The flakes Pink and white mushrooms

Housewives know that traps are mushrooms that are perfect for cooking different dishes and pickling. In this publication, we will talk more about thrills: how they look than useful. The reader will find out where and at what time they need to be searched in the forests.

Description of mushrooms

threshing mushrooms

Volnushki - mushrooms belonging to the family Russula. They have little resemblance to the breasts, differing from them in size, weight and other features. Alternative names are whelph, rubella, and volzhanka.

The pink fungus mushroom has another name - Pipe. The diameter of the cap reaches 15 centimeters, the edges are turned down. In its center there is a small depression, around which there are dark shaggy rings. It is moist to the touch, and when it gets wet in the rain, it becomes sticky. The plates are very thin, pale pink or white. The thickness of the stalk reaches 3 cm. It is the same color as the hat: in young mushrooms it is dense, and in old mushrooms there is a void inside.

The considered type of gifts of nature in our weather conditions can be found in any forest. Most often grows near birches or old trees. A favorable environment for pink waves is moisture and coolness, so they are most often found among thickets or shrubs. However, sometimes they can be on flat, slightly grassy areas or clearings. In dry seasons, take a closer look at broom growers, because moisture is stored there.

white mushroom

The white agaric mushroom is similar in appearance to pink in appearance; the only difference is in the color of the hat: white or cream with dark circles. The plates are white. The pulp is dense, when pressed, white juice is released. The fruit body is slightly different in taste, reminiscent of a light smell of geranium. Even white waves are very fond of sunlight, so they can most often be found on the outskirts of the forest.

Why are throttles useful?

Considered gifts of nature are composed of fats, carbohydrates, fiber, minerals, water, proteins. The composition of fatty elements includes lactic, oleic and acetic acids. Volnushki are mushrooms that, on the one hand, are useful, and on the other hand, harm people with gastritis, inflammation of the mucous membranes, because fiber contains chitin substances. They are poorly absorbed by our body.

You should search for traps from the end of July until September, but not earlier. If there are no frosts, then they can be found even in mid-October. They grow both individually and in small groups.

The use of mushrooms in cooking

pink fungus mushroom

Volnushki - mushrooms that must be carefully processed, otherwise they can cause poisoning. If you want to fry them, then first you need to soak for a while. Then the waves are boiled (10-15 minutes), the water is poured, again soaked a little and then fried. White mushrooms contain less bitterness than pink.

It is better to make preparations for the winter from young fruits, the hat diameter of which is no more than 3-4 cm. When salted, the waves become gray-gray and taste inferior to all types of mushrooms, but they will nevertheless be a wonderful dish on your table. After salting, they can be eaten no earlier than two months later.


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