Bulk floor "Volma-Level Express": characteristics, instructions and reviews

Modern types of floor coverings require a perfectly even rough foundation, on which they will be laid. In most cases, the surface before the finish must be leveled with a small layer. To do this, use special mixes for the floor of the Volgograd company Volma. They are quality and affordable.

volma level express

Assortment of Volma products

The Volgograd trademark selling floor mixes provides consumers with a wide selection of different finishing materials in containers of 10, 15 and 20 kg. All products receive positive feedback from consumers and are in high demand. All this is achieved by the company due to the high quality of materials and low cost. The most popular and widespread are dry mixes for leveling the concrete floor Volma-Level Express.

Dry mix for finishing leveling floors "Level Express"

Volma bulk floor is used to form the topcoat before laying floor finishing materials. The mixture is based on gypsum with quartz sand as a filler. The composition also includes polymer, binders and modifying components that give the solution plasticity. The mixture is used only indoors. The layer thickness can vary from 7 to 100 mm.

bulk floor

Technical characteristics of Volma-Level Express:

  • Setting time from 4 to 6 hours. Varies depending on the ambient temperature and the humidity level in the room.
  • The adhesion to the rough surface is 2 MPa.
  • Fully floors mature in a week and a half maximum (depending on the thickness of the layer).
  • The finished base can withstand loads up to 16 MPa.

The price of one package is small - about 100-200 rubles per 20 kg of Volma-Level Express dry mix. The consumption is also small: with a layer thickness of 10 mm, such a mass is enough for 4-4.5 m 2 of surface. Compared with similar compositions of other brands, Volgograd products are much more profitable. Moreover, its characteristics are similar, and in some cases even higher.

Work surface preparation

For the most part, leveling mixtures, including the Volma bulk floor, are intended for leveling cement-sand or concrete screeds.

floor mixes

Preliminary preparation of such surfaces includes:

  1. Cleaning the base of construction debris, dust and dirt.
  2. Existing cracks expand, deformed sections and the remains of the old coating are removed.
  3. Secondary cleaning of the surface from dust.
  4. A deep impregnation primer is applied. This is done only once. It is advisable to purchase a primer of the same manufacturer. The composition is applied using a paint roller.
  5. After the primer layer has dried, a damper tape is placed around the perimeter of the room.

Solution preparation

The dry Volma-Level Express mixture is delivered in packages of 20 kg. In order to prepare a solution, about 6 liters of pure water is required for this volume of material. It is advisable to use a cold liquid. The vitality of the prepared Volma-Level Express solution lasts about 60 minutes. The characteristics of the mixture after this time do not deteriorate, but working with it becomes harder. For an hour, it is desirable to distribute the finished solution on the surface. If you plan to process a large area, then initially it needs to be divided into several technological areas.

volma level express reviews

The volume of water indicated on the packaging of the mixture is poured into a previously prepared container. Then gradually and in small portions dry material is poured from the bag. Mix the resulting mixture after 3-5 minutes. During this time, the powder should have time to be saturated with water. Mix the components using a construction mixer or drill with a special nozzle. After the first "shuffle" the mixture is left to infuse for 5-10 minutes, after which it is mixed again. At the end of the preparation of the solution, you can begin to level the floors.

Work with a solution on a surface

The finished mixture is poured first into deeper potholes and cracks with a gradual transition to higher elevations. All work is preferably done by two people. One will prepare the solution, the second - fill. To level the composition, a needle roller on a telescopic handle and a spatula are usually used. The length of the spikes should not be less than 30 mm.

Volma Level Express Consumption

The solution poured onto the surface is leveled with a spatula so that the resulting strips are facing each other. Upon reaching the edge of the restricted area or one of the sides of the room, the composition is several times passed with a needle roller. This is done to eliminate air bubbles from the mixture, to form a flat surface due to the movement of the solution and vibrations.

Before you start pouring the Volma-Level Express solution, you must close the doors, windows and windows, so as not to create drafts. If they are not eliminated, they can cause cracks on the surface and reduce the strength of the finished floors.

Volma level express characteristics

After four hours from the moment of filling the floor, you can move on it, after two days you can start laying ceramic tiles. Laminate or linoleum is laid only after the surface has completely dried.

Advantages of Volma bulk floors

Products manufactured by the Volgograd company, in comparison with other trademarks, have the following advantages:

  • With proper dilution of the dry mixture, the finished solution has a liquid consistency. The density of the composition can be controlled by adding pure water. Work with the solution is greatly facilitated due to the fact that it is independently distributed on the surface.
  • Low price of dry mix in comparison with import brands. Despite this, the composition has established itself at a fairly high level and has earned popularity among consumers.
  • The composition includes polymer components that increase the life of the coating and increase its strength. After 7-14 days - the full pour time of the mixture - the coating is able to withstand loads of 12 MPa.
  • The processing of Volma mixtures is carried out both manually and automatically. Other bulk floors are suitable for only one treatment method.

Customer reviews of Volma products

Dry mixes of a trademark are one of the most popular and widespread among similar goods. Many customer reviews left on the Volma-Level Express filling field emphasize only the positive qualities of the solution — low cost, ease of use, average consumption of the composition per square meter of surface, the ability to level on its own, and the high strength of the finished coating. However, many consumers also note that one of the advantages of the composition - fast solidification time - can be attributed to the minuses. Especially for those who can not carry out all the work in a short time. Despite this, the finished surface is perfectly flat and suitable for subsequent finishing and laying of floor coverings.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26043/

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