Manor of the Stroganovs in Maryino: excursions and photos of tourists

The Leningrad Region boasts an incredible number of palace and park ensembles and ancient estates, many of which have survived to this day in good condition. A worthy example of this is the Stroganov Maryino estate in the Andrianovo village. The history of this estate begins in the first half of the 18th century. In what condition is the estate today and are there guided tours?

According to the pages of history

Stroganov Manor

In 1726, in the area near the modern village of Andrianovo, the construction of the estate began. The baroness Maria Yakovlevna Stroganova, the godfather of Emperor Peter I and the wife of G.D., personally supervised the construction and improvement of the estate. Stroganova. It is worth noting that even at that time the Stroganov clan was quite noble and rich. Initially, the main manor house was wooden. The Stroganovs estate changed dramatically in 1811. Sofya Vladimirovna Stroganova becomes the new owner of the estate, and Golitsyna became a girl. The manor gets its modern name - Maryino in honor of the founder Maria Yakovlevna. Sofya Vladimirovna decides to build a new palace. The architect A.N. worked on the project Voronikhin, and then his students. The final version of the future manor house creates I.F. Kolodin. The Stroganovs estate has a semicircular shape in plan. This is a two-story building.

The main house is made in the classical style and is very similar to the Grand Pavlovsk Palace. The estate had as many as five front entrances, each of which was decorated with sculptures of lions. The palace was completed in 1817, after which the hostess paid most attention to the decoration of the interiors and the improvement of the garden. Gradually, pavilions and other buildings appear in the park. Thanks to its rich and fashionable decoration, as well as its owner’s versatile personality, Maryino Manor becomes the center of social life. The most distinguished families of St. Petersburg regularly came here, including representatives of the ruling dynasty. Sofya Vladimirovna was also engaged in social activities and farming. On the estate there was an agricultural school, several factories, fruits and vegetables were grown for sale. The descendants of the Stroganov-Golitsyn family owned the estate until 1914, but none of them paid as much attention to this place as Sofya Vladimirovna.

Manor Maryino in times of the USSR and modern Russia

The estate of Count Stroganov

The latest history of the Stroganovs' estate begins after the 1917 revolution. Like all similar palace and park complexes, Maryino was nationalized. In the main manor house opened a museum for tourists. Part of the estate’s property (mainly art objects and rare books) was transferred to the Russian Museum and the Hermitage. In 1927, a recreation center for scientists was opened in the palace, and a little later the building was transferred to the experimental station of the Geological Prospecting Institute. The Stroganovs estate was very badly damaged during the Second World War. Reconstruction was carried out in 1959, after which the palace became a boarding school, and then a dispensary. It would seem that this was the end of the historical and museum history of the luxurious estate. But in 2008, the estate became private property. After major repairs and reconstruction works, the chic park and the main house were opened again for visitors.

The Stroganovs estate: photos of the palace and park today

Manor of planed photos

The palace in Maryino has been restored today, it houses a museum exposition and a modern hotel complex. The facade of the building is painted in pristine colors, even stone lions are in place. A large-scale reconstruction of the park. Landscaping was carried out according to old plans and watercolors. In the English park you can see sculptures and various interesting buildings. The Stroganov-Golitsyn estate Maryino has always been famous for its ponds, cascades, bridges and grottoes. You can admire the recreated works of landscape gardening here today. Many tourists also like the small stone turret at the entrance to the territory and the Chinese corner of the garden with an original bridge and a gazebo. A picturesque, but a little sad place - the ruins of an old church.

Modern service and 19th century luxury

Maryino estate of the planed excursion

Today, the Maryino estate is a private cultural and entertainment complex. A part of the palace is a modern hotel. Anyone can rent a room decorated in the spirit of the XIX century. And this is not just another stylization, but a high-quality reconstruction of the noble quarters. Banquet facilities, ceremonial lounges and cellars of the estate are available for rent. Here you can hold a banquet, cultural or business event. By individual agreement with the administration, it is possible to rent lawns, pergolas or the entire territory of the park. Manor Maryino is an ideal place for a wedding celebration with field registration. Held in the palace and park complex and social events. Some of them are free, while others need to pre-buy a ticket or sign up.

Actual information for visitors

The estate of Count Stroganov after restoration has become one of the tourist centers of the Leningrad region. Entrance to the territory of the English park is free. A separate inspection of the museum exposition and other services of the cultural and entertainment complex are paid separately. At the estate there is a stable where you can order a horse ride or riding in a carriage, as well as rent a horse for a photo shoot. Unpleasant news for those who arrived alone or in the company of their closest friends in Maryino (Stroganovs estate): the tour is carried out only by reservation for organized groups. To visit the museum, please contact the property.

How to get to Maryino?

The homestead of planed glazin marino

The Stroganovs estate is located about 70 kilometers from St. Petersburg. The nearest town is Tosno, about 20 km from it to the old estate. If you go on a trip with your own car, then you should focus on the village of Andrianovo. To get to this settlement, you need to leave St. Petersburg along the Moscow highway and go straight to the sign for Tarasovo and Andrianovo. Next, you need to navigate the signs of the cultural and entertainment complex. Very soon, Maryino, the Stroganovs estate, will appear on the right side. How to get there by public transport? The easiest way is to book an organized tour. On your own, you can take a commuter train to Tosno, and then take a regular bus to Andrianovo.

Tourists reviews

Maryino Stroganov estate how to get

Every year, a huge number of residents of the Leningrad region and travelers from other regions of Russia visit the Maryino estate. The impressions of excursions and walks in the park are different for everyone. Many tourists really like this place. The park territory pleases with picturesque landscapes, it is clean and beautiful at any time of the year. Some do not like the fact that the estate is used today as a hotel and restaurant. Indeed, there are no genuine historical objects in the interiors (with the exception of the museum exposition); weddings and banquets are regularly held in the palace. However, it is worth noting that the restoration of such a building and a huge park area requires large financial investments. If the estate remained in state ownership, then it would wait another decade for its transformation into a museum.


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