The mysterious desert Alyoshkovsky sands near Kherson (Ukraine)

Few people know about a small desert located in the Kherson region in Ukraine. After all, the first names that appear in the head when they ask about the deserts of the world are Sahara, Gobi or Kara-Kum. Large deserts know almost everything, but they only guess about small ones. Such a little-known piece of land is Aleshkovsky Sands.

Aleshkovsky sands


Arid region is located only 30 km east of the city of Kherson. However, it does not have a continuous sand massif, but consists of seven separate desert regions. They are named for nearby settlements and are adjacent to the western part of the city of New Kakhovka, the southern part of the village of Kazachi Lageri and the city of Tsyurupinsk, the northern part of the village of Vinogradovo, Chulakovka, Ivanovka and completely occupy the Kinburn Peninsula.

The total length of the desert territory from north to south is about 40 km, from east to west - about 150 km. In order to stop the spread of the desert, artificial coniferous stands were created. Therefore, now a small space of about 15 km in diameter remains deserted, it is located in the area of ​​the Kazachyelagerny site. The Aleshkovsky Sands desert attracts many tourists, because not everyone can afford to go on a tour to the Sahara. That is why many seek to be in this part of Ukraine. The spectacle is amazing and incredible.

new kahovka

Desert Park

On the territory of two eastern sandy areas is the national park "Aleshkovsky Sands", which was created in 2010. The arid desert is the largest in Ukraine. The height of the dunes and hills reaches five meters. At a former training ground, located in the sands near the village of Cossack Camps, military pilots trained to throw bombs. Even now, in the sand you can find war shells or metal parts, so scientific research on flora and fauna was interrupted.

But this does not diminish the interest of vacationers, every tourist wants to see Aleshkovsky sands with his own eyes. The landfill ceased to exist here, so extreme guides with small groups of people often make their way here.

Desert Origin

Sands in the lower reaches of the Dnieper have always been, they were constrained by the meager vegetation cover. In the 18th century, sheep began to be bred here and large herds were imported. Uncontrolled grazing led to the fact that the sheep destroyed the sand-containing grass cover, thereby allowing the desert to expand.

The opinion that the sandy area appeared as a result of climate change is wrong. As early as 1880, this territory was described as completely covered by vegetation, in places there were even small forests. But the uncontrolled grazing of sheep and deforestation led to a deplorable result. The sandy area began to expand under the influence of wind. And so Aleshkovsky sands were formed.

Aleshkovsky desert sands

Salvation of nature

Then, at the end of the 18th century, measures were taken to strengthen the borders of the desert. They began to plant special varieties of conifers that can grow on scanty sandy soil. Forestry was formed. But in the period when the peasants were endowed with land, all the work went to dust, and the desert territory increased. And only since 1920, active measures were taken to restore forestry and plant conifers. Now the spread of sand is stopped, forests are planted along the desert.

Some residents of the city of New Kakhovka can show old photographs and sketches proving that once this territory was green meadows and forests. The entire photo archive can be found in museums in Ukraine.

Aleshkovsky sands polygon


Today this area is called a small desert. This is actually a mistake. Such territories are more related to semi-deserts, since the amount of precipitation and temperature fluctuations described are suitable for them. However, the climate here is very harsh. In summer, the sands warm up to temperatures above 70 degrees Celsius, so the air is very dry and hot.

The rains here are not so intense, and the drops evaporate very quickly. Therefore, air humidity is significantly reduced, compared with the surrounding sand area. In some places in the desert you can find small oases consisting of stunted birches and pines. But one cannot rest in the shade, it is impossible to breathe in such heat without the slightest blow of the wind.

Aleshkovsky sands Kherson region

Aleshkovsky sands (Kherson region) are restrained by forest plantations, but the wind sometimes brings dust to the nearest towns and villages. The destruction of forests, fires and the death of trees, the inability to self-reproduction are the main reasons for the expansion of the sand zone. The use of sand for construction and other domestic purposes leads to the fact that the groundwater level is reduced, they are polluted.

In Aleshkovsky sands you can also find small lakes, mineral or fresh-water full-flowing. However, most often come across dry ponds. At a depth of about 400 m, an underground lake with clean and very tasty water was found.


To explore the desert, guided tours of the national park are held. The trip is very similar to safari in Africa, since the appearance of Aleshkovsky sands is no different from the large African deserts. The guided tour is safe and reliable, as an experienced guide accompanies the group. However, traveling alone is very dangerous. You can get lost in the sand or get into a sandstorm.

Aleshkovsky sands

If you want to arbitrarily look at Aleshkovsky Sands, then it is worth remembering that there was a training ground and still there are live shells that can explode at any time. It is unrealistic to clear all bombs, as the sand is in constant motion. This complicates the work of sappers.


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