Who counter Void? "Dota 2": guides

Our guide to Void collected all the useful information about one of the strongest characters in the game "Dota 2". A few years ago he was considered a top fighter, but now his situation has changed a bit. Despite this, Void from Dota 2 is still a very strong and interesting character.

who counter void

He has all the abilities of a winner: a blink that restores hp, bash, debuff and AOE-canceller. You should not trust players who believe that Faceless has come to an end - he can still give odds to many modern fighters. Hardcore Log-in against Keri has no significant differences, so the tips collected in our guide should be suitable for both styles of play.

Faceless History

Even before the Earth appeared, before the first life arose, he was. No one knows what served as his appearance and where he came from, but rumor has it that time itself took on the role of its creator. Faceless Void - that's what he is called. No one knows why he decided to become participants in the battles of our reality.

Legend has it that it all began with a vision that visited Void. He was shown a changing world, his universe Klaszurim, which turned into nothing and disappeared into the void. The hero tried to find out about this vision to stop the impending threat. The ancient sages, who stood guard over each temporary grain of sand, shared with the Faceless secrets of the dark moon and two stones of Nemesis. At that moment, Void realized what he needed to do. Since the stones could not coexist for a long time, one of them had to destroy the other sooner or later. The faceless decided to be on the side of the winner, so he went to Earth.

Advantages and disadvantages

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Among the advantages of the character, the following abilities can be noted:

  • The ability to quickly escape.
  • AOE canceller.
  • Good performance in the later stages of the game.
  • The presence of a good starting damage.
  • Has a good animation of all attacks.

And finally, a little about the cons:

  • Abilities depend on artifacts.
  • Bad performance in the initial stages of the game.
  • The Dome ability has an effect on other team members.


The hero has the following skills:

  1. Walk in Time. The character moves in space to any selected point and at the same time replenishes his health. Will not stand against the "Ice Charge".
  2. Expansion in Time. Suitable as a good counter against nukers. Activating the ability freezes the cooldown of skills and simultaneously slows down the movement of the enemy. Suitable for escape.
  3. Temporary Castle. Bash without reloading. In theory, it can completely disable any opponent.
  4. Chronosphere. Good enough control for Void in DotA 2. With the correct formulation and implementation, it can disable several opponents at once.

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Build skills

On the liner, it is advisable to stock up on the Chronosphere and several artifacts - without them, Void will not be able to show a decent game. With the help of "Walk in Time" the hero will be able to speed up his movement, as well as stay alive in collisions with larger players. It is very important to start pumping at an early stage in order to get a minimum CD.

After that, you can proceed to the "Temporary Castle". This bash is useful during various farming.

As for the "Expansion in Time", then with this skill you can wait, at least until the later stages of the game. Especially useful during team battles.

Talents by Level

  • At level 10. Thanks to the accelerated attack, you can increase the farm speed of key items. At the same time, the killings at the Chronosphere will also take place in accelerated mode. Survival rate depends on a large amount of dexterity and ability.
  • At level 15. Armor is, of course, good, but do not forget to use the Chronosphere. We try not to play the role of a tank, but act from afar.
  • At level 20. For one effect we are given about one hundred and twenty units of gold. We stock up on health and increase survival rates.
  • At level 25. If the enemy team has a lot of physical damage, then you should take the ability to evade. Alternatively, instead, you can choose the doubled range of "Walking in Time". As a result, we will become the owners of a full blink with a small recharge, which is almost impossible to bring down.

Early Procurement and Artifacts for the Early Stage of the Game

We continue our guide to Void and go to the items that he uses on the battlefield. Everything is purely individual here, so we decided to offer one pretty good option for the starting game:

1. Power Treads. One of the best boots for Void. Together with them, an additional attack, armor is given, and the damage done to the enemy is also increased.

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2. The Magic Wand. Faceless practically does not give in to physical attacks. It will also come in handy if we play for the opposite team and Void's counter.

3. The Mask of Madness. One of the cheapest and most affordable items available for quick farming. Works well in tandem with the Chronosphere.

Additional artifacts worth paying attention to are: "The Blade of Pacification", "Sphere with Poison", "Charged Drop" and "Iron Claw".

Main subjects

Next, we work on the effective implementation of the Chronosphere, agility and speed:

  • Manta Style. With this artifact, both good farming and pushing are possible. However, the main advantage is its tandem with the Mask of Madness - with their help, the speed of killings at the Chronosphere increases.
  • Scattering Blade. We use the "Chronosphere" at the very beginning of the battle and take the mana from the enemy.
  • Mjolnir. Due to the high attack speed, we collect bash and burn enemy mana.
  • Scepter of Aghanim. Standardly, the ult is recharged in 110 seconds. With the help of the "Scepter of Aghanim" we can significantly reduce cd.
  • The Black King . Helps to escape from pursuers during the chase or use the ult.
  • Butterfly. It is used if the enemy team has a lot of physical damage and they do not have MBK.

Dota Guides

Most of these artifacts have an increase in dexterity, and Void also receives extra points of damage, speed and defense. This alignment gives an advantage not only during the use of the Chronosphere, but also with ordinary skirmishes. If Void does not participate in direct clashes, then the "Scepter of Aghanim" can be replaced with something else.

Artifacts by situation

Now we turn to the consideration of the subject, which can be found in other guides on the "DotA". Each of them is somehow quite popular with players.

  • The offering of Vladimir. A very famous subject among the community. Almost always used during team battles, but does not have any other bonuses.
  • Hand of Midas. It is a kind of alternative to the "Mask of Madness". We get not only additional gold, but also an increase in attack speed.
  • Echo Saber. As many Dota guides advise, this item is suitable not only for farming or ults, but also for ordinary fights.
  • Linken Sphere. It is useful if the enemy team has powerful directional spells or strong passive attacks.
  • Monkey King. In addition to the fact that the artifact has one hundred percent accuracy, it also gives an additional bash.
  • Wrath of the Battle. Perhaps no one will remember this subject now, but in vain. A great alternative to purchase instead of Mielnir. Increases pharming speed, but has no power against champions.
  • Daedalus. It gives pure damage. Suitable for tank tactics in Dota 2, which, however, is not very recommended.
  • Travel Shoes. We recommend that you look at different shoes from time to time. Power Treads have a too low movement speed, so they can be changed to Travel Boots.

dota 2 tactics

Who counter Void

The next part of the article should help those who are in a team that plays against Faceless. The main question that arises in such a situation is who should counter Void? To understand which of the characters is able to fight back, you need to turn to the strengths and weaknesses of the Faceless:

  • Chronosphere . Despite the enemy slowing down, shells, disables and silences can still pass. Choose a Demon of Shadow, a Vengeful Spirit, or Pooja.
  • Healing from "Walking Through Time". The heroes that interfere with the restoration of HP can be Cauldre or the looter Terrorblade.
  • Protection. Despite the fact that Void from Dota 2 has good armor, his hp level is not so good. It is worth choosing characters who can inflict additional damage on protection: these are Slardar, Alchemist, Leshrak, Spirit of the Storm and others.
  • And finally, who can counter Void if he can only deal physical damage? In this case, it is worth taking a closer look at characters with good protection and frequent ivading: these are the Phantom Killer, the Wave Hunter, the Dragon Knight and others.

Who else can fight back?

Having dealt with the question "who should counter Void", we can safely proceed to the next, final chapter of our guide. So, against whom is it better to put Faceless Void? He will be very strong in the battle with characters who do not have any silences or disables. Skinny opponents with weak defense will also not be in a favorable position.

counter void

Those who use invisibility lose their ability in the Chronosphere, and heroes with blink suffer from Expansion in Time. Among such characters, Medusa, Slark, Life Thief, Witch Doctor, Queen of Pain, Juggernaut and others are especially noted.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E2599/

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