How to get rid of grass on the site? Description of effective weed control methods

Weed control in the garden and the garden takes a lot of time and energy from us. Quinoa, wheat grass, knotweed, wormwood, shiritsa - these are not all representatives of the flora who β€œvoluntarily” settle in areas and interfere with the full growth and development of cultivated plants. How to get rid of grass on the site? The answer to this question from year to year is sought by summer residents. Effective weed control methods tested and approved by experienced gardeners are presented in this article.

High quality land cultivation

You can get rid of grass on the site as a result of seasonal work. In the spring and autumn, digging up the soil, use a pitchfork. With this tool, you can take grass out of the ground completely without cutting its root, as often happens during shoveling. If a particle of weed remains in the ground, it is possible that in this place next year it will grow again.

As soon as the first grass sprouted on the plot in the spring, it should immediately be weeded out with the root. If the soil is wet, it is best to pry out with your hands. In order for the grass not to settle down again on the soil surface, it is necessary to carefully select it and take it out of the site.

how to get rid of grass on the site

How to remove grass from the site: natural methods

Carrying out land work on the site, we ourselves, without thinking about it, use the traditional methods of weed control.

  • Freezing in winter the remaining parts of the grass in the ground. To get a good result, it is recommended to dig the soil deep in the autumn period, thereby loosening it and providing free passage of cold to the root system of the plant.
  • Mulching - falling asleep of weeds with compost, which blocks air access to them and inhibits their growth. The same effect can be achieved if the soil around cultivated plants is covered with an agrotechnical film.
  • Strangulation of the root system is a multiple cutting of grass on the upper layers of the soil with a chopper. If the destruction of weeds occurs on an empty area, then for this purpose use a harrow.
    how to remove grass from the site

Herbicides - "heavy artillery" in the fight against weeds

Thinking about how to get rid of grass on the site, especially when it comes to perennial weeds (wheat grass, sow thistle, nettle), many summer residents opt for using herbicides. These are systemic drugs based on glyphosate, the effect of which on plants leads to the death of the latter. To date, the most effective herbicides are Roundup, Zero, Hurricane, Tornado. Before you get rid of grass on the site using these drugs, carefully read the instructions for their use. Spraying is performed in dry and calm weather. The first processing results can be seen in a week. During this time, the drug is absorbed into the cells of the plant, destroying them. Leaves begin to fade and dry. After 20-25 days, the perennial dies entirely.

get rid of grass on the plot

During the period of action of glyphosate group preparations, it is not recommended to influence the soil around the weeds in any way (weeding, digging, watering). This can disrupt the process of moving the herbicide through the cells of the plant and block its work. Use "Roundup" and similar means is necessary before sowing seeds of vegetables or after harvesting.

In order for the garden and vegetable garden to please you with a good harvest, it is important not only to know how to get rid of grass on the site, but also to be able to do it qualitatively. Take on the advice presented in this article, and the next season you will notice that there are much less weeds in your garden.


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