How fast do mushrooms grow and what affects growth rate?

Fans of the "silent hunt" probably would like to know exactly how fast the mushrooms grow . In what weather do they accelerate and when do they completely freeze? As it turned out, there is a direct correlation between weather conditions and growth rates. In addition, there are many factors that also affect the development of mycelium and the appearance of fruiting bodies.

how fast mushrooms grow

The fruiting bodies are called the formed fungus, which grows from the mycelium. The mushroom picker, in turn, is an interweaving of thin white threads. All of it is located underground, in the fertile layer of soil and is hidden from the eyes of man. It depends on the conditions in which the mycelium develops, how quickly the fungi grow.

The growth rate of various species

If the air temperature within 10-14 days does not fall below the level of 18-20 degrees, and heavy rains have passed, then you can count on a mushroom crop. The higher the humidity of the soil and air, the more intensively the mycelium feeds and develops. As a result, ever new fruiting bodies appear on the surface of the earth. Usually they grow in "layers", that is, there is a sequence of fruiting in different species. The tubular mushrooms most rapidly develop : boletus, boletus and butter. Basically, they need 2-3 days to reach average sizes. Lamellas need the same amount of time: russula, mushrooms and mushrooms.

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The most noble and coveted creatures evolve much more slowly. White mushroom - the owner of a very dense and thick legs. It is with the leg that the growth of all mushrooms begins, so white takes more time than the same boletus. But the adult fruiting body of boletus is much ahead of other species in mass and size. But sudden freezing or prolonged lack of moisture can affect how fast the mushrooms grow. Under optimal conditions, in warmth and sufficient humidity, whole hordes of edible mushrooms grow in forests.

Why is the forest "empty"?

It would seem that the heat, the rains stopped, and the forest is empty, even the mushroom aroma is not felt ... The reason lies in the forest itself. In young conifers, it is very difficult to detect any edible mushrooms. The mycelium lies at great depths and feeds on substances secreted from the roots of trees. The older the tree, the more powerful and longer its roots. In addition, in old forests, a thick layer of fertile litter. This is a significant factor that affects how fast mushrooms grow.

how quickly chanterelle mushrooms grow

Seasonality of different species

There are many signs by which you can determine whether it is time to go to the forest. For example, if pine and spruce bloomed, then it was time for butter, russula and boletus. Mushrooms β€œdeciduous” are mushrooms, mushrooms and chanterelles. They grow last of all. The most mysterious of them are the chanterelles. They can be found both in the midst of summer and right under the snow at the end of October.

How fast do chanterelle mushrooms grow ?

They grow with the appearance of the first yellow leaves. The peculiarities of the mycelium are such that it gains strength for a long time, and a well-developed one begins to actively bear fruit closer to the fall. Therefore, the peak of growth often occurs in September with its lower temperatures and frosts. Therefore, it is believed that chanterelles grow very slowly. In fact, their growth does not differ from other species, but a significant slowdown is observed due to low autumn temperatures.


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