Geyser: filter, cartridges. Review, replacement features and reviews. Geyser 3 (water filters): replacing cartridges

If you are interested in the Geyser brand, you can purchase a filter and cartridges from this manufacturer in the store. Such devices are reliable and convenient, as well as easy to use, which is why even a child can use the device, because for this it will be enough to open the cold water tap. The filter housing is so strong that it can undergo pressure, which is 6 times higher than the working one. This part of the filter is made of food-grade plastic, which is completely harmless to human health.

Before purchasing such equipment, you need to think about whether you will use the device constantly or if there is a need for periodic use of the device. If we are talking about the latter option, then such filters are not suitable, since inaction can lead to excessive microbial formation and drying out of the internal components of the cartridges. Among other things, it is very important to choose the right replacement parts, only in this case, the water treatment will be most effective. Some consumers use the services of laboratories in which it is possible to determine the chemical composition of tap water.

Filter description

geyser filter cartridges

The products of the Geyser company are very popular today, the filter and cartridges of this company purify water quite well, which is why they are so common among consumers. With their help, it is possible to purify running water from harmful impurities, suspended particles, heavy radioactive metals, chlorine, and organic compounds. Water will be rid of excess salts. The liquid coming from the water supply system will undergo 3 degrees of purification, the user will be able to receive 3 liters of water at the outlet in one minute.

The Geyser water filter, the replacement of cartridges of which will be needed after some time, is designed for 7000 liters. The system will be able to handle the filtering of foreign particles whose size is 5 microns or more. 3 cartridges are supplied, and the weight of the device is 3.94 kilograms. Height, width and depth are 31x39x14 centimeters respectively.

Filter Features Overview

geyser 3 water filters cartridge replacement

On sale today are presented in a large assortment of products of the Geyser company, you can purchase a filter, water cartridges from this manufacturer at an affordable cost. For the device to work, an inlet pressure will be required, which varies from 0.5 to 8 atmospheres. Water temperature should not exceed +40 degrees. The minimum filtration rate is 1.5 liters per minute, therefore, such a device can be used both for the family and for one person.

Overview of Soft Water Cartridges

geyser filter 3 cartridge replacement

Today, more and more consumers prefer Geyser products, filters, cartridges from this manufacturer can be bought and enjoy clean and clear water. You can select replacement elements for the filter depending on the quality of the water. For example, for a soft one, a polypropylene module is excellent, which provides mechanical filtration. With it, you can rid the water of sand and rust, which are insoluble particles. There is also a calcium dispenser called Aragon-M. With its help it is possible to provide quasi-softening, remove stiffness salts according to the classical mechanism. For soft water, โ€œCarbon blockโ€ is also suitable, which copes with organic compounds, phenol, unpleasant taste and smell.

High Hardness Water Cartridge Reviews

water filter geyser cartridge replacement

If you purchased the described system for water purification, then you will need cartridges for the Geyser-3 filter. Among others, you will find Aragon-2, which is intended for water with a high content of hardness salts. According to users, this cartridge is a combined action device that can purify both cold and hot water.

The exchangeable element has a very complex structure, based on ion exchange and the sorption mechanism. This system has the ability to retain fine-grained mechanical particles, coping with chemical impurities. Consumers especially like the fact that the interchangeable element contains silver in a metallic form, which is necessary to prevent the emergence and reproduction of microorganisms.

BA cartridge overview

geyser filter cartridge cleaning

When choosing cartridges for Geyser-3 water filters, you should find out what quality water has in the water supply system of your home. If it is characterized by a high iron content, then you can select the aforementioned cartridge, which is used in everyday life to purify water from dissolved iron. Such replaceable elements can be operated at a temperature of 4 to 40 degrees, their productivity is 2 liters per minute, and the resource with a content of dissolved iron in the amount of 1 milligram per liter is 2000 liters or less. The height of such cartridges is 10 inches, while the diameter is equivalent to 73 millimeters.

Cartridge replacement recommendations

geyser filter cartridges 3

If you have installed Geyser-3 (water filters), you will need to replace the cartridges after some time. After the filter has been removed from the package, you should get rid of the transport plugs, you must press the plastic ring with the end of a screwdriver, then the plug can be removed without effort. At the stage of installing the filter, experts recommend mounting it in a place convenient for operation and replacing cartridges.

In order to make it comfortable to change the consumables, the system must be fixed 15 centimeters from the floor surface. For those consumers who have Geyser-3 (water filters), the cartridges must be replaced as they become dirty. If you decide to do such work yourself, you must shut off the water at the outlet.

After that, the master opens the tap for clean water, which will allow to relieve pressure in the system. The filter flask is unscrewed using a special key that comes with the kit. After that, you can begin to change the appropriate cartridge. Experts advise lubricating the o-ring before reinstalling, for this you should use food grade silicone or petroleum jelly, which should not be confused with sealant. Once the flask is in place, it must be tightened with a wrench. You can open the outlet water to check how tight the system is.

Mineralizer replacement

geyser 3 water filter cartridges

The wizard will have to unwind the flask with the key that comes with the delivery, which will allow you to remove the cartridge. Water is poured out of it, then the plug is removed using a key specially designed for this, and after that you can withdraw the bet. It is inserted into a new cartridge. The master must remove the cover of the new dispenser, insert it so that the open side is facing up.

The bottom plug must be fully installed. At the next stage, the filter is assembled in the reverse order; it must be rinsed for several minutes before use. If you purchased the Geyser-3 filter not so long ago, you can replace the cartridges yourself. For this, it is not necessary to use the help of specialists.

Cartridge regeneration "Aragon"

The cartridge can be cleaned for future use, if we are talking about a replaceable element "Aragon". The work is carried out in several stages, at the first the second case is untwisted using a special key, and after that the cartridge is removed, water should be drained from it, and then the bottom plug should be unscrewed. This is the uniqueness of these cleaning systems. For a certain time after regeneration, it will be possible to use the Geyser filter. Cartridge cleaning allows this. The outer surface of the cartridge is cleaned with a jet of water, and then installed in place.


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