Tissue consumption: calculation methods, work procedure

Before sewing any thing, you need to calculate how much fabric is needed to make it. For example, the consumption of fabric for skirts of the same length, but different models can vary significantly. It is very inconvenient when there is not enough material when cutting, you have to either change the style or buy an additional cut. I don’t want a lot of leftovers after work, because these are unnecessary expenses.

The style and silhouette of the product must be considered

dress consumption

To make the right calculation, you need to know exactly what the style will be, this is one of the main factors in the calculation. The more complex the sketch, the more fabric will be needed to sew the product. If there is drapery, smell or creases, shuttlecocks, tiers or a train, this is also worth considering.

The consumption of fabric with a width of 110 cm, 140 cm and 150 cm will also be different. You also need to consider whether any elements will be added: cuffs, hood, pockets and others.

The second fundamental factor is the complexion of the figure, the more magnificent it is, the greater the consumption of fabric for a skirt or other wardrobe item is required. A thin girl needs only one length of the product, but if the hips are more than 140 cm, then you will have to take a double length. This is with a direct cut, and if there is still decor, then the more the fabric consumption increases.

fabric consumption for bed

When buying material, you need to be careful, because the width in the roll is different, the most common option is 140 - 150 cm. Sometimes these 10 cm play a decisive role, so do not forget about them.

What else should you pay attention to? Picture. If the fabric has a large cage or a wide strip that needs to be adjusted, then part of the material will be cut off so that the pattern on the seam converges and the details match.

Standard metrics

bed linen

Despite the fact that all the figures are individual, in the course of work, experienced craftsmen still calculated the average sizes that correspond to the proportions of a person. This data is universal for some models of skirts, coats and women's jackets. These data are relative, it cannot be guaranteed that they are exactly suitable for a particular workpiece. But they can be a rough guide to calculate the approximate consumption of tissue.

But the main measurements from the figure still have to be removed.

Proper data collection

Even if there is no experience in sewing, it will not be difficult to take measurements from your figure. It is necessary to measure the girth of the chest, a centimeter tape should pass through the armpits along the most protruding parts of the chest and shoulder blades. Hips - respectively through the protruding points of the buttocks, thighs and abdomen.

It is also necessary to take into account the length of the product, for this, from the highest point of the shoulder, a centimeter tape vertically drops down, it must pass along the protruding points of the chest and to the desired length of the future product. It is also necessary to measure the length of the sleeve. Measurements are made from the shoulder to the end of the desired sleeve, the arm should be bent at the elbow.

It is convenient to use the table for an approximate orientation, taking into account the growth, as well as the width of the material in the roll. The table suggests the consumption of fabric for a dress, the most common models of skirts and for bathrobes.

Calculation table

Type of clothing

Fabric width



Material consumption in m

by size

44 - 46

Material consumption in m

by size

48 - 50

Material consumption in m

by size

52 - 54

Material consumption in m

by size

56 - 60

Straight skirt140Low0.
Skirt of an adjacent silhouette, model "year", 6 wedges140Low1.351.551.551.55
Dress of a direct silhouette, not detachable along the waistline with a stitched sleeve140Low1.922.152.2
Long robe, straight silhouette with stitched long sleeve150Low2.62.8533.15

With linens, everything is much simpler.

fabric consumption per set

Sewing sleeping sets is much easier. To calculate the consumption of fabric for bedding, you do not need to think about either the style or the exact patterns. All you need to know when getting started is the size of the blanket and pillows, as well as the width of the bed.

It is not customary to sew sets of trimmings or narrow trimmings of fabric. For the manufacture of bed linen using coarse calico, which is sold in rolls with a width of 220 cm. This is the best option. If the bed is 150 cm wide, then you need to add about 35 - 40 cm to this measurement, taking into account the fact that the fabric hangs at the edges and needs to be tucked under the mattress. So it turns out about 230 cm - so much fabric will be needed on the sheet.

The duvet cover is calculated according to the width of the blanket, to freedom you need to add 5 - 10 cm on each side. So, if the blanket is 150 cm wide, then on two sides you need 3 meters of fabric + 10 cm for freedom + 5 cm allowances for seams. Total 315 cm. For the pillow, you also need to calculate the width of the fabric and multiply by two. After add 5 cm to freedom and 30 - 40 cm to the hem. That's the whole calculation of tissue consumption per set.

Kids clothes

fabric consumption for children

Some mothers want to sew a kit for their baby on their own. There is a desire to invest part of your soul in work, to do everything with love and in the best way. But such things are not often sewn, and therefore experience in this matter is usually not large. Useful tips on what should be the consumption of fabric for a crib.

The kit usually includes a duvet cover, a sheet, a pillowcase and pillows on the crib for newborns.

To make the correct calculations, you need to measure the mattress, blanket and pillow. To this data, add 5-7 cm, which will go to the seams, give a little freedom and compensate for the inaccuracy of the cut.

A quilt cover 110 x 140 cm, a bed sheet of the same size and a pillowcase 40 x 60 cm go to a standard bed.

Single beds for children from 6 years old come in sets of a different size. The consumption of fabric for bedding in this case is different. Pillowcase 50 x 70 cm. Bed sheet 150 x 210 cm and duvet cover 145 x 210 cm.

Children are very sensitive to everything that causes discomfort, and therefore they can’t rest calmly if the seams in the middle of the sheet interfere, therefore it is worth taking large calico, taking into account that it will need to be laid under the mattress. For kids, the option on an elastic band will be ideal.

Fuss with little things

Baby kits should be comfortable, kids tend to spin in a dream. The sheet often moves out, the blanket gets off in the duvet cover, and the pillow falls out of the pillowcase. Therefore, it is worth considering all the details so that the child is as comfortable as possible to sleep.

A duvet cover and pillowcase can be designed with overlapping buttons or buttons and buttons. The zipper will also be convenient.

It is not necessary to sew a side, but it will not hurt if the child is spinning in a dream, he may hit the railing of the bed in a dream, and a caring mother is unlikely to like this. Also, the side protects well from excess light and possible drafts, in addition, it is simply beautiful. To sew this part, it is enough to measure the perimeter of the side, and the model - at the discretion of the parents.

Economical cut

When the material is purchased, the preliminary consumption of fabric for bedding is made, you can cut. Elements of the future kit need to be placed so as to save material as economically as possible. The calculation should be carried out in such a way that after cutting there are as few rags as possible, which can no longer be used. For example, a diagram is given, but the digital values ​​need to be replaced by their own.

fabric consumption baby bed

All lines are applied to the fabric finely, a ruler and sharp scissors should be at hand.

Start easy

A sheet is the simplest element; it is difficult to spoil anything while sewing it. It is better to start with it, twist the slices twice and sew. To sew a duvet cover, the fabric is folded with its face inward and sewn along the edge, it is important to leave a hole into which the blanket will be filled. The width of the hole should be at least 40 cm, otherwise it will be completely inconvenient to refuel.

The pillowcase is also sewn from the inside, from the side of the free edge the flap 20-30 cm long remains untouched - this is the pillow valve.

The threads need to be used sturdy, use a seam or linen seam in the work, this will add strength and durability to the product.

In the design you can use ribbons, ruffles and lace. After work, the bed should be washed and ironed, after which the child should be laid to rest calmly.

Skirt the sun without seams

fabric consumption per skirt

With a straight skirt, everything is clear: on the skinny one length is enough, on the fluffy one needs two lengths. But there are many other interesting models, and they have a greater consumption of fabric, but how to calculate it? The main thing to understand, with one seam will the product or with two? Or maybe even without seams? If the model is without a seam, then the piece of matter should be square, it can be either 140 x 140 cm or 150 x 150 cm. But the length of the product will be limited by the size of the fabric. The length will be equal to half the width of the fabric minus the radius of the waist circumference and seam allowances. The size of the radius is calculated by the formula R1 = (OT: 6.28), where OT is the waist volume.

When cutting fabric fold four times. With this layout, you can get a skirt no longer than 55 cm.

Half skirt

She will not be very magnificent. Two fabric lengths are taken with allowance for seams + fabric on the sewing belt 10 cm and taking into account the recess at the waist. The calculation is made according to the formula R1 = (FR: 3.14). When laying out, you always need to monitor the direction of the pile and the drawing, if any. So, a skirt with a length of 50 cm will take about 150 cm of fabric. If the length of the product is 70 cm, then almost 200 cm will go to the layout. It is worth saying that the cutting of such skirts is not the most economical, but if they go as part of the pattern for the festive dress, then such costs are fully justified.

In complex models or for figures, where the bottom of one size and the top of the other with calculations is not so simple. Therefore, there is factory tailoring, but there is individual tailoring. If the figure is non-standard, but you need to look perfect, then you should contact the seamstress. Then you can be sure that the product really sits well on the figure.

Clothes for kids

dress for girl

If the product needs to be sewn for a child, then one length is quite enough if the thing is straight cut. For babies, even for a fluffy skirt, one length is enough. Just two patterns of front and back are laid out in length.

Although there are models with draperies, tiers and tails, especially for holiday options, then a double set of fabric may be needed. If the style with multi-tiered fluffy skirts, then it is permissible to take three lengths for one product. For straight-cut clothing, they usually take a cut equal to the length of the item plus a hem. Children and adolescents need to carry out an individual calculation before purchasing matter, for this they first take measurements.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26074/

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