What is the significance of birds in nature and human life? Endangered species

Coming to the forest or getting out to the river, we enjoy the sounds of nature, which for the most part are created by birds. They can sing, scream, whistle, hiss, without their various voices these places would not seem so attractive to us. But what else is the significance of birds in nature and human life? How do neighborhoods affect people?

Distribution of birds on the planet

the importance of birds in nature and human life
Birds live on all continents, and also inhabit most of the islands. They settle everywhere where vegetation grows, and also there are living beings that are suitable for their food. Their habitats are meadows, forests, deserts, mountains, swamps, tundra and steppes. There are also birds that most of the time are in the open sea. According to some estimates, there are more than 9,000 species of birds on Earth. The greatest variety of birds can be found in tropical forests. The smallest number of species is found in the Antarctic and the Arctic, where conditions are too harsh. But at the same time, many individuals of one kind or another live here.

The benefits of birds

bird features
But what is the significance of birds in nature and human life, why is such diversity necessary? Interestingly, each species has its own field of activity. All birds successfully fulfill their mission due to the fact that their numbers are large. According to scientists, about 100 billion birds live on the planet. Due to the fact that they eat insects and vegetation, they directly provide services to wildlife, preventing small creatures from invading the Earth. For example, without them, the entire planet would be impassable due to the huge clouds of insects. Also, the importance of birds in nature and human life is expressed in the fact that they eat small rodents, controlling their numbers. Were it not for this, all productive fields would be constantly attacked by pests.

Many birds also serve as food for other animals, thereby supporting a complex ecosystem chain.

Seed distribution

Many birds feed on fruits of mountain ash, bird cherry, elderberry in winter and autumn. As they travel from place to place, seeds are transferred along with droppings, which are watered by rain and sprout. In addition, birds carry acorns, which without their help would remain forever under the tree due to their severity. For example, jays grab the fruits of oak and carry them far, far away, but often they lose them in flight - this is how trees sprout.

But the significance of birds in nature and human life does not end there. There are birds that feed on nectar of flowers. For example, these are nectaries and hummingbirds, they fly up to the plant and pollinate it like many insects.

Bird fluff and droppings

It is worth noting some additional features of birds that benefit a person. So, the litter of many species is a real valuable fertilizer, and their fluff serves as a good insulation for things. For example, in the eider duck, the eider is famous for its low thermal conductivity, softness and excellent elasticity, which is suitable for making pillows and warm clothes.

birds in the garden

Bird droppings contain a lot of phosphorus and a salt of nitrogen, which is considered an excellent combination for fertilizing the soil. In those areas where birds nest, sometimes you can find a thick layer of guano (litter), which is used as fertilizer.

We attract birds to the parks

We found out the characteristics of birds and their importance in the ecosystem chain - they destroy the mass pests of cultivated plants. Carnivorous birds are also important, they massively catch small rodents that carry infectious diseases, such as jaundice and plague. Therefore, if someone has birds in the garden, they cannot be chased away or scared. Also, do not hunt them for the sake of sports interest. On the contrary, it is important to attract these tireless workers to parks and other places. The main thing is not to disturb the settled birds at the time of nesting and not to take the chicks. New plantings can be made so that the birds have places where they can hide. And in the winter, you can help them by hanging out feeders with seeds and bread.

birds in winter

Bird extinction

Today, many species are becoming rare due to the fact that people are cramping them with their progress and cruelty. Because of this, Red Book birds are replenished with new names. Today, reserves have been created in which rare species can feel relative safety without fearing human activities.

Birds of the Red Book of Russia

Those birds that permanently reside or temporarily reside in Russia were listed in the Red Book. They need special protection and non-intervention of a person in their life. And they have the right to it, otherwise it will happen that many populations will soon be considered extinct. All of these species are divided into six categories.

red book birds

  1. "0" - allegedly disappeared.
  2. “1” is threatened with extinction. These include: the red-legged ibis, the yellow-billed heron, the pink pelican, the great mint, the Yankovsky oatmeal, the mountain goose, the marble teal, the mackerel, the crested pegans, the dry-chested, the jack, the Daurian and Japanese cranes, the Siberian crane, the Far Eastern stork, the white-winged herd.
  3. “2” - the number is declining. These include: shaggy nuthatch, spoonbill, cormorant, curly pelican, Mongolian lark, European black-throated loon , white-haired, kloktun, white-eyed dive, piskulka, European average woodpecker, East Siberian bustard subspecies.
  4. "3" - rare birds. These include: Egyptian heron, loaf, black stork, medium white heron, crested cormorant, paradise flycatcher, cane one, common gray shrike , white- headed loon, American swan, American geese, black Atlantic geese, red-breasted geese, Berah duck, scaly. bustard, black crane, red-footed chase, sultan.
  5. “4” - the status is not defined. These include: Japanese and aquatic warbler, European Blue Tit, Aleutian Canada Goose, red-bellied woodpecker, and horned moorhen.
  6. "5" - actively restored. These include the small swan and belladonna.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26151/

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