Growing greens at home

In order to always have a fresh vitamin bed on hand, you can master the cultivation of greenery at home, and even without a land plot, in the apartment, get aromatic spices of the highest quality.

The simplest way to get greenery at home is the well-known from childhood distillation of onions on a feather. A glass becomes a primitive analogue of a hydroponic plant , to which a bulb is inserted, showing signs of germination. Dip the roots in water, better standing, and place the glass in a sunny place. Soon the onion feathers will stretch and turn green, after 7-10 days you can choose the ones that are authentic and use in salads and soups. Of course, one glass is unlikely to cover the need for onions of the whole family. Put a few, in the end, such a growing greenery at home does not require effort. Is that the water should be poured into glasses, but to harvest.

Indoor can also be grown salad. Sow it in cassettes or small individual pots, which are in a large common tray with rags at the bottom to preserve moisture. It is better to water such a salad bed from the pallet, periodically feeding with natural fertilizers: biohumus, peat extract. Ready to eat bushes can only be cut and washed. The advantages of this cultivation in the absence of infections, pollution by parasite larvae and harmful substances. Only clean purchased soil, which can be additionally calcined in the oven for sterilization, natural fertilizing and sunlight. In addition, some varieties of lettuce are so decorative that before they are used for their intended purpose, they can decorate kitchen windows just as well as indoor flowers.

Growing herbs at home is not limited to these two crops. Almost any herbs and herbs can grow indoors: dill, parsley, coriander, basil, tarragon, arugula, mint, chamomile, etc. For perennial plants, this content is even preferable, because they can produce crops all year round.

So, you decided to grow greenery on the windowsill. Now choose containers: they should fit well on window sills and not interfere with people. If the greenery will grow there all year round, or even several, it is better to choose nice boxes that fit into the interior and will perform an additional decorative function in it. The soil is suitable for any indoor flowers, bought in a store, or prepare a mixture of garden soil, peat and sand yourself, then fry it for a couple of hours on low heat in an oven.

Growing greens at home has its own cyclical nature: it takes a certain time for a plant to reach maturity. Therefore, for the uninterrupted supply of vitamins to the family, it is better to sow the same crop once a week in new pots or boxes. The biggest problem in indoor gardening is the lack of light, which makes plants weak, pale, elongated. If you decide to sow seeds in the winter, take care of highlighting the seedlings using fluorescent lamps with reflectors. Make daylight hours for greens summer - lasting 16-17 hours.

How to grow greens at home in the summer? To put it on the balcony or out of the window or leave it indoors? The answers to these questions depend on the weather. On a fine, but not very hot day, plants will be grateful for a walk. The main thing is not to forget to bring them home during a cold snap or save them from the scorching heat. By the way, on the balcony you can grow not only green crops, but also specially bred varieties of tomatoes and peppers, characterized by miniature bush sizes and high productivity.


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