Fallout Shelter: how to give birth to a baby and other secrets of the game

Post-apocalyptic games where it is necessary to create optimal conditions for their existence for surviving heroes have become very popular lately. Fallout Shelter is one of them. However, in this game, the user must control not a single character, but a whole community of people who survived the global catastrophe. In the process of restoring humanity, it is necessary to solve a lot of problems, for example, how to give birth to a child in the Fallout Shelter, get more resources and protect yourself from enemies.

fallout shelter how to give birth to a baby

About the game

Fallout Shelter is the brainchild of Bethesda. A few months after its release, the game became very popular among ordinary PC users and smartphone owners. Uncomplicated 2D graphics and a fairly clear interface give the impression that this “survivor” is for children. But in fact, not all advanced gamers can pass the toy without using the Fallout Shelter guide.

How to pick up a pair

In order to get new residents of the bunker, it is necessary to populate at least one man and woman in one room. It is best if both of them have fairly high rates of charisma. Otherwise, it will take a very long time to wait for the birth of a child in Fallout Shelter. However, you should not populate a character with high charisma for a hero with minimal indicators. The life principle of “opposites attract” in this case will not work. In order not to wonder how to give birth to a child in Fallout Shelter, you should do everything right the first time.

fallout shelter guide

If the characters find a common language, then after a while they go to bed, after which the woman becomes pregnant. You can understand this by the characteristic icon that appears above her head. Also, a woman begins to get tired often and may stop going to work.

If we talk about how long the pregnancy lasts in Fallout Shelter, then in the game clock it will take about 2 hours.

It is worth considering that one man can have several offspring at once. In order to populate the underground station as soon as possible, it is necessary to remove the woman who has already given birth from the representative of the stronger sex and transfer a new passion to him. In this case, it will be possible to get many fighters in a fairly short period of time.

Having figured out how to give birth to a child in Fallout Shelter, you should also pay attention to the conditions in which people live.

How to improve the rooms

It is best to do the layout of the premises in the early stages of the game. If you put 3 rooms of the same type next to each other, you can combine them into a spacious apartment, in which several pairs of characters settle at once. In this case, numerous offspring will appear very quickly.

fallout shelter having a baby

In addition to the ability to give birth to children, it is worth considering the fact that servicing extended apartments will be cheaper. With the saved game currency, it will be possible to purchase more useful things or upgrade the technological premises of the shelter.

Good to know

Continuing the Fallout Shelter guide, you should consider the following helpful tips:

  • After the man and woman go to bed, they must be returned to work, otherwise they will continue to cool.
  • If a resident died during a trip or during a fight with raiders, he can be revived by paying a certain amount of game money.
  • Young children do not work, but eat a lot. Therefore, before you start a large offspring, it is worth taking care of the food of the growing generation.
  • Pregnant women should not give out weapons, as they become completely useless in battle (run away in case of danger).

how long does a fallout shelter pregnancy last

  • In the wasteland you need to send heroes with good success rates. They bring the most useful resources and uniforms.
  • Before giving birth to a child in Fallout Shelter, it is recommended that you take care of the development of the shelter. In the event of an enemy attack, they must be met by workable characters with weapons.
  • In order for the raiders to inflict minimum damage, the most powerful heroes must be placed at the entrance to the bunker.
  • Near the generator it is better to install the most significant rooms. In the event of a power shortage, the main nodes will not be de-energized.
  • Weapons with extremely low or zero damage rates are recommended for sale.
  • If a resident is not suitable for a certain room, then after his settlement, an icon will appear above the head of this hero, confirming that the character's characteristics are not enough to control the room.
  • You can cancel up to 1 job daily. Therefore, it is worthwhile to carefully study everything and decide which mission is not so important at the moment.
  • If you provide the hero with nightwear, then his charisma will increase by 3 points.

Knowing these simple secrets, you can quickly develop a community and earn a lot of resources.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26009/

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