DIY gift boxes

There are more than enough reasons to give gifts in our lives, and we are all used to thinking about what to give in advance. But we remember about packaging at the very last moment. What if there is nothing suitable for sale? And if the shops are already closed? That's right, you can make gift boxes with your own hands.

Make a small package for jewelry or other little things is not difficult. All you need for this is: thick photo paper of the desired color, plain A4 thin paper , ruler, printer, colored pencils or felt-tip pens, scissors, ribbon and, of course, glue. With the help of these simple attributes your gift will become presentable.

DIY boxes can be made absolutely any shape and size. This will be the first step - choosing the appropriate appearance. You can take a copy of your existing home as a sample. Open the sample box and measure. To ensure that the dimensions are correct, the bottom of the box should be carefully deployed. Next, the lower part should be smoothed out and using a ruler to find out the length and width of the sheet. In the same way, measure the dimensions of the cover. Do-it-yourself boxes must be well closed, free from gaps and withstand the mass of your gift. Next is the unfolded bottom and the lid attached to plain paper and a pen to outline the contours. This completes the first step.

The second step in making a beautiful box with your own hands will be the creation of parts. Select a few drawings that you like and print them on thick, color paper. It can be a simple congratulation or a photo collage made by you. A huge number of options. The pattern on the cover may differ from the pattern on the box itself. When the selected patterns are printed, lay them on the table. To make the prepared boxes with your own hands properly, you should put sheets with contours on top of the drawings and turn them to face you. Next, both sheets should be fastened with paper clips and brought to the glass. Try to have enough light. This will allow you to see the background of the selected image. Scissors on the contour of the part cut out the sheets. The same thing should be done with the bottom of the box.

To make gift boxes made by yourself do not have unnecessary folds, you should carefully bend the details in exactly those places, as on the example of an old box. In order for your product to be more rigid, cut out the parts corresponding to the bottom, lid and side walls from white cardboard and fix them in appropriate places. That's how beautiful little boxes are made with your own hands.

In addition, they should be decorated with a bow. For its manufacture, you should take the prepared tape and wrap it six times on the fingers of your hand. It should be noted that the size of the bow depends on the number of fingers. In our case, two fingers are enough. To form the necessary tails, you need to cut another piece of tape. With this piece, it is necessary to bandage the skein, and then put forward the loops obtained in turn, forming the desired bow. You can twist the ribbon tails in spirals by pressing them firmly with your finger to the blunt side of the scissors. The bow can be attached to the box using clerical glue or a drop of hot wax.

You can make beautiful boxes with your own hands with all family members. This activity is very exciting, so it is unlikely that anyone will refuse to help you. Do not forget that any such work requires patience and imagination, and together it is easier to come up with an idea. The resulting product will contain part of your soul and warmth, which you can generously share with the hero of the occasion.


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