The organoleptic method is ... Definition, assessment of the quality of goods, analyzes, GOSTs, examination flaws

Sensory analysis using sensory organs is one of the most ancient and widespread methods for determining the quality of food products. Today's laboratory methods of organoleptic assessment of product quality are more complex and time-consuming, but at the same time they allow to characterize many private features of the goods. They contribute to the overall assessment of the quality of products objectively and relatively quickly.

Touch control, carried out at separate stages of production, makes it possible to purposefully and quickly correct them. With the proper organization of the organization, the organoleptic method of evaluating goods exceeds a number of instrumental measurements in sensitivity. Mistakes can occur only in violation of the rules for selecting an expert group and an unprofessional approach.

organoleptic method of valuation of goods

The essence of the method

Organoleptic methods are used for a comprehensive assessment of indicators characterizing the nutritional value of both raw materials and finished products using the senses: touch, sight, taste, and smell. The main advantage of the organoleptic method is the ability to get an idea of ​​the properties of food products in a short time.

Sensory evaluation of products is carried out in accordance with the sequence of perception familiar to the body. So, first a visual assessment is made of the appearance of the product, its shape and color. After that, the sense of smell is included in the organoleptic evaluation method. And only at the final stage are the taste sensations from one and the other food product characterized - the taste itself, texture and juiciness.

To quantify the results, organoleptic methods for assessing the quality of goods use a point system. In the methods of performing sensory analysis of a product, a certain number of points is set for each quality indicator. So, when assessing the quality of meat products, five-point and nine-point scales are used. Therefore, each indicator in them has 5 or 9 degrees of quality.

History of the development of science

Organolepticism as an independent discipline began to take shape in the second half of the twentieth century. Of paramount importance in the implementation of sensory analysis is the professionalism of the expert taster, who is required to own modern methods of organoleptic testing of food products. The need to select tasters for psychotechnical characteristics was first justified back in 1933 by Professor V. S. Gruner, who worked at the Department of Commodity Science at the Moscow Institute of National Economy. But the first expert selection methods were developed in the USA.

A special role in these developments is assigned to the principles of selecting tasters for the method of organoleptic examination, which are based on the increased sensory abilities of people. So, in 1957, D. E. Tilgner introduced the concept of sensory minimum, which experts must comply with. He is the author of the first scientific work on this topic, published in the USSR in Russian.

The most active domestic developments on the methods of organoleptic evaluation of goods were conducted in 1970-1980:

  • Solntseva G.L. led the creation of a methodology for selecting tasters suitable for the meat processing industry.
  • Safronova T. M. developed expert testing programs for the fishing industry.
  • A. Chebotarev led the development of training methods and the selection of tasters in the dairy industry.
  • Puchkova L.I. perfected the methods of organoleptic analysis of bakery products.
    organoleptic method of analysis of gost

Method Features

Organoleptic evaluation is understood as a combination of numerous operations, including the selection of specific organoleptic indicators suitable for evaluating a given product, the evaluation of these indicators, as well as the comparison of their values ​​with the baseline. Usually, organoleptic indicators are analyzed in the following sequence: appearance, color, smell, texture, taste.

Assessment of appearance includes determining the shape, nature of the surface, uniformity in size of units of a product or product. Appearance, determined by the organoleptic method, is a complex characteristic that includes a number of such individual indicators as geometric shape, color and surface condition. Some types of products require the addition of a comprehensive indicator “appearance” with specific ones, for example, the condition of containers or packaging, the freshness of the product, the characteristics of individual components. So, when assessing the appearance of frozen fish, the thickness and condition of the glaze are also evaluated, and when analyzing pickled vegetables, the brine transparency is checked, etc.

The purity of color for many food products is an indicator of their contamination with impurities, which serves as a criterion for a commercial variety of products such as flour, starch and salt. With the organoleptic method for determining color, it is necessary to take into account color contrast, which manifests itself in the fact that a particular color visually lightens on a dark background, and darkens on a light background. For an adequate assessment of the samples, it is necessary to compare the actual values ​​of the colors with the standard on the same background.

When analyzing odors, it is necessary to determine the typical aroma, harmony of odors, and establish the presence of odors that are foreign to the product. Often used terms such as “aroma” and “bouquet”. The first is due to aromatic substances in the composition of the feedstock, and the second is the result of a combination of aromatic compounds added or formed during the production of products. For example, juices, frozen fruits and vegetables are characterized by the term “flavor”; but mature cheeses and wines - by the term “bouquet”.

The determination of the consistency of products by the organoleptic method according to GOST is carried out using the following techniques: pressing, pressing, piercing, cutting, smearing.

The taste analysis characterizes not only the basic taste sensations (sweet, sour, salty, bitter), but also sharpness and pungency, tenderness, astringency, etc. In addition, the presence of extraneous flavors not characteristic of this product is assessed. The taste of most products is evaluated in combination with their aroma. They must be in harmony.

organoleptic assessment method

Classification of characteristics to be evaluated

The group of ergonomic indicators of food products characterizes the relationship of the product, consumer and the environment.

Ergonomic quality indicators of goods
The name of indicatorsCharacteristic indicators
HygienicShow whether the product meets sanitary standards.
AnthropometricThey evaluate the product in relation to the parameters of a person - is it convenient to transport, store and use the product by the consumer. Affect the packaging of goods, the choice of shapes and sizes of the product.
PhysiologicalThey characterize the product in terms of the needs of the human body.
PsychophysiologicalOrganoleptic perception of a product is evaluated along with its emotional value (for example, quality of design).

Aesthetic quality indicators, determined by the organoleptic method, are presentation, composition, perfection of performance, individual characteristics of the product. Evaluation is subject not only to the artistic expressiveness of the package or label, its correlation with the name of the product, but also compliance with the preferences of consumers.

The unification and standardization of goods characterizes the continuity of a new product, which serves as a guarantee of its quality and reflection of technical excellence. Organoleptic methods determine the varieties of standard products, differentiate them by quality, evaluate consumer loyalty.

Using environmental indicators characterize the level of harmful effects of products on the environment during their storage or use.

The destination indicators of a product or product provide an assessment of its social significance, as well as the target function.

Product Destination Indicators
Social indicatorsFunctional indicators

1. The feasibility of production for society. Is there an unsatisfied demand among the population for a particular type of product.

2. Social targeting. For which consumer groups is this product intended (for example, baby or diet food).

3. Compliance with the optimal assortment.

4. Moral wear and tear. Is the demand for a similar group of goods reduced.

5. Concomitant social effect. Is production focused on new consumer demands.

1. Universality of application. The more areas the product is used, the more popular it will be with the population.

2. Compliance with the implementation of the main function (product usefulness).

Evaluation of catering products

The organoleptic method of assessing the quality of food products involves the necessary analyzes directly at the enterprise. The location of the sensory assessment is determined by the management of the enterprise, but the conditions must comply with regulatory requirements. It is performed by employees of the enterprise who do not have any medical contraindications or restrictions, have the skills to conduct product evaluations, and also know the quality criteria. In the course of organoleptic research, tableware, appliances and equipment from the kitchen are used. Each taster should have with them neutralizing products that restore taste as well as olfactory sensitivity. These include wheat white bread, unleavened dry cookies, ground or beans, drinking water.

organoleptic examination method

The organoleptic method in this case is intended to control the quality of mass-produced products produced by the catering company. It consists in compiling a quality rating of the provided product samples. Detailed sensory specifications are set for each parameter. Rating assessment of indicators is carried out using a five-point scale.

Sampling and preparation of samples

The requirements for sampling a particular type of catering product are slightly different from each other and are determined by the relevant regulatory documents. So, samples of flour confectionery products are taken, guided by GOST 5904.

Evaluation of product quality by the organoleptic method is carried out for each batch immediately after its manufacture and prior to sale. The number of tasters determines the number of portions tested. It is worth noting that with a large assortment of dishes, they are evaluated in order of increasing intensity of organoleptic properties. Thus, at first they try more fresh products, then with brighter taste and aroma, and only at the end of the list put sweet dishes. No return to tasting of previous samples is allowed.

During the assessment, the temperature of each type of food service should be similar to that which will be during its implementation.

organoleptic method determine

Assessment Procedure

A set of characteristics for determining quality indicators by the organoleptic method of each type of product is determined by the enterprise management. For some groups of dishes, the number of evaluated indicators can be lowered or increased. For example, sometimes it is necessary to evaluate the type of dish in the context, its design, the preservation of the form during cooking, etc.

Quality criteria
5 pointsThere are no flaws. The indicators fully comply with the requirements of technical and regulatory documents.
4 pointsThere are minor easily removable flaws. For example, uneven slicing, a characteristic, but slightly expressed taste, etc.
3 pointsThere are significant disadvantages, but the dish is suitable for sale. Even if the minimum score of 3 points is set to only one indicator (for example, taste), the overall rating of the product will be 3.
2 pointsThere are significant defects. These include loss of form, undercooking or burntiness, over-salinity, extraneous smacks, etc.

Texture rating

Checking the consistency of products can be performed in several ways, provided for by the organoleptic method. These are the following tricks:

  • Visual when it is possible to evaluate the viscosity of a liquid during its transfusion, or the density of the sauce when stirring with a spoon.
  • Visual and tactile, when the assessment is made by touching the product with a knife (or fork), as well as by pressing, pressing, piercing, cutting and smearing products.
  • Tactile, when the assessment occurs directly in the oral cavity when chewing.

Odor rating

Odor assessment during the organoleptic analysis method according to GOST is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • A deep breath is taken.
  • Holding your breath for 2-3 seconds.
  • Trapped air is exhaled.

This technique allows you to establish the typical aroma for a particular dish, evaluate the quality of some characteristics of the smell separately, and also determine the presence of extraneous odors.

If the product has a dense texture (meat or fish), it is necessary to take a "sample with a needle." To do this, a wooden needle is inserted deep into the product, and then the smell is removed and immediately evaluated.

organoleptic methods of quality assessment

Taste rating

The method of organoleptic taste assessment involves the placement of the test portion in the oral cavity with thorough chewing and subsequent establishment of the typical taste, analysis of the quality of individual characteristics, as well as the determination of extraneous flavors.

ProductsAssessment Methodology

Initially, the assessment is carried out without adding sour cream and sample the liquid part. Next, the composition of the dense part is compared with the recipe. All components are examined separately for the consistency of products, taste, and shape of the cut. Next, try a dish flavored with sour cream (if it is in the recipe).

Assessing clear soups involves analyzing the appearance of the broth. Evaluation of the soup puree puts its consistency at the forefront, therefore density, viscosity, color, uniformity are carefully analyzed, and also whether dense particles are present.

SaucesThe consistency of sauces is analyzed by pouring them in a thin stream and a sample to taste. The color, smell and composition of the sauce are also evaluated.
Second, cold and sweet dishesInitially, the appearance of such dishes and semi-finished products is evaluated, and then they are cut into portions for tasting.
Boiled and fried vegetablesAt the first stage, an assessment of the appearance is carried out, including the form of slicing the components. After that, the texture, taste and smell are analyzed.
Steamed and Baked VegetablesThe vegetables themselves are tested on the main indicators separately from the sauce. After examining all the characteristics, the dish is tasted whole.
Dishes from cereals and pastaCereal cereals should be spread in a thin layer along the bottom of the dishes and check for any foreign matter or lumps. Pasta dishes are additionally checked for boiling and stickiness.
Fish dishesThe main criterion for evaluating fish dishes is the correctness of cutting, as well as compliance with the recipe. Also pay special attention to their texture, the presence and type of breading, smell and taste.
Meat and Poultry DishesEvaluation is carried out not only by the dishes as a whole, but also separately by each type of meat product. At the same time pay attention to the condition of the surface, slicing, breading. The degree of readiness by a puncture with a needle and along the cut is also evaluated. Then control the smell and taste. If the recipe provides for the sauce, then it is analyzed separately.
Cold dishes, salads and snacksIn cold dishes and salads, slicing and consistency are extremely important. Taste and aroma are also checked.

Desserts are evaluated in accordance with the requirements for their groups. If we are talking about mousses and creams, then at the first stage, the state of their surface is determined, the section or fracture is evaluated, as well as the color. Among other things, the ability of such dishes to maintain their shape is important. Next, the texture, taste and smell are checked.

When checking sweet hot dishes, such as soufflés and puddings, they first check the appearance, condition of the cut, and only then taste and aroma.

Flour products, , . , .

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, , . These include:

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  • The possibility of skipping products with unacceptable taste indices due to the incorrect frequency of organoleptic analysis at the enterprise.


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