School uniforms in England: history and traditions

Today it is difficult to imagine at least one school where students would be allowed to attend classes in ordinary clothes. Any educational institution seeks to accustom children to strict discipline, and the school uniform is the best assistant for this.

In some countries, school uniforms are not just clothes, but a whole reflection of the cultural traditions of a particular state. In this regard, in many places it has common features and, of course, very noticeable and interesting differences.

School uniform in England

History of creation

The school uniform in England as an official dress code appeared under King Henry VIII. The basis was taken on military uniforms. Initially, it was just a long cloak-coat exclusively dark blue. This shade was chosen for a reason. First, it was believed that it was a dark blue tone that would teach children humility. Secondly, blue paint at that time was the cheapest and easily accessible. The Hospital of Christ became the first educational institution in the history of England, where it was decided to introduce a school uniform.

Since a decree was issued in 1870 on free primary education for all children, the need for school uniforms in England increased dramatically. And after the hospital of Christ, all educational institutions in the country decided to introduce a strict uniform for their students.

It can be considered quite interesting that the school uniform was created specifically for the poor. After that, private educational institutions began to appear, which considered it a special pride. They did not use special clothes in order to equalize all students, but, on the contrary, show their attitude to the more privileged sections of society. It was during this period that the form became the "chip" of elite schools.

English school uniform

But this is not the end of the matter. Many students, trying to look even better, began to fasten their jackets on a certain number of buttons, put on school caps with a certain slope, lace up their shoes in a variety of ways that only have enough imagination, and carry bags over their shoulders or just by the handle.

School Uniforms in England: Description

For that period of time, the form tried to “adapt” to the age characteristics of students. The costumes of the boys who studied in the elementary grades consisted of mostly dark gray shorts and blazers (jackets). Knee-highs were always worn with shorts. They were also gray. A jacket of the same color was always worn under the jacket. On holidays or some special events, students came in white. Regular long pants were approved for teens. The students wore classic black boots on their feet. With the onset of cold weather, each student put on a shirt pullover with a neckline in the chest in the form of a triangle.

The school uniform for girls included an ordinary blouse, dress and apron. A little later, around the turn of the 20th century, girls began to wear sundress dresses.

school uniform for girls

The English school uniform continued to transform and change until the 1950s. It was during this period that reforms took place in the country, and secondary education became publicly available. Then the idea arose to make one standard of strict clothes for all educational institutions. So there was a division of the form into "summer" and "winter". In fact, it was noticeably larger for girls. Indeed, in the warm period they wore simple dresses for study, and with the onset of cold weather they changed into warmed sundresses.

And, of course, the highlight of the English school uniform is the logo. All students proudly wore the insignia of their school. Most often, he was embroidered on a tie or jacket. Much less often it was placed on special uniform caps.

England features

England is a very conservative country. And she is very closely watching her traditions. And the school uniform has become one of them. Therefore, to all of its students every educational institution to this day provides a form. And not only a suit, but also outerwear, as well as small details of the wardrobe: socks, a tie and more. Moreover, the school uniform in England is available in any size and is issued to each student for free.

School uniform in England, description

Interesting idea

There is a very attractive tradition in a London Elizabeth Garrett school. There, any student can personally participate in the process of creating their future form. Of course, everything happens within a certain framework, but individual wishes will be taken into account.

Modern school uniform in England

England continues to abide by tradition and adhere to established rules. Every self-respecting institution has a strict dress code. What it will be, the institution decides on its own, but based on established standards. In some cities in England, for example, the appearance of clothing still depends on the age of the students who wear it. The tradition of seasonal school uniforms for girls has also been preserved.

In modern form, there is a much greater variety of colors. Now it is not necessary to go exclusively in dark and blue colors. It is now allowed to use brighter shades. For example, red or burgundy. Girls can afford plaid shirts, replacing them with regular blouses. And in addition to caps, school berets appeared.

Modern school uniform in England


The school uniform is really necessary in any educational institution. She teaches children discipline and order. Also, using it, you can exclude competition among students. After all, it would never occur to anyone to arrange a beauty contest where there are rules that require the wearing of a special school uniform.


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