Green card: what is it and how to get it? Green card on the car: design, reviews

Green card - what does this word mean? It is translated, as you might guess, as follows: “green card”. In the United States, this is an alien’s ID , and in Europe, car insurance. So, to understand both of these concepts, it is worthwhile to talk more about the Green Card.

green card what is

Definition No. 1

First of all, I would like to talk about an identification document called a green card. What does it mean? So, in other words, this is what confirms that a person has a residence permit who is not a citizen of the United States, but lives there permanently. If a person has this certificate, then he will have the opportunity to find a job in America. Interestingly, this document was originally green (from 1946 to 1964), but then changed color. However, after 2010, he again became one. Now appearance again justifies the name. So now it’s clear what a green card is. What needs to be done to receive it? This is another question, the answer to which is very detailed. But in short, this document is issued to those people who will bring the necessary package of documents and submit the appropriate applications. And it is quite a long time and expensive.

Production methods

You can obtain a residence permit in several ways. The best reason for addressing a person who is almost never refused is a family reunion. That is, if spouses live in America, whose son or daughter has remained in Russia, and they want to be together again, then the deal promises to be a win. A biological child is a direct relative, so there will be no particular problems in such matters as issuing a green card.

Marrying a US citizen or US citizen is also an occasion to obtain such a residence permit. In the same way as work when applying for an employer from the United States. Another interesting way to get this certificate is to win it in the lottery. About it will be described later in more detail. And the last way is to obtain a document for refugees who have found political asylum in the United States. In general, now many people want to get an identity such as a green card. What happened, why did activity increase so much? Just in other states in the literal sense of the word it became crowded. In the year America receives about three million applications for a residence permit. Mostly those who ask are citizens of India, the Philippines, Mexico, and, of course, China.

how to win a green card

About the lottery

Many people wonder: how to win a green card? What is needed for this? To begin with, I would like to say that the lottery takes place via the Internet. It is organized annually by the US government. And the main goal is to encourage emigration from countries whose inhabitants in America are very few. Strange, of course, but noble.

The boom was observed in 2008, then more than 6.4 million citizens applied for participation in the rally. In total, about ten million people came out (including family members). On the Internet there are many sites that impersonate representatives of the lottery. So, the first caveat. The lottery has no representatives! It can only be won on the only official US site. And registration in it is absolutely free. Many scam sites colorfully tell how to win a green card through them, but all this, of course, is paid. So they just “weld” on people who want to move to America.

what gives a green card

Special cases

So what the green card gives is clear. The opportunity to live and work in America is very tempting. The categories of people who can get it relatively easily have been described above. But it is worth noting another nuance. This document can be issued to a person who is something unique. For example, a citizen with exceptional abilities in the fields of sports, business, education, science or art. Or specialists with higher academic degrees. They also include professionals with higher education and highly skilled workers with at least two years of experience in the field that is very popular in the USA.

Religious figures are also on this list, as are people who worked for the US government. And of course, we must not forget about investors who invest from 500 thousand dollars and up to a million in the American economy and create at least 10 jobs.

green card on a car

Definition No. 2

Now it’s worth talking about a document such as a green card on a car. Someone likes to travel by plane, some by train or bus. But most prefer to go somewhere on their own. That is, by car. But this requires an insurance policy! So it is called a green card. And he acts in any foreign country. In fact, this document is an analogue of CTP. This document is required. Otherwise, without its presence it will not be possible to obtain a visa to the country where you want to go.

green card reviews

Why is this document needed?

A green card for a car is not only necessary for obtaining a visa. She is also asked to be presented at the border, both at the entrance and at the exit. Therefore, it is necessary to draw it up for the period during which a person plans to stay in the European Union. Some decide to do it for 15 days, and then they have problems with the border guards who notice that the document is expired.

Even in Europe, they can stop the car with the numbers of a foreign country in order to verify the identity of the person driving and the others who are in the car. Insurance can also be requested in addition to rights and passports.

And of course, in the event of an accident, this document is irreplaceable. In fact, the green card protects a person from the cost of repairing other people's cars in an accident.

A couple of words worth mentioning regarding the registration procedure. In order to buy a policy, you will need your regular and foreign passports (many companies need only one, but it's better to play it safe and bring both documents with you). And of course, the vehicle passport (or certificate of registration). The minimum term of the policy is 15 days, and the maximum is one year. By the way, if a person goes abroad for 16 days, then it will be necessary to take out insurance for a month. It should be taken into account.

green card design

Where to get?

So, they buy a green card for a car in an officially accredited insurance company. But not in any - only in the one that has the right to issue it. And in total in the Russian Federation there are ten such organizations. They are those companies that are members of the Green Card system. Some organizations have decided to abandon this venture. The reason for this was an excessively high limit of liability.

The first company is Alfa Insurance. The second most popular is VSK. The third is the 21st Century. The fourth is “WITH JASCO”. In general, listing them all is not worth it. But each of the companies has a fairly well-known and good name, so you can trust anyone. It’s not particularly important where the green card will be issued. Positive reviews from all firms.

green card on a car

Interesting Nuances to Know

Many people are interested in the cost of this document. At the end of 2015, it cost about 2500 rubles for 15 days. But the calculation is made each time individually. Reviews are advised to draw up a card for a longer period, unless, of course, the trip is planned not for two weeks.

By the way, according to reviews, some acquire this document right at the border. This is pretty relevant. But it is not suitable for everyone and not always. For example, if a person wants to go to Germany, this will not work. The German consulate is required to present a green card before issuing a visa.

By the way, if earlier the policy was drawn up by hand, then from the first of April the year before last, 2014 exclusively computer design was introduced. And all the data indicated in the insurance is now entered immediately into the database. Which is also very convenient.

Many more decide to order a policy online. Indeed, traveling somewhere to buy it is optional. You can go through the registration process online, but only after the original insurance you still have to go to the company’s office.


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