The cult novel Jacqueline Susan "Valley of the Puppets"

Everything changes in our world: generations, times, mores. But the desire to achieve fame and fame, or at least a little touch with this world full of luxury and wealth, was, is and will always be. Many women and men seek by all means to get that very coveted place under the sun. Unfortunately, not all that glitters is gold. People often forget about it and fly into the imaginary light of this cherished dream, like butterflies on a fire that burns everything to itself ...


The American writer was born on August 20, 1918 in Philadelphia. Despite his high intellectual abilities, after graduation, Jacqueline decides to become an actress. She travels to New York, where she marries Agent Irving Mansfield. Thanks to her husband, Jacqueline received her first roles in the theater, and then in the movie. In 1946, the couple gave birth to a son, Guy, who was sick with autism. Parents sent him to a special institution, which Jacqueline later regretted.

In the 1950s, Jacqueline Susan worked as a journalist in a New York newspaper, and in the 1960s she published the first book, Josephine, about her dog. A difficult period follows - she is diagnosed with breast cancer. After a mastectomy, the disease recedes.

In 1966, world fame came to her after the publication of the novel "Valley of the Dolls". Then four more books were published, which also became very popular. In 1972, her health condition worsened - she was again diagnosed with cancer. Jacqueline spent the last weeks of her life in a coma. Without recovering, she died on September 21, 1974.

Jacqueline Susan

Valley of the dolls

It was this love affair that brought the writer unheard of popularity. Initially, they did not want to publish it, since it reveals all the secrets of the backstage life of celebrities. The book by Jacqueline Susan tells the story of three young girls with great ambitions and hopes, who face many problems that are solved by sex, drugs and alcohol. Each of them at any cost wants to get into show business and become part of Hollywood and is most afraid of being unnecessary and lonely, to be alone with herself. Everything here: ups and downs, love and betrayal, friendship and betrayal. To escape from real life, the heroines of the book resort to the use of drugs, which ultimately lead to the inevitable. The phrase of one of them accurately describes not only the idea of ​​the book itself, but also the life of the woman as a whole:

I understood something in life: a man will leave you, your face will grow old, your children will grow up and become adults, and everything that you considered grand and magnificent will turn out to be small, meaningless, unnecessary and worthless. The only thing you can count on is yourself.

What does the title of the book mean?

After the first disappointments, the heroines of “Doll Valley” take a seat on the barbiturates, which were popular at that time among the stars of show business. They were called the sweet word "chrysalis". And the very phrase "Valley of the Dolls" implies the place of action of the book - Hollywood.

Cover of the American bestseller Valley of the Puppets

The main characters

The main character of the romance novel is considered Anne. Having a solid character and attractive appearance, she comes to New York - not for the sake of fame, but in search of herself and a good future. Ann takes a job at lawyer Henry Bellamy. She could always trust him, like no one else. With the work, our heroine gains new acquaintances and interests, and also meets a man who falls in love with her and is ready for everything for him. By the way, she managed to become a successful model, but insincerity and betrayal of a loved one and loved ones lead to a disappointing ending.

Anne Wells

In the book, Ann meets two girls who become her friends. The first is Neely, who dreams of fame and career as an actress. Thanks to Anne, she achieves incredible success in this field. But despite this, Neely repeatedly betrays a friend. Such qualities as devotion, decency, are not inherent in her. Her addiction to alcohol and bad temper reduce all her efforts to achieve success to nothing. As a result, the girl is left alone with her greatest fear - loneliness. Due to craving for alcohol and drugs, her life is going downhill.

Neely O'Hara

The third heroine of the novel is Jennifer. A beautiful girl who, with the help of her beauty, makes her way into the future. She, like Neely, is an actress, but her main goal is to find a wealthy man who would protect her and provide for her. And Jennifer, it seemed to her, found him. A beautiful, sweet-eyed rich singer makes her an offer, and Jen marries him. But happiness did not last long. It turned out that her husband is sick, which radically changes her life for the worse. The girl makes an abortion, acts in French porn films, and when she is diagnosed with cancer, she commits suicide with the same "dolls".

Jennifer north

Movie by book

In 1967, the American drama of the same name directed by Mark Robson, based on the book by Jacqueline Susanne, was released. The film is somewhat different from the book, it misses more than one important point, which is why it is difficult to navigate, after which an event occurred. But despite the flaws in the script, the film was wildly popular. This is evidenced by the multimillion-dollar box office.

But still it’s worth watching a movie for a number of reasons. The cast will certainly please you, even Jacqueline Susann herself plays the role of a reporter in one of the episodes. Starring such stars of that time:

  • Barbara Parkins as Anne Wells;
  • Patti Duke - Neely O'Hara;
  • Sharon Tate - Jennifer North;
  • Tony Scotty - Tony Polar;
  • Paul Bourke - Lyon Burke;
  • Susan Hayward - Helen Lawson.

Also in this film, the music of the author John Williams and the song Valley of the Dolls performed by Dionne Warwick deserve special attention.

Facts about the novel

The book "Valley of Dolls" is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most read in the world.

The manuscript of the novel was printed on pink paper in capital letters. It was in this form that Jacqueline Susann brought it to the publishing house.

It is believed that Judy Garland was the prototype of one of the heroines of the book. Events from the life of the singer became the storyline of Neely O'Hara.

The musical star Ethel Merman, who was an idol for the author, is embodied in the character of the novel Helen Lawson.


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