the stalk and transfer it with a lump of earth to a new place. Next year, the young plant will already give the first crop of delicious berries.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25980/

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