Halberd Weapon in DotA 2

There are a lot of different weapons in the Dota 2 game universe, such as halberds. To begin with, let's figure out what it is from a historical perspective. After our brief excursion into the past, we will move on to the basic description of the halberd from Dota 2.

Halberd in history

Halberd DotA 2

This is a double-headed polearm. One part of the tip looked like a needle spear point, and the second - like a blade of a battle cleaver. The halberd was used by European countries from the 13th to the 17th centuries; weapons were primarily aimed at cavalry with good protection. After some time, her combat role was replaced by a ceremonial and ceremonial. At present, the Swiss Guard, standing guard over the Vatican, can boast a halberd.

Halberd and DotA 2

Now we’ll talk about the magic weapons available in the popular Dota 2 game. Halberd speed can be compared to the speed of a small weapon. Due to this similarity of characteristics, the owner can win those fights in which the use of heavy weapons would be impractical. Photo halberds from "DotA 2" can be found in our article.

Halberd DotA 2 pics

The active Disarmament force stamps the target, prohibiting further attack. With close use, it lasts for three seconds, with long - five and a half.

The passive power of Lesser Maim makes it possible to inflict a delaying injury with every stroke. The enemy acts slower for five seconds.

Halberd in "DotA 2" is most suitable for tanks, tankers, strongmen and initiators. It has great effectiveness in the fight against Kerry, causing a large amount of damage from the hand.

The weapon gives:

  1. + 25 points to bias.
  2. + 20 points to increase strength.
  3. + 25 points for more damage.
  4. 35% of possible injury.
  5. - 20 points of slowdown when injured.
  6. - 20 points to melee attack.
  7. - 10 points for ranged attack.
  8. The injury lasts for five seconds.
  9. Disarmament from afar - 5.5 seconds.
  10. Disarmament near - 3.0 seconds.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26120/

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