Rimma Kazakova: personal life and work of the poetess

In the life of Rimma Kazakova there were enough troubles and disappointments. But in her poetry there is no anger or rudeness. She perceived all failures with incredible wisdom and never regretted the path traveled, even when he was unbearably heavy. She wrote hundreds of poems, many of which became popular songs. Read about the work, biography and personal life of Rimma Kazakova later in the article.

Youth and relationship with parents

The biography of Rimma Kazakova began in the Crimea, in Sevastopol. There in 1932 she was born into the family of a military and secretary typist. His father's profession often forced him to change his place of residence. The poet’s childhood passed in Belarus, Leningrad, and after the war the family went to a small town in the German Democratic Republic, where Fyodor Kazakov served as a military commandant.

young Rimma Kazakova

Relations with parents were sometimes very tense. Father had a wayward character. He loved his daughter, respected her opinion and admired the ability to read poetry, but in response to disobedience he could scream and even throw a frying pan at her with a cooked breakfast.

From him, Rimma adopted a certain obstinacy and categoricalness, so conflicts between them occurred from time to time. Once, for refusing to read poetry before colleagues, her father pointed a gun at her and threatened with a shot. Rima had to agree, but in the future she decided to put an end to such appearances.

From History to Poems

At the end of Leningrad University, where Rimma Kazakova studied as a historian, she was sent to the Far East. In the Khabarovsk Territory, she lectured, and then became an editor in a film studio. Work included frequent trips and various meetings. She allowed her to travel, become more independent and courageous, and also helped to fulfill her long-standing desire: to travel a lot and communicate with interesting people.

black and white photo of Kazakova

Ever since childhood, Rimma was interested in poetry, but she decided not to seriously take up it right away. “I never went in cycles in verses - I cooked well, knitted, loved life in all its manifestations. But one day I realized that it was calling that led me through life. ”

The first collection of poems by Rimma Kazakova “Meet me in the East” was published in 1958, just when she lived in Khabarovsk. The very next year, she joined the Writers' Union, and from 1976 to 1981 became its secretary. She was the first woman to hold this position, but not everyone liked her activities. Rimma did not hesitate to express her opinion, therefore, after several sharp attacks on her colleagues, she was asked to leave the post of secretary. It was a disappointment and a blow to pride: "Upon learning that 56 people had already voted against me, she burst into tears." But the poetess found the strength to survive the sad stage, once again convincing herself that she has many reasons to enjoy life.


Rimma Kazakova created more than 20 poetry collections. Some of her poems became lyrics of popular songs. For example, the works “You Love Me” and “Madonna” performed by Alexander Serov are known.

In her work there is a lot of lyrics, irony, sadness about lost love and bright disappointment, in which humility and hope for something new surely sound.

“I’ll grow old, whiten

like land in winter.

I you a refresher,

my beloved.

I you peretoskuyu -


peretolkuyu for you,

what I carry in myself. ”

Her poems are true and sophisticated, full of metaphors, comparisons and beautiful images inspired by the past of the poetess. In them her whole life and all her experiences, of which there were many.

Rimma in front of the microphones

Character and personal life

Fate was strict with Rimma Kazakova, but to the will of circumstances she preferred not to give in and took everything into her own hands. “It was not life that broke me, but I,” said the poet in an interview. An example of this is even her real name - Remo, which stands for "Revolution, Electrification, World October." It was the subject of ridicule at school and singled out the girl in the team, so she decided to change it to a more familiar and harmonious one.

In a romantic relationship, everything was no less complicated. Rimma Fedorovna was amorous and at the same time closed, partly why a happy family life did not work out. Passion of youth - pilot Sovgavan - married another. The writer, who was passionately in love with her, was married and could not leave his family.

The first husband of Kazakova was George Radov. There was no particular passion between them. He did not consider Rimma beautiful and, moreover, knew about her fascination with the writer, but nevertheless proposed marriage. They had a son, Yegor, but after 8 years of marriage, the couple divorced. Radov drank a lot and was not too eager to take part in raising a child, which did not please Rimma too much. She remembered her husband with warmth and respect, but considered marriage to him a mistake.

photo of Rimma Kazakova

The second husband was 11 years younger than the poetess. They were united by a strong love, he fascinated Rimma with manners and mature, dignified behavior. Soon, the husband began to change, and the marriage quickly ended.

Last years

Despite all the difficulties, Rimma Kazakova constantly worked and often wrote to order. She had to compose for corporate parties and holidays in order to support not only herself, but also the granddaughter, whom she brought up while her son was treated for drug addiction. Rimma helped him out of a difficult situation and even made a high-profile “success story” out of it by giving newspaper interviews.

The poetess died in 2008 in a sanatorium near the village of Yudina. She was 76 years old. Her grave is located at the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26075/

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