Rhododendron, landing and care in the southern areas

The genus Rhododendron (Rhododendron) belongs to the Heather family (Ericaceae). This genus includes a large number of diverse shrubs and trees, deciduous and evergreen. Azalea also belongs to the same genus (although sometimes it is isolated into a separate subgenus). Rhododendrons are found in North America and the Himalayas, Japan and Australia ... in different climatic conditions, from the Subtropics to Siberia, they grow in the Southern Hemisphere. On the territory of Russia, in Siberia, the Far East and the Caucasus, 18 species grow in the wild. This plant in nature grows in the foothills (in the Alpine zone), in the forest (even in the tundra), and can grow in swamps. For the south, Caucasian Rhododendron, and especially Pontic and Yellow Rhododendron, are more suitable than other species (planting and caring for these two species are almost the same.)

The name "rhododendron" comes from the merger of the Greek words "rose" - "Rhodon" and a tree - "Dendron". This name describes well the abundant flowering of many rhododendrons. Often, rhododendron is called Alpine Rose. In fact, in the south it’s not at all difficult to grow rhododendron, caring for it is much easier than for a real rose. We can say that in the south this plant is unpretentious.

Caucasian rhododendron, landing and care

The Caucasian rhododendron is a low shrub (height up to one and a half meters) with white or cream flowers (in Armenia and Turkey there is a form with pale pink flowers), evergreen, grows in the mountains and foothills (in the subalpine zone). In cultural plantings, you must try to provide the plant with conditions close to natural. It is advisable to plant this rhododendron near large trees (only those whose roots go into the deep layers of the soil, the rhododendron itself has a superficial root system, in which case there will not be competition between them), but at such a distance that it is illuminated most of the day the sun. Caucasian rhododendron is perfect for rock garden. This type of rhododendron needs protection from the wind. All rhododendrons (and azaleas) prefer fertile, forest soil with an acidic reaction; loamy soil mixed with leaf humus is best. Please note that rhododendrons do not tolerate soil that has an alkaline reaction; therefore, fertilizers “deoxidizing” the soil (for example, ash) cannot be applied under them. Sour soils are also not desirable for them, so you need to organize drainage or plant rhododendron on an elevation (bulk mound, garden bed). Rhododendron, thanks to its compact root system, transfers the transplant quite easily.

Pontic rhododendron, landing and care

Pontic rhododendron, as the name implies, grows on the Black Sea coast and in the foothills of the Caucasus. An evergreen bush or tree 3-6 meters high, flowers similar to bells are collected in a lilac-pink inflorescence. In the wild, forms entire thickets. It grows better in the sun, but partial shade can also grow, soil requirements, like all rhododendrons.

Yellow rhododendron, landing and care

Rhododendron Yellow or Pontic Azalea - grows in the same locality as the previous species. This is a deciduous shrub up to 2 meters high, blooms in May - June. The flowers are bright yellow, collected in inflorescence and very fragrant (used in perfumery, but it can cause a headache in some people, so it is better not to put bouquets in the house), the flowering is plentiful. Bushes grow very much. Loves the sun, can grow on marshy soils.

Pontic and Yellow rhododendrons are poisonous, but, at the same time, are used in medicine.

How to care for rhododendron? Care is the same for all the species described: frequent (but not plentiful) watering and spraying, mandatory mulching with leaf or coniferous litter (can be cut and dried grass) and top dressing with complex fertilizer.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26156/

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