Gogoshara sweet peppers: what is it?

The name of a whole group of sweet peppers of tomato-like varieties of medium ripening sounds unforgettably - gogoshary.

gogoshary what is it
What is it, what features is interesting for this representative of nightshade, and how does he differ from his brothers, we learn from this article.

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Gogoshara spherical thick-walled bell peppers have long been bred and successfully cultivated. Probably every Russian gardener knows what this is. This group of varieties of vegetable pepper has been successfully cultivated and appreciated for a very long time. Each variety of pepper gogoshara forms a strong bush, reaching from 0.5 m to 1.0 m in height with a compact, dense, well-leafy crown.

The fruits are wide, round, strongly flattened with a ribbed surface, resembling small pumpkins, weigh up to 100-130 grams. Their color is traditional: in the period of technical maturity - green, and biological - burgundy red or bright yellow. The wall of the fetus is 6-8 mm thick. The taste differs from other varieties of sweet pepper in a slightly bitter shade and can have a significant sharpness, but not burning, but pleasantly soft, shading the usual sweetness.

A feature of this vegetable is light pollination with spicy pepper growing nearby . Its result is the setting and ripening of fruits of intense-acute taste with the shape of a classic gogoshara. Therefore, it is better to grow it far away from sharp varieties, and it is worthwhile to purchase seed from trusted suppliers.


The high heat lovingness of all varieties of this vegetable significantly limits its cultivation areas and they give a fully generous harvest only in the middle and southern regions of Russia, Moldova, Ukraine, since they react sharply to the smallest temperature fluctuations.

gogoshary sweet
The most comfortable temperature for high-quality cultivation of crops is considered to be 25-28 Β° C and its location on open high ridges, where there is enough sun and fresh air for filling the fruits. However, experienced gardeners successfully grow gogoshary in greenhouses, which provide good ventilation, fresh air and adequate lighting.

Growing Features

In central Russia, peppers are grown by seedlings. Since the ripening time after pollination is from 95 to 105 days, seeds are sown earlier than other varieties for 1-2 weeks, creating the optimal setting in the room: good lighting and air temperature 25-26 Β° C. Pepper is demanding on warmth to capriciousness: cooling only a few degrees leads to a significant growth lag. Seedling containers after sowing seeds are covered with glass or film. This will allow the seeds to germinate faster. Cover material is removed as soon as they hatch.

Gogosharas need a pick. And although the seedlings are experiencing this procedure hard, the result of a correct and accurate pick is the development of a powerful root system and the active growth of the seedling. Changing the location of seedlings is also not recommended. Diving and subsequent transplantation to a permanent place is carried out very carefully, since the roots and stems of seedlings are fragile and recover for a long time.

Gogoshara pepper grade

Gogoshary does not like sweet bush formations and stepsonovki. Nevertheless, planting concerns for these varieties are common for growing sweet peppers.

Gogoshary: what is it and how to care for them

Peppers develop well in fertile, fertilized, high-quality organic soil. But experienced gardeners do not recommend feeding plants with foliar spraying, since pepper transfers them painfully: tender young peppers can get burns even from solutions of a very low concentration. Unlike many nightshade, after planting this variety in the garden, you do not need to pick off the first formed fruits - this significantly inhibits the development of the plant and the formation of the following peppers. The first fruits are usually removed from the bush at the stage of technical ripeness and sent to a warm place for ripening. It is believed that this stimulates a more active formation of ovaries and the maturation of subsequent fruits.

A prerequisite is regular and timely watering, since drying out the soil is also detrimental to the crop. Loosening for peppers is undesirable, since a feature of the root system is its surface location. It is better to mulch the soil under the bushes with humus or compost with a layer 10-12 cm thick.

Pinching ovaries

For all the culture’s dislike for pinching, pinching the ovaries that thicken the bush is necessary. This slightly reduces the number of ripening fruits, but significantly increases their quality characteristics. In addition, a thickened bush can not give a full crop.

gogoshary varieties

Various gogosharas belong to this group of vegetable peppers: varieties Local, Ruby 2, Merishor, etc. All of them are equally heat-loving and grow well in open ground exclusively in the southern regions.

We introduced the reader to an interesting culture - gogoshara peppers. What this is, it is now clear to beginner gardeners.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26158/

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