Crimson is ... Meaning of the word

As dictionaries say, crimson is bright red. But how much this word has absorbed! He blows from him in the late autumn and poetry - "Drops his crimson forest ...". What is a crimson sunset? Just a deep red. And it sounds completely different! Configures both thoughtful contemplation and the game of passion. This word is mostly literary - you will rarely hear it in our hasty and ordinary colloquial speech. Dictionaries really characterize it as a book, poetic.

crimson is


What is the origin of the word "crimson"? It has been lost for centuries and may seem completely unexpected: Old Russian - red - color, paint - goes back to the Indo-European bhagh or bhogh (mud, swamp, swamp). The answer is: the water in the swamps often has a reddish, rusty hue. Here is such a completely non-romantic story in this poetic word! But there is another version. According to her, the word bagr came from the Mediterranean together with red dye brought in.

Color symbolism

Being a shade of red, crimson has all its characteristics. This is a color that carries a wide range of associations, which unites only their strength and emotional richness. These are the concepts that never leave you indifferent. This is love and aggression, power and self-sacrifice, spilled blood and energy boiling inside.

For example, the mantles of the Roman emperors, and later, the European and Russian monarchs, were painted in purple - from blood red to purple. In the Church Slavonic language, this mantle was called "crimson." The dye obtained from mollusks was very expensive and accessible only to high-ranking officials.

what is crimson

But in Christianity, scarlet acquired a completely different meaning - this fabric was worn on Jesus by soldiers who wanted to laugh at him. So the royal color became the color of suffering and sacrifice, which also contributes to the fact that it is the color of blood.

Crimson is a color that combines all the described symbols and meanings. But best of all, it looks on the bright leaves of the picturesque Pushkin autumn.


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