State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics (Kaluga): description, mode of operation, cost of visiting. Cosmonautics Museum (Kaluga): reviews

Kaluga residents believe that their land gave impetus to the development of nuclear energy and space exploration. The museum, which Kaluga can be proud of, is located in this city. The building, under the dome of which unique exhibits telling about the history of astronautics are collected, began to be built in 1936. The first completed part of the future complex was the K.E. Tsiolkovsky.

Then the war began. For some time, Kaluga forgot about the complex. The construction of the cosmonautics museum continued after 1945. Very soon, on the steep bank of the Yachenka River, a modern building spectacularly grew in the park, in which exhibits from different times were carefully collected.

Museum construction

In 1957, an artificial Earth satellite was launched into orbit. He opened a new page in the history of mankind. Two years later, the largest Soviet scientists published a letter. It stated that it was necessary to build a complex in which jet equipment would be assembled. In 1960, it was decided to create such a space center. The museum, which Kaluga began to erect immediately, was created after considering more than 230 works of architects. The authors of the project, which was accepted, received the State Prize of the RSFSR. In 1961, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was invited to lay the first stone. He took the trowel in his hands, drew a coin from his pocket, showed it to the people who surrounded him tightly. With a smile on his face, he put a penny under the ancient tradition under the first brick.

astronautics museum kaluga
And then he began to quickly lay one brick after another. It turned out that he masterfully owns a trowel. Finally, the astronaut straightened up, handed the tool over to the builders and raised his hands, greeting the crowd. Kaluga enthusiastically answered him with a storm of applause. So, the world's first astronaut laid the foundation on which the museum of the history of cosmonautics was later built. Kaluga in 1967 in a solemn atmosphere opened its doors to the first visitors. The astronaut A.G. arrived at the opening. Nikolaev, who spoke at the rally.

Currently, the second building of the museum is under construction. Its area will be 4 times larger than the original building. The new building, consisting of three floors, will turn out to be bright, since it is built of glass and concrete. It will operate elevators and escalators.

Museum of the History of Cosmonautics Kaluga
From its roof and ramp an amazing view of the Yachenskoe reservoir opens. It is foreseen that people with disabilities will also be able to climb the roof and the observation deck. Everyone will have the opportunity to visit a modern cinema, to participate in the “Space Journey”, in which they will feel the sensations of orbital flight. The Space Cafe will also work. In addition, many more surprises and special effects are being prepared by museum workers for visitors.

On the steep slope of Yakenki

In the park, where the great scientist Tsiolkovsky is laid to rest, there is an obelisk. Further, on the site is the first historical point of astronautics - a museum (Kaluga). It has simple and concise forms. The body of the building is an elongated rectangle. The long longitudinal walls are blind, the ends are transparent, glazed. A planetarium made of aluminum is embedded in it from the south.

Kaluga Cosmonautics Museum opening hours

It has the shape of a vertically arranged ellipsoid and rises above the roof of the museum. This component gives the building a certain aura of energy and symbolizes the breakthrough of man into outer space. Nearby is the museum’s unique outdoor exhibit, high in the sky - the Vostok launch vehicle, which stands on a special pedestal. This is not a copy, but an understudy.

How are the halls of the museum arranged?

The complex consists of several parts. It has an introductory room, biography rooms (scientific) K.E. Tsiolkovsky and the implementation of his ideas. There is also a planetarium. Clearly sharing on the subject, the halls make up a single space. The composition of the exhibits is carefully thought out. The color scheme helps to create a good background for them and to fully reveal the main idea of ​​the exhibition. In the design were used: monumental painting, mosaic, graphics, sculpture, photographs. Everything is aimed at showing the development of astronautics. The museum, which Kaluga cares tirelessly, is constantly updated with new exhibits.

In the first hall

The visitor begins the inspection of the complex from the opening hall. It contains an understudy of the first artificial earth satellite. The object itself was in orbit for twenty-six days. And his understudy was transferred to the museum. It is suspended high under the arch of the hall and soars in space.

Space Museum of Kaluga
The weight of this satellite is 83.6 kg, its diameter is 80 cm, and the time of revolution around the earth is 96.17 minutes. There is also a kind of “epigraph” to the entire exhibition - a unique exhibit. This is a mosaic panel "Soviet people - space explorers." Creation is monumental. It covers a wall area of ​​180 square meters. m. and talks about the people of work, the discoverers of space. He is accompanied by the words of K.E. Tsiolkovsky.

The next room is the biography of K.E. Tsiolkovsky in his writings

In a large display case on the wall shows the development of rocket technology. It depicts a person’s dream of flying since ancient times, the Renaissance and later centuries. The names of Leonardo da Vinci, Copernicus, Newton, Lomonosov are not forgotten. The works of K.E. Tsiolkovsky on ballooning. In addition, a model of the airship, which was created by the scientist, is shown. Still there are his works in aerodynamics, aviation.

Here is the layout of the aircraft A.F. Mozhaysky, dating back to 1881. Back in 1878, K. Tsiolkovsky expressed the idea of ​​possible flights into space, more precisely, about interplanetary communications. Then it was a complete fantasy. Then he comes to the conclusion that the only means of transportation is a rocket. Describing the man’s spacewalk, Konstantin Eduardovich gives a description of the spaceman’s spacesuit. He accompanies his work not only with calculations, but also with drawings. Exhibited are books published about him abroad.

The most interesting hall - man and space

It features jet engines. In the very center of the hall there is a model of the Vostok spaceship and a photographic panel, “Cosmonaut A. Leonov's Spacewalk”.

space museum kaluga planetarium
Right there is the Mir orbital station. It is open to the public. In addition, there are life-size copies of artificial earth satellites:

  • Cosmos-166 for the study of the sun.
  • Cosmos-108 for atmospheric analysis.
  • "Proton", which studies ultra-high energy particles.
  • "Lightning-1", broadcasting television programs.

Replicas of lunar life-size copies:

  • AMS "Luna-9", "Luna-16", which remotely explored Selena.
  • Lunar soil collection.

For the exploration of Mars and Venus, the stations Mars-3 and Venus-9 were used. They are also housed in the space history museum. Kaluga does not yet have sufficient space to accommodate all large facilities.

Central place

What attracts the attention of visitors most of all is the original descent vehicle of the Soyuz-34 spacecraft, the ejection seat of the Vostok with the mannequin of the astronaut. And also spacesuits - emergency rescue and for extra-ship activity. As well as space power, the Lunokhod-2 self-propelled vehicle, which was controlled from the ground. The operational model of the Baikonur cosmodrome gives an idea of ​​preparations for launching a launch vehicle with a spacecraft.

Kaluga Cosmonautics Museum Construction

As the greatest relic, the Cosmonautics Museum (Kaluga) stores the logbook of the first astronaut. He is small. It was intended for recordings of a person in orbit about whether the Earth is clearly visible from space, how the sky is seen, whether the horizon and some other issues are visible enough.

Starry sky

The double doors of the planetarium are tightly closed behind visitors. Now the magic will happen. The light goes out slowly. In the darkness the outlines of the hall disappear. The apparatus, which towered in the very center of the round hall, becomes invisible. He was somewhat reminiscent of a grasshopper, only a huge one, with angular knees. Further, the lecturer says, all visitors fall silent. He tells the story of a famous astronomer who lived in ancient times in Italy. His name is Giovanni Schiaparelli. It was he who discovered "channels" on Mars. Schiaparelli sat for hours in complete darkness so that his eyes felt the most insignificant light. Only after such a trick can you look into the eyepiece of the telescope.

So, before the audience there is a velvet depth of the night sky. It fascinates and beckons. The drawing of the constellations of the rosary. There is not a single cloud. The depth of the celestial sphere is striking in its purity and infinity. Solemn music sounds, and a scattering of countless stars covers a huge dome over their heads. The hall seems to increase in size and is filled with the coolness of the night.

space museum kaluga reviews
In fact, the planetarium dome is not so big, but how it looks like reality and how impressive it looks. Spectators cannot help but delight. The Museum of Cosmonautics (Kaluga) works with a creative approach to visitors . The planetarium is visited by almost everyone who comes to this complex. When the session comes to an end, it means that night is replaced by dawn. The stars melt and fade. A dawn rises, it flares up brighter every second. The fiery disk of the star appears in the east. It illuminates the modern city of Kaluga.

Then, experienced planetarium lecturers introduce visitors to the history of the representation of outer space, people from ancient times, the structure of our solar system, and the climate on other planets. They talk about what processes occur on the Sun and in the bowels of other distant stars. Only here can the power and greatness of the Universe strike you. A planetarium with modern technology makes a great aesthetic and informative impression. For a special sense of the cosmos, museum workers put in it a piece of meteorite that can be touched.

cosmonautics museum kaluga cost

What else is part of the museum?

The complex includes the house-museum of L.A. Chizhevsky and two houses of K.E. Tsiolkovsky. One is in Borovsk, the other is in Kaluga. The one in Kaluga is located in the immediate vicinity of the museum. And in it you can see the interiors in which Konstantin Eduardovich lived more than a hundred years ago. He spent twenty-nine years in Kaluga, having bought this house in 1904, not far from the river. The building was one-story. But four years later in the spring there was a big flood - water flooded the house. The family moved to the neighbors, and Konstantin Eduardovich remained in the attic with his books, manuscripts and instruments. All that was needed was brought to him by boat. After the water came down, in the summer a mezzanine and a porch were built on top, and, in addition, a barn. The mezzanine has become an office. It is in him that the genuine things of the scientist are preserved.

Kaluga Cosmonautics Museum Planetarium opening hours
And the veranda turned into a workshop. Through it, Konstantin Eduardovich went to the roof, where he did experiments, watched the birds fly, looked at the starry sky at night.

Kaluga, Cosmonautics Museum: opening hours

The museum is open daily, except Mondays, from ten in the morning until six in the evening. On Saturdays - until seven. On Wednesdays, the opening of the opening is delayed by an hour. But the mode of operation in the evening was extended - up to 21 hours. A sanitary day is provided. It is carried out on the last Friday of the month. Hospitable Kaluga welcomes tourists. The Cosmonautics Museum, planetarium, the mode of operation is coordinated with the schedule of the entire complex. For the convenience of visitors, all sections of the complex are open at the same time.

Ticket price

The State Museum of Cosmonautics (Kaluga) offers the cost of services affordable. Everyone who is under the age of sixteen visits the complex for free. For students and retired people, the ticket price is one hundred rubles. For those who work - one hundred and fifty. Photos can be made by paying another two hundred rubles.

Visitors reviews

Those who visited the Cosmonautics Museum (Kaluga) leave the most enthusiastic reviews , listing everything they saw and showing it in the photographs. Recommend to visit all friends and strangers. They also admire the work of the planetarium, as all the shows are held at a high technical level. They also note very informative topics on which excursions to the planetarium are conducted. For our part, we also recommend visiting the Cosmonautics Museum as soon as possible. At least because there is no second such in our country.


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