Chaun Bay: photos, description. Nature reserve "Chauna Bay"

This area, unique in terms of nature, was discovered in 1646 by a Russian expedition consisting of Kolyma industrialists and headed by Isay Nechaev. Nikita Shalaurov, who visited these places in 1762, put it on the map.

This is Chaun Bay, the name of which comes from the name of the Yukaghir tribe Chovan (chown translated from Yukagir means "sea"). It represents a vast sea bay in the Arctic Ocean, located in the extreme northeast of the Yakutsk region, on the border with the Primorsky region.

Geographical position

Gulf of Chaun Bay with the sea is connected by three straits: Middle (located between Bolshoy Routan and Aion), Lesser Chaunsky (from the western island of Ayon) and Pevek (eastern side of Bolshoi Routan island). On the east side it is bounded by Cape Shelagsky. The west coast is low, and the east is more elevated. The length of the lip is 150 kilometers in length and 100 kilometers wide. Its depth does not exceed 20 meters, only on the Pevek Strait does it reach 31 meters.

In the summer, sea currents from the northern latitudes carry perennial ice, which form the Lyons ice massif at the entrance to the bay.

Administratively, the bay belongs to the Chukotka Autonomous Region (the administrative center is the city of Pevek), and is part of the Chaunsky District.

City Pevek


The Chaun Bay basin (photo is presented in the article) includes many rivers: Tayyukuul, Mlelyn, Piotootypivaam, Ichuveem (the Kaatyr, Ichuveem and Sredny rivers flow in this river system), Chaun, Palyavaam, Kremyanka, Pucheveem, Ytytykuvemvyem, Yttykvyemveyem, Ytytykulveyem, Yuttykulveyem, Yuttykulveyem, Yuttykulveyem, Yuttykulveyem, Rytvekvyemve, Yttykulveyem, Yuttykulveyem, Rytvekvyemve, and several smaller rivers.

This Chukchi Gulf belongs to the eastern zone of the East Siberian Sea basin.

East-Siberian Sea

Relief of the surroundings

The northern tip of the lip is called Cape Sandy. Several islands are located between the eastern side of the island and the eastern shore of the bay. The most significant of them are Aroutan and Chenkul. The western part of the coast of the bay is mostly low-lying, and sandy streams and streamers depart from it. The situation is the same with the southern and southwestern shores of Sabadei Island. On the west bank, in parallel with the Wolverine cape, Mount Vaivapin rises.

The deeper part of Chaun Bay is located on its eastern and partially southern shores. The shores here are in the form of cliffs, they are cut in small bays at the mouths of the flowing rivers. On the Matyushkina Peninsula there is a rocky mountain called Rautan, and Mount Beyla is located between the mouths of the Paunbel and Chaun rivers. Water lips abound in fish and seaweed. Chukchi wander along its banks.

Nature features

The southern and eastern coasts of Chaun Bay are special. Here are places of rest, nesting and molting of waterfowl. Among them, you can find black-throated loon, three varieties of eiders, tundra swan, white and white-fronted geese, small egg, pink gull and others. These unique coastal areas are included in the Chaunskaya Guba State Nature Reserve.

Inhabitants of the sea coast

Almost all Chukotka territories are rich in unique natural monuments and reserves, which are of no small importance for the entire region. The reserve is one of the most striking such objects. It was founded in 1995 at the location of the former Teyukul natural reserve and the Ust-Chaun nature reserve. A nature reserve has been created with the aim of preserving birds flying to these lands and their reproduction.

Chauna Bay covers an area of ​​236.9 thousand hectares. Its main section is located 50 kilometers southeast of Pevek, including the massif of Mount Pytlyan (height - 1,030 meters), located in the western part of Ichuvuyem (ridge). Prevail in the protected area of ​​the tundra.

The animal and plant world of this amazing region is typical for this area. The reserve is one of the few protected by the state and administered by the district hunting department. Among other things, it is on the list of the most important water and wetlands of the Chukotka Territory.

These places are very popular among tourists who, traveling along the special routes of the reserve, have the opportunity to meet with rare species of animals, closer to see wild birds and enjoy the unique beauty of their own picturesque landscapes.

Top view of Chaun Bay

Environmental conditions

Chaunskaya Bay today is subject to anthropogenic impact. Disastrous consequences for the ecosystem are possible here. Untreated domestic sewage can contribute to this. Now there is an increase in signs of anthropogenic eutrophication (enrichment of water bodies with biogenes, accompanied by a rapid increase in vegetation productivity) in the northeastern part of the bay (lightning-fast process).

Today, the airport and Pevek, an important seaport for the Arctic, are located and operate on the coast. Also on the bay there is an ice winery, which carries from Pevek to Baraniha.


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