Styx River - Curse of the Kingdom of the Dead

To understand the history of the mysterious river Styx, you should plunge a little into mythology. So, in distant mythical times, the world was divided between the gods (Zeus, Hades and Poseidon) into three parts. The dungeon was dominated by the dark god Hades, and the dark elder Charon transported dead souls through the Styx. The river flowed in the underworld, the entrance to which was guarded by the three-headed Cerberus, on whose neck poisonous snakes coiled.

During the funeral rite, the deceased put a coin in his mouth as a tribute to the god of the dungeon. It was believed that a soul that would not offer a fee would be doomed to roam forever along the banks of the Styx. The power of Hades was very great. And despite the fact that his brother Zeus was a higher rank, the god of the underworld possessed tremendous power. The laws in his domain were adamant. And the order in the kingdom is indestructible and strong, therefore the gods swore by the waters of the sacred river Styx. No god could pull anyone who fell into the underworld: Charon remelted into the kingdom of the dead, but never back to where the sun shines.

river stick

The Styx River is poisonous, but also capable of granting immortality. The expression โ€œAchilles' heelโ€ is directly related to this river. The mother of Achilles Thetis dipped her son in the waters of Styx, so that the hero became invincible. And only the โ€œheelโ€, for which his mother held, remained vulnerable.

According to Greek mythology, the skillful blacksmith and god of fire Hephaestus tempered the sword of the king of the rutuli Davna in the underground river Styx. This incredibly sharp sword could cut through any shield!

And the ancient Greek poet Hesiod wrote that the Styx River was a tenth of the groundwater. The remaining waters spread on the earth and surrounded the seas. However, the beginning and end of the Styx is unknown. It is a river of death, an insidious river. Its direction and location is constantly changing. But at the same time, the road along the river never lasts longer than a day.

Styx River

In historical times, Styx was seen near the ancient city of Nonacris. There is a belief that Alexander the Great was poisoned by the waters of the Styx.

There is a version that there are many separate worlds - plans - that form the multiverse. The lower planes are dominated by villainous forces - this is the kingdom of evil deities, where the souls of dead villains go. The muddy and dirty river Styx flows through all the Lower planes. Whirlpools and treacherous currents overwhelm her.

It is also believed that the Styx River kills all living things. It is water, cold as ice and corroding everything in its path. Anyone will die who gets drunk on it or touches this water. Glass, clay, crystal products - everything bursts, falling into the waters of this river. All metals are corroded by Styx water. But everything with divine power has a weak point. How vinegar corrodes pearls or how goat blood dissolves a diamond. According to one version, the water of the Styx can not eat only a horse's hoof.

In addition, in ancient times it was considered the worst punishment to be damned by the waters of Styx. And no matter how many interpretations, there is invariably one thing - it is a poisonous and dangerous river that flows underground and symbolizes primitive fear and gloom.

river of death

In reality it does not exist. Unless in Perm they called one of the rivers that separates the city from the cemetery.


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