Beaded hyacinths: a master class and weaving pattern

Hyacinth is a beautiful spring flower that can be made from beads in any color combinations. In nature, there is an unlimited number of colors of this plant. Therefore, it is permissible to use a combination of several colors of beads. For example, the central part can be made in one shade, and the petals in another.

Color selection

There are inflorescences, the upper part of which is painted in one color, and the lower - in another, darker. Therefore, for work, you can use the remains of the beads that are suitable in tone, and connect them together. Much depends on the taste and color preferences of the needlewoman herself, who performs bead hyacinths. The same goes for foliage. Basically, in this flower, the lower part of the leaf is lighter, and the upper is darker. But there is also a uniform color. Weaving hyacinths from beads is simple. The main problem is to weave a huge number of small petals for flower buds.

Bead wire

Flower shape

Each flower in the inflorescence of hyacinth consists of six petals. Three of them are in the central part, and the remaining three are between them, in a checkerboard pattern. Also, if you carefully consider the flower itself, you will notice that the central part of the flower is different for everyone. Most often, it is the same color as the buds themselves, but sometimes painted in yellow. Examining the flowers themselves or their photographs, you can also notice that they can be planted in different ways. For some, the bulb is visible, but it often happens that it is buried. Here, too, it is best to focus on your taste and do as you like.

bead hyacinth weaving pattern

How to calculate the right amount of beads?

For the work you will need beads No. 12 for the petals, and for the central part - beads No. 6. Instead of number 6 for the middle, you can take some small beads. About 90 grams of material will be needed for an inflorescence of DIY handmade bead hyacinth. One inflorescence will need about 50 flowers. The scheme of hyacinth from beads is quite simple: on the top row there are 7-10 buds, and 8 pieces in 5 vertical rows. Foliage will need about 40 grams of green beads. This is enough for 7 leaves. It all depends on how many leaves you plan to make, if you want more, increase the amount of material.

Bead wire

How to choose the right wire?

A wire for beadwork on a hyacinth inflorescence will need about 33 m. For a single flower, a length of wire of 12 cm is needed, and for the central part - 10 cm. For weaving leaves, you need about 10 m of wire. It is advisable to use a material with a thickness of 0.3 mm, especially for inflorescence, since the weaving feature is such that it will have to be passed through the bead twice. For foliage, you can use any other wire that is convenient to work with - they are made using ordinary French weaving.

How to make elastic leaves for hyacinth?

In order for the leaves not to deform, you do not need to use glue and other additional materials. These parts will hold on their own if you use a resilient wire with a diameter of 0.4 mm, which can be purchased in stores for beekeepers. Despite its small diameter, such a material holds its shape well enough and does not bend. For the base of one sheet, you need segments of 10-15 cm. You do not need to flash them. Foliage is braided immediately with an additional axis. For it, you can use a tone wire with a diameter of 0.4 mm.

Beaded hyacinth workshop

Beaded hyacinth: a master class

Having prepared all the necessary materials and tools, you can move on to the main part of the work. It consists in weaving about 300 small petals for hyacinth from beads. The diameter of one flower will turn out to be about 1.5 cm, and at the inflorescence itself - 22 cm. If you want to get a larger flower, more magnificent and voluminous, then you need to use more beads. You will also have to make larger petals and place them at a greater distance from each other. Then your DIY beaded hyacinth will be big and fluffy. As already mentioned, each flower consists of six small petals. Weave them in any convenient way.

It is convenient to use the axle-free option:

  1. In order to weave one petal for hyacinth from beads, you will need a length of wire 12 cm long. It is better to use a thin wire, since when weaving in this way you need to pass it through the bead twice.
  2. Since the length of one petal is 1.5 cm, we collect the same amount of beads. It’s convenient to use a spinner for this. We measure along the ruler so that all the petals are the same size.
  3. Now, just like in the needle technique of weaving, we pass the wire for beadwork through all beads, except the last one. Move the last bead and stretch the wire so that one end is approximately 2.5-3 cm. In order to get an even row, you need to press all the beads to each other and tighten the ends of the wire. If you cannot tighten it yourself, you can use pliers.
  4. We should get a needle from beads with two tails of wire. We collect so much material on one of them to be enough to the top bead. This is also about 1.5 cm of beads.
  5. Next, we direct the beads in such a way that they stand under the first row. We lift them up to the first upper bead, and pass the end of the wire through it.
  6. We collect more beads to complete the row. Tighten it tightly to make the even side of the petal. We put both ends of the wire together and twist them.
    DIY beaded hyacinth

We made one petal for the craft of Hyacinth beads. If you look closely, you will notice delays on the wrong side and even sides on the front. Now you need to make another 299 of the same blanks. In this case, the length of the legs of each petal will be about 3 cm. If you need to make a more fluffy hyacinth flower, the leg should be longer, so you will have to take a larger amount of wire.

Preparation of the middle of a hyacinth flower

Having prepared 6 petals for the flower, we proceed to the assembly. For the middle of the flower, you can use bead number 6 or a medium-sized bead. We take a piece of wire about 10 cm long and fix the bead on it not exactly in the center, but slightly shifting it to the edge. Fold the wire so that one tip is longer than the other. Twist, holding the bead with your fingers. The leg should be about 1.5 cm long. Now we take the prepared central part and 3 petals of hyacinth. Face them inward, stack them and fasten with each other. In this case, the bead is located at the very bottom of the petals.

Beaded hyacinth, scheme

Flower assembly

We fasten the wire not too tight, as there will be another row of petals. Now we take the remaining three blanks and stack them in a checkerboard pattern with the face inward between the first row, and then fix in the same way. If the petals shift slightly during formation, they can be positioned correctly. If the wire is too stiff, you can twist it with pliers so that the twist is tight. The main thing is not to break the legs of the buds. Now you can give the hyacinth flower its final appearance by arching the three extreme petals, and then the three inner ones. We correct them so that all arcs are closed and the flower looks neat. The distance between the rows should be minimal. Thus, you need to collect all the flowers, and then proceed to the production of inflorescences.

How to make hyacinth from beads?

Making leaves for hyacinth

The base of each flower can be wrapped with a floral ribbon to match the color of the beads, since the hyacinth bud, stem and trunk can be painted the same. The leaves are woven in a very simple way, using the French method. For hyacinth, you need a sheet with a pointed top and a rounded bottom. In total, you need to make 6 pieces, 3 of which using 4 pairs of arcs, and the rest of 3 pairs. They differ only in the number of beads dialed on the axis. For the smallest one, approximately 5 cm of beads will be required. For the largest - 6.5 cm. All of them can be of different sizes.

Crafts from Beads Hyacinth

Inflorescence assembly

Now you need to collect the whole hyacinth flower. For the base, an aluminum wire with a diameter of 6 mm is required. At the very top, we fix one flower with a floral tape, and around it we place another 6 pieces. The next row and all the rest will consist of 8 colors. The last row should be slightly inclined, like a natural flower. Now you know how to make hyacinth from beads. In the same way we fix the leaves. After that, you can put the flower in a flowerpot and fix it with a gypsum mixture or use it for a floristic composition.


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