How to distinguish gold from fake at home: features, recommendations

Gold has always been and remains the most stable way of investing capital. After all, this precious metal practically does not lose its value and is constantly growing in price. It is not surprising that the business of jewelry fakes attracts all kinds of dishonest dealers and brings huge profits to scammers. How to distinguish gold from a fake and not become a victim of crooks, this article will tell.

how to distinguish gold from a fake

Precious Metal Features

Pure gold has a rich yellow color and differs from other metals in its softness and ductility. And to give durability to jewelry, copper or silver, as well as other substances are always added to it. So no jewelry can be made of "pure gold". A sample is just a percentage of pure metal. For example, sample 585 should have 58.5% gold, and the rest should be impurities. Only “bullion” having a sample of 999 can be called “pure”. But such gold is not used in the manufacture of jewelry. So if sample 999 is present on the product tag, then this is an obvious lie.

Are you real?

The best way to distinguish gold from a fake is to take it to a specialist for verification. But if there is no opportunity to visit a jeweler, then you can take advantage of several tips from professionals. First of all, carefully consider the decoration. It must have a special marking responsible for the authenticity of the metal. In addition, a sample should be knocked out on a gold jewelry; if it is not there, then the mass of the product in carats. To facilitate inspection, a magnifying glass will help you. If the sample has fuzzy and blurry outlines, then most likely it is a fake. Of course, this does not apply to antique jewelry.

how to distinguish gold from a fake at home

But modern scammers have learned to put a test on fakes, so this method does not always help. How to distinguish a fake gold, if there is a test? First of all, look at the edges and joints of the decoration. Over time, the upper layer is erased, and if another metal is visible through it, then the jewelry in front of you is not made of pure gold.

We check "on the tooth"

We all often watched the same scene in the cinema: a person checks gold “for a tooth”. This method really works, and in this way it is possible to recognize whether you are currently decorating or faking. Take, for example, a ring or an earring and press it with your teeth. Traces will remain on real gold, and the deeper they are, the higher the sample of the product. However, there is another soft metal on which dents will also remain - this is lead. So a “tooth” test is not a reliable way to distinguish real gold from fake. Read more about other methods.

Pottery to help

There are a huge number of ways to distinguish gold from fake at home, but now we will talk about the simplest. Take unglazed ceramic dishes and pass on it with a golden item with a slight pressure. Be careful, as the decoration can be easily scratched. Now look at the result of your actions: if the strip left by the product is black, then this is a real fake. Gold in this test leaves a yellow line.

how to distinguish a fake gold if there is a test

Magnet check

For the next method, how to distinguish gold from a fake at home, you will need a small magnet. Just do not think that the one that decorates your refrigerator is suitable. The magnet must be real, heavy and solid. Only this one interacts perfectly with all metals. Bring the gold item to the magnet, and if they are pulled, then you have a fake. But sometimes a component is added to the jewelry that is attracted by a magnet. In this case, you can confuse this decoration with a fake. So this method is not the most correct, so it’s worth trying other verification methods.

Nitric acid

This chemical solution can easily identify fake. How to distinguish gold from a fake with its help? For experience, we will need a small metal dish in which we will place the decoration. Now we put a solution from a pipette onto the product and observe the reaction: if the jewelry has changed color and acquired a greenish tint, then you are dealing with the most ordinary metal. Gilding in this test will acquire a milky hue, and only real gold will not change color. Today it is the most reliable way to detect fake metal! But you can’t say that nitric acid is present in every home, so it’s worthwhile to learn about other verification methods.

how to distinguish real gold from a fake

A few more ways

  • Take a small dish and pour vinegar into it. Now dip the gold jewelry in there. If the metal is real, then nothing will happen to it. The fake will darken within two minutes.
  • Check for sound. Throw the gold jewelry on the table and listen: the precious metal sounds like crystal. Such a test can only be carried out with small products, such as earrings, rings, pendants.
  • Testing with iodine. This chemical element interacts with all metals except gold. To check, put a drop of iodine on the product, preferably on the inside, and look at the reaction: if the metal has darkened, acquired a light gray or even black color, then the decoration is fake. Real gold will remain consistently yellow.

How to distinguish gold from fake gilding or copper

All of the above methods are relevant in cases of outright fake. But how to recognize if another metal is not hiding under a thin layer of gold and if they are not given out gilding for a “pure” product? The presence of a sample has not been an indicator of the truth of a metal for a long time, so we turn to practical tests.

First of all, take a closer look at the decoration, it should not be scratched, and the treatment should be perfectly smooth. If you notice slight damage, then most likely the jewelry is covered with gilding, and from real metal it only has a lock. If everything is clean, then scrape the jewelry in an inconspicuous area. In such a test, the gold will remain intact, but the gilding will lag slightly, and another metal will be exposed.

how to distinguish white gold from a fake

A great way to distinguish gold from a fake is with a lapis pencil. This medical product perfectly interacts and oxidizes metals, and you can buy it at any pharmacy. Scrape the product slightly and wet the area with water. Now you need to draw a scraping pencil. All metals except gold will darken.

How to distinguish gold from fake and brass

The most common method of deception in the jewelry market is to issue brass alloys for “pure” gold, which are very similar in appearance.

how to distinguish gold from fake and brass

In some cases, only a professional can distinguish a fake, but you can also avoid fraud yourself:

  • Take a look at the shade of the product. Any discrepancy with the usual color of gold indicates a large number of impurities.
  • Before you buy jewelry, you should find out its usual price. If the cost of the product is too low, the likelihood of a fake increases significantly.
  • Brass and gold differ in chemical composition, respectively, they have different weights. That is, identical products will have different weights. Gold is heavier and precious metal jewelry will weigh more.

Or is it silver?

White gold has recently gained enormous popularity. This is due to the fact that products made of such metal are particularly sophisticated and sophisticated. It is not surprising that the market was flooded with fakes from a less noble metal. How to distinguish white gold from a fake? First of all, look at the color of the product. Silver has a colder hue. A good test method is a paper test. If you hold a silver product on it, then an almost imperceptible trace will remain, white gold will not leave it at all. In addition, tests with iodine, vinegar, magnet and lapis pencil, mentioned above, will help to distinguish the noble metal.

how to distinguish gold from fake gilding or copper

To get real jewelry is best in well-known jewelry stores that value their reputation. And most importantly, try to avoid shopping in spontaneous markets, stalls, walkways, or with strangers. This will help you not to be disappointed and not to become a victim of scammers. Do not try to save money - and then the jewelry will delight you with its warm color and bright shine for a long time.


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