A date in prison: procedures, necessary documents, deadlines, permitted things and products

No one is safe from misfortunes and troubles. And unfortunately, sometimes it happens that a good friend or relative goes to jail. If such a situation has arisen and a decision has been made to visit the convicted person, it is necessary to know how the meeting in prison takes place, what documents will be required to arrange a meeting. It's also worth sorting out which gears are allowed.

What determines the duration of a date?

First of all, you need to find out from the prisoner or the prison authorities what kind of visits are allowed. Usually they are divided into two types: short and long dates. The duration of the meeting depends on the following factors:

  • what type of punishment a prisoner is serving;
  • what type of prison (general, strict or special regime). Depends on how many visits are allowed per month;
  • the behavior of the convicted person (whether there are merits or punishments);
  • permission of the prison authorities.
what to take on a date in jail

A short date. What is it like?

How long are dates in prison? Short has a duration of up to four hours. The meeting takes place in the prison, in a special room. An employee of the colony (security) is necessarily present at it. During such meetings, only communication is allowed. It can occur through a grill or glass (for negotiations there is a handset, like a telephone). All conversations are bugged. Therefore, it is not possible to talk much. The transfer of parcels or just a small package with things and products on this date is prohibited. You can send them through a special window, not personally in the hands of the prisoner.

Long meeting. Features and duration of a date

A long meeting in prison is, of course, the most favorite type of meeting with prisoners. Its duration can last up to three days. The guest of the convict is located in a special room on the territory of the prison or in a special hotel (it is also located on the territory of the colony). You will have to pay for the occupied premises for the period of the meeting. This can be done by both the visitor's prisoner and the convict himself. A convicted guest can bring food and drinks with him. To do this, you will need to familiarize yourself with the allowed list. For example, neither food nor drinks are allowed in glass. The convicted person does not have the right to leave the designated premises for a period of a long visit. If you violate the date will be terminated.

short date in jail

Who is allowed long dates with?

Such meetings are allowed only with the closest relatives:

  • wife or husband;
  • parents (dad, mom);
  • grandparents;
  • children (even adopted);
  • brothers or sisters.

Cohabitants are not close relatives. Therefore, if you want to "knock out" such a date, you may need to marry. Now it is practiced in prisons. With poor behavior, the prisoner may not be allowed to have long meetings. In some cases, they may allow a date of up to five days, but a relative will have to live outside the colony.

In a general prison

The number of visits in general prisons depends on the behavior of the prisoner. If he is in good standing, then he can be allowed up to six dates of both types during the year (that is, six long and six short). Four dates per year are allowed as standard (eight dates in total). But if the prisoner is guilty, then the number of meetings can be reduced or they can be canceled.

In a maximum security prison

Here, the number of visits in a strict regime prison also depends on the behavior of the convict. If he is serving a lighter form of punishment, then up to four short and four long visits are permitted. Otherwise (if the prisoner is being held under normal conditions) - only three visits per year (six in total).

Special Prison Date

Here the number of meetings is minimized. Under normal conditions of detention , only four visits are allowed per year (two short and two long). If the convict is on lightened terms, then the number of meetings can be increased to six (three for each type). There may be a lack of lengthy meetings, depending on what the person is sitting for and how he behaves.

How are meetings with relatives and relatives in prison?

long date in prison

How are dates in jail? Before entering the chat room or the long meeting room, a thorough examination of the visitor and his belongings will take place. If they find: alcoholic beverages, narcotic substances, money or mobile phones for transmission, then they will be immediately seized, and they may cancel the date. Do not forget that things and food, even permitted, will be seized if the date is short.

It is not recommended to succumb to the tricks of the guard that you can go on a date without inspection. This can harm both the visitor and the prisoner. If you refuse a personal inspection and things, the meeting is canceled automatically. In the room where the meeting will be held, there is a security call button (this applies to long visits), this is done to protect the visitor.

Security will necessarily require any document proving the identity of the visitor. As well as a document proving kinship with the prisoner. Especially if it's a long date. If there is not one of the documents, the date will be denied.

After the meeting, the visitor, accompanied by guards, leaves the room. Next, a bus drives or a guard escorts to the gates of the prison. Meanwhile, the convict goes to the cell for the further serving of the sentence.

A date outside the institution. Is it allowed?

Well, when in prison they gave a date. Is it possible to conduct it outside the prison? There are also such privileges, but only in the colonies of the settlement. To do this, the prisoner should behave simply ideally and write a statement addressed to the boss or his acting duty to provide a meeting with a relative not in the territory of the settlement. After considering the application, a response will be issued.

What can be brought?

The list of permitted things and products interests visitors both when sending a parcel, a transfer for a short date, or for fees for a long one.

What can I bring to the prison on a date (long)?

  1. Food products: any instant food (noodles, cereals, soups, cubes and so on); bakery products; butter (butter and vegetable) and cheeses.
  2. Drinks (non-alcoholic), but not in glass or metal containers. You can tea and coffee.
  3. Sugar, sweets (only candies), honey (in a plastic container).
  4. Books, magazines, notebooks, videos.
  5. Things for hygiene (for yourself and the convict).
  6. Changeable clothes for both.

In no case should you try to bring prohibited things (alcohol, drugs, money, weapons, cell phones), and even more so with the help of a bribe. Then the date will definitely be canceled. And this can have sad consequences for further dates. They can be banned with this particular visitor. And they can also take into custody (if there was an attempt to bring a weapon or a drug). In order not to be mistaken in what to take on a date in prison, it is better to get advice from the authorities of the institution before the trip, so as not to get into an unpleasant situation.

What things and food are allowed to put in the transmission and parcels?

how are the dates in prison

To begin with, you always need to call the colony authorities, since the lists can change, and parcels and transmissions can be sent not when you want, but a certain number of times. The following are the main allowed things and food:

  1. Tea, coffee, cigarettes, caramel are not just permitted items in jail. For prisoners, this is a kind of exchange currency. Therefore, they are permanent components of any package or transmission.
  2. Butter, both vegetable and butter, can be melted chicken fat, lard.
  3. Fast food (they are listed above in the list for long dates).
  4. Instead of salt, it's better to send chicken cubes.
  5. Gingerbread cookies, drying, cookies.
  6. Fruits and vegetables, special attention should be given to garlic, especially in winter.
  7. Dried fruits, condensed milk in a bag.
  8. Jelly (in packs), milk powder, tomato paste.
  9. Vacuum-packed cheese, sausages, fish and meat.
  10. It is advisable to send clothes only in dark colors (pajamas, tracksuit, sweaters, pants).
  11. Velcro or zip shoes are also dark in color.
  12. Crockery, better plastic.
  13. Laundry detergent or laundry soap.
  14. Magazines, newspapers, books.
  15. Notebooks and pens (black or blue).
  16. Cards or other board and safe games.
  17. If you need to send medicines, then you need to contact the authorities, the medicine is not transferred to the convict, but to the medical staff of the prison. On the package must be marked "medication".
  18. Necessary items for personal hygiene (hazardous razors are not allowed).
how many visits in jail

Personal hygiene items include:

  • soap;
  • brush;
  • Toothpaste;
  • shampoo;
  • towel;
  • shaving cream;
  • deodorant;
  • for girls - gaskets;
  • washcloth and so on.

You can not put things into the parcels that quickly deteriorate, require storage in the refrigerator or require cooking or other heat treatment.


in prison gave a date

If a relative or acquaintance is in prison, then, of course, first of all, you need to find out how many visits are in prison, what are and when, what is possible and what cannot be transferred to a prisoner. You should not carry bad news from freedom, this can provoke an inadequate reaction from the convict. The visitor must not violate the rules in this institution. This applies to both acceptable products and things, and the behavioral factor.

Little conclusion

man behind bars

It must be remembered that the prisoner enjoys long visits more than the visitor. Since it somehow dilutes the gray everyday life. Therefore, you can specify in advance what he wants and whether it is allowed. You can bring family photos, you can video. And you should always keep track of changes in prohibitions and permitted things in the gear.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26097/

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