Pyramidal poplar in the landscaping of settlements

Most of the cities of Russia are not too happy with the eyes of their inhabitants due to the fact that there is practically no full landscaping on their streets. But quite recently, for these purposes, pyramidal poplar was widely used. Due to the unpretentiousness and instant growth from poplars, you can create a whole alley without spending a lot of time on it.

Lombardy poplar

Unfortunately, lately poplars are in disgrace. Doctors took up arms on them, since during the flowering of these trees the latter produce a huge amount of fluff, which not only contributes to allergies, but is also potentially dangerous in terms of the possible occurrence of fires. However, experts in landscaping settlements unanimously argue that to create a favorable environment for life in the conditions of our megacities, the most suitable tree is poplar.

And this fact was known even to the ancient Greeks, who planted poplars in their policies, creating picturesque alleys, in the shadow of which the ancient sages made more than one of their brilliant discoveries. But the fact is that even then it was known that exclusively male specimens of plants should be used in landscaping, since they do not give fluff known for its pesky nature. In general, poplar is a multifaceted tree, and botanists still do not stop researching all its properties.

poplar tree

However, in Soviet times, when a plan was adopted for mass planting of trees in the city, it was women who were used for the most part due to oversight, which led to all the known negative consequences. The only exceptions are only some southern cities, where the pyramidal poplar is represented by individuals of both sexes.

poplar tree

What are the advantages of this culture? First of all, these trees are valuable due to their phenomenal resistance to gas contamination and dustiness of air, which is found everywhere in our cities. In addition, they can be successfully cultivated on almost any soil, where they grow with such tremendous speed, which is not seen behind other trees of our latitudes. The growth rate of poplar is such that literally in a few months you can create a full-fledged protective planting.

Among other things, pyramidal poplar is distinguished by the fact that it releases phytoncides into the air, which not only destroy pathogenic microorganisms, but also contribute to improving air quality in general, which is very important for cities. A feature of poplars is also their biological diversity: today more than 100 species are known, but due to easy interspecific hybridization, many scientists suggest that there are already many more. Such hybrids grow even faster than their parent species (heterosis effect). In addition, they tolerate pruning even better and restore their crown shape extremely quickly.

Thus, a pyramidal poplar is a tree that is ideal for landscaping. If we take into account its dioeciousness and select plants taking into account this circumstance, then it will not be difficult to get rid of poplar fluff in the streets.


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