How to dress up for carols? Find out!

Want to learn how to dress up for carols? Now we will consider some interesting options. An ancient tradition that has survived to this day accompanies every Christmas and is called, of course, carols. On a festive evening, people gather in a friendly company, sing songs, and dress in a special way and, grabbing a bag for gifts, go to walk to neighboring houses. How to dress in a carriage is very colorfully described in the works of Nikolai Gogol.

Animal images

how to dress up for carols

The most popular costumes for Christmas time are the images of totem animals. Stretching is fun complementing Christmas carols. How to dress up? The answer to this question will tell the inner mood. After all, a costume is just part of a holistic image. Most often dressed in the form of a bear or a goat, however, deer or spirit are also popular. To create a costume does not require special design skills. For example, a sheepskin coat, turned upside down, is quite suitable for a goat - that's where the traditional sheepskin coat is ready.

A coat from light karakul is also suitable. A goat mask should be worn on the face. If you can get horns somewhere, then the costume will not be equal. They can be made independently. For example, impregnate PVA paper with glue and roll it up, giving it the necessary shape. Goats have small horns. Such a beauty is usually brought into the house, then in verses and songs they ask to give a present.

Additional Attributes

how to dress on a carriage

Thinking about how to dress up for carols, you should prepare additional attributes for fun. For example, a tambourine, bells, a staff, and also a canvas bag. All of these items are not so hard to find. A tambourine can be borrowed in a group of kindergarten, there is always enough of this stuff. The staff is easy to build from a stick from a mop or floor brush. It is best to glue it with hologram bright paper or tape. You can attach bells to the very top so that when they tap the ground they make a ring. And of course, the main symbol of the holiday is the Star of Bethlehem. It can be made of foil and mounted on a pole.

How to dress in a carriage? If the bear image is chosen from all the options, then you should not worry about the whole costume. To get used to the role, a fur cape on the shoulders in the form of a hide is very successfully suitable. If it is possible to find a hat in the same design, then the costume will only have to be supplemented with a bear mask on the face. Of course, in the case when there is a real skin, and even with the head of a club-toed one, the image will be impeccable. It will be appropriate to wear leather gloves in brown or black. In the paws of a bear it is better to give a tambourine tied with bright satin ribbons.

Christmas carols how to dress up


Who else can dress up for carols and, most importantly, how to make a costume? You can - a deer. A brown fabric is suitable for the costume, from which you can sew the head and drape on the chest. Eyes are made from sewn buttons. The nose and mouth can be drawn with a felt-tip pen. The horns are conveniently made of fabric, and inside it is stuffed with synthetic winterizer, cotton wool or silicone filler.

Also in addition will be good leather gloves. Similarly, you can sew a horse costume. The fabric is black, gray or brown. The head is sewn exactly the same way. The mane can be made of fur, openwork fabric, fringe for curtains or other material. It would also be good for a horse to make a torso. For this, the fabric is simply sewn from three panels. Their length should be designed for two people, and the back will be in a suit in a bent and tilted forward state. The width of the back is taken approximately by the swing of the shoulder.

National dress

who can dress up for carols

If nothing came to your liking from animal images, and therefore you still donโ€™t know how to dress up in carols, you can always wear a national costume. You will need a shirt or embroidery, a skirt made of red or blue fabric, an apron, a wide belt that can be made independently from any piece of fabric, a sheepskin coat is also useful. It can be a sheepskin coat, fur coat or other products made of fur, most importantly, to see the national flavor. On the head there may be a scarf of bright colorful colors or a hoop of flowers. It can be assembled independently. For the base, a normal hair band is suitable, on which artificial flower buds must be attached using an adhesive gun or a โ€œMomentโ€. A wreath can be made using colored paper. The decor of small flowers will be just right.


Now itโ€™s clear how to dress up for carols. Having come up with your costume, then bringing the idea to life, you should get together the whole company. After putting on festive images, you must not forget to take all the necessary attributes. It is also better for everyone to sing together, and at the same time repeat the carols that you are going to sing as a friendly company. Sometimes the voices and musicality of ordinary people are striking to the core.

But a friendly host will never be stingy with gifts and treats, and also, most likely, will show financial generosity. For the sake of such a thing, as well as for the fun itself, it is worth preparing and how to try hard. Christmas is a magical period with a special mystery of what is happening.


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