Spathiphyllum: home care. Spathiphyllum (female happiness): transplant

Among the variety of indoor flowers, an evergreen plant from the genus of perennials called Spathiphyllum stands out for its unusual appearance . Home care is not at all complicated and is available to any beginner grower. Spathiphyllum is from Central America, he settled on the windowsills of Europeans more than two centuries ago. Today, this plant can be found in almost any flower shop. In the people it is better known under the name "female happiness".

The appearance of the plant

This elegant flower conquers with its aristocracy and restrained beauty. The peculiarity of the plant is that it has no stem, and pointed oblong leaves grow directly from the rhizome, forming a lush bunch. Depending on the type of spathiphyllum, it can reach a height of 15 centimeters to 1 meter.

spathiphyllum home care

The flowering period lasts several weeks and usually occurs in the spring, but with good care, the plant can please with its flowers even more than once a year. An inflorescence in the form of a cob surrounded by a white teardrop-shaped leaf, like a coverlet, is located on a high leg. Gradually, this leaf acquires a green color, and when the decorative appearance of the flower is finally lost, it is recommended to cut it right at the base. This contributes to the formation of new inflorescences and longer flowering.

Care Features

This flower is unpretentious and picky. Nevertheless, care at home for spathiphyllum implies the creation of an environment close to the tropical climate, which is native to him. This will contribute to a more rapid development of the plant and abundant prolonged flowering. Therefore, it is required to maintain the temperature regime in the room within 23-25 ​​° C. Cold air, drafts can destroy the plant. The tropical climate is characterized by high humidity. In order for spathiphyllum not to suffer from its deficiency, it is necessary to make a small tray with moistened sand poured, and also arrange water procedures once a week in the form of spraying leaves. Well, of course, regularly water it.

home care for spathiphyllum

The first days after the purchase, spent in the house, are stressful for the plant. Do not rush to transplant the flower until it finally adapts. For this period, it is better to place it in a half-shaded place, away from direct sunlight. The transplant can be done in 2-3 weeks. A flowering plant is not recommended to disturb until flowering.

The root system of the Spathiphyllum plant, care at home for which involves abundant watering, should always be moist. Signal lack of moisture are drooping and fading leaves.

How to water spathiphyllum

This flower adores high humidity. Therefore, it must be maintained not only in the pot, but also in the surrounding air. It is best to pour water into a pan to prevent overmoistening of the soil, which can lead to lack of flowering and the appearance of red spots on the leaves.

To maintain humidity, wet sand or moss is poured into the pan. You can put a can of water next to it.

spathiphyllum flower home care
It is a great pleasure to spray the leaves with a flower. This procedure can be performed daily, if possible. In extreme cases, you need to spray the plant at least 2 times a week. The leaves then become glossy and more resilient.

Temperature and lighting

Spathiphyllum is a photophilous plant, but direct sunlight can cause it to die. It will feel quite comfortable even in a slightly shaded room. With a lack of lighting, the plant may deform leaves, growing narrow and long, and there may be no flowering.

spathiphyllum reproduction and care at home

The air temperature in the room within 20-25 ° C is what the spathiphyllum flower requires. Home care must necessarily ensure the absence of drafts, which can be fatal to him. It is advisable to keep the flower away from radiators in the winter season to avoid overdrying. If this is not possible, you can throw a damp cloth on the battery.

Top dressing

Beautiful bright coloring of leaves and their glossy luster can be maintained only if the plant receives a sufficient amount of nutrients. To do this, every week you need to make fertilizers during flowering and once a month during dormancy. Their concentration should be low. Dilute at the rate of 1.5 g per 1 liter of water.

A lack of fertilizer can affect flowering and make the spathiphyllum flower less attractive. Home care (the advice of experts and amateurs note this) requires the mandatory application of fertilizing in order to extend the flowering period of the plant.

Soil requirements

The substrate for spathiphyllum requires fertile, rich in nutrients. In natural habitats, the soil, as a rule, consists of charcoal, fallen leaves and branches, compost. Such a mixture is recommended to be prepared by caring for spathiphyllum at home. The optimal composition is considered to be from humus, coniferous soil, sand in equal parts, two parts of garden soil and four parts of peat.

When creating the substrate, you can experiment a little and prepare another composition by adding bark, gravel or a substrate for orchids. The main thing is that the mixture is loose and light. Too heavy soil will contribute to water stagnation, which can cause root decay. For better drainage, some growers add brick chips to the ground.

flower spathiphyllum home care tips

Spathiphyllum reproduction

Gardeners prefer to propagate this flower in a vegetative way, because the process of propagation by seeds is too laborious. Seed germination is very low, and even if young plants can be obtained, there is no guarantee that they will have the characteristics of the variety that was sown.

Typically, reproduction is carried out by dividing the rhizome during transplantation or apical cuttings. This should be done in the spring, until the flowering period has come. The bush is very carefully removed from the pot so as not to damage the root system, and the roots are divided into several parts. For planting, roots are taken larger in size, they are more likely to strengthen well. The roots are planted in separate pots with a moist and warm soil mixture.

To root faster, the process creates a greenhouse effect. To do this, it is covered with a glass container until the first leaves appear. In the future, the content is the same as that required by an adult spathiphyllum. Reproduction and care at home do not present any special difficulties.


Transplanting this plant is often not recommended, because its roots and stem are quite fragile. This is best done once a year. And plants that have reached the age of five are transplanted only when the roots already sprout through the drainage hole. When starting the transplant, you need to prepare the soil in advance and do not forget about drainage (expanded clay can be used as it).

The real stress is for a plant such as spathiphyllum, transplant. A master class from experienced gardeners demonstrating how to perform this operation as painlessly as possible should be thoroughly studied before starting the process. In an extreme case, it is worth using some of the transfer recommendations described below.

Before removing the flower from the pot, it must be thoroughly watered. All lateral processes should be removed. This is necessary so that the plant does not spend its energy on them, which contributes to the formation of large and beautiful leaves.

spathiphyllum transplant master class

In a pot intended for transplanting, pour drainage on top of a small layer of substrate. Then place the spathiphyllum together with the earthen lump in a pot, adding the soil mixture to the voids and slightly tamping. After transplanting, water the soil only slightly. In the next 3-4 days, the plant is only sprayed twice a day, it is not necessary to water it. Until it takes root completely (this usually takes about two weeks), abundant watering should be avoided. Spathiphyllum flower, which is specific for home care, requires very careful handling during transplantation.

Reasons for the lack of flowering

Sometimes flower growers when growing spathiphyllium are faced with the fact that the plant does not bloom. There may be several reasons for this. First of all, this is too spacious a container. It is known that spathiphyllum blooms when the roots surround the pot completely. Insufficient humidity, low air temperature or lack of top dressing can also be the reason for the lack of flowering.

The remaining fading inflorescences of the Spathiphyllum plant can slow down the process. Home care also consists in their timely removal - this will provoke the rapid growth of new ones.

Often this problem occurs when the bush is already quite old. After transplanting and propagating, it begins to bloom again.

spathiphyllum care types of disease

Diseases and Pests

Among insects, spathiphyllium has few enemies. Mostly he is bothered by a spider mite and aphids. In the fight against them, rubbing the leaves with a soap solution to which nicotine sulfate can be added is good. So that the product does not fall into the soil, first you need to cover the soil with a film. The next day, the solution must be washed off. Pest damage can be avoided if the spathiphyllum is cared for by all the rules.

The types of disease of this flower are different. The leaves may turn yellow. This is mainly due to insufficient watering. It is necessary to gradually soak the dried soil, gradually increasing the amount of water. Do not forget about spraying.

If the room is too cold, this can cause the flower to dry. For a heat-loving plant such as Spathiphyllum, home care should be carried out in compliance with the required temperature regime.

Blackening of leaves can be caused by an excess of moisture in the soil. In this case, the plant will have to be transplanted, replacing the substrate. Sometimes blackness can be caused by a lack of nutrition or, conversely, by its excessive amount.

Spathiphyllum, or the flower "female happiness", care for which can be provided even by a beginner grower, can be attributed to the most grateful plants. In response to his concern, he will delight for a long time with his amazing colors, attracting love to the house.


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