What is the name of a female deer. Interesting facts about deer

There are many different species of animals and birds, but very few of them can feel comfortable in the harsh conditions of the northern taiga and tundra. Reindeers are among those few for whom a cold climate with snowy expanses is their home. Do you know what a female deer looks like, what is the name of this animal, and how is it adapted to life in the snow? It’s worth talking about, it’s interesting and informative.

deer female
After all, these beautiful animals live not only in the wild, they have successfully domesticated them, and whole herds of domestic deer now graze in the taiga, like we have simple cows in the meadows. Today, the number of domestic deer is already far greater than the number of their wild counterparts.

What is the name of a female deer?

The peoples living in the tundra call the wild reindeer "Sokzha", probably few animal lovers know about it. Wild reindeer female - what is it called in the language of local people? The name is quite interesting - "Vazhenka." A little deer, up to one year old, is called “no bastard” or “no bastard”, and the newly born baby is called in general a very sweet name - “fawn”.

If we have already touched on the topic of the name of a female deer, then we will go over the names of other artiodactyl and horned representatives of the animal world. Reindeers are females of European and sika deer, although they are tempted to pronounce - deer. Female moose - moose, this is quite natural. Roe, that male, that female, still remains roe, although in some places they are called a goat and a goat. Well, they really look like these animals. But back to the question of the name of the female deer. Vazhenka - emphasis in this word is placed on the first vowel. A beautiful name, maybe that's what it was called because of its important appearance? Quite possible.

Reindeer Harem

The mating season of reindeers takes place in the autumn, during September-October. At this time, males often arrange battles for the favor of the female. If you are near the herd during the rut, you will almost always hear how the fighting “cavaliers” knock with their horns, but, as a rule, such fights are very short: they tapped each other with a branchy beauty on their heads for a minute and ran away.

interesting facts about deer

Deer are not distinguished by swan fidelity, they are polygamous, each male collects his harem around him. The older and more solid the bull, the more its harem; females like to be protected by a strong “guy”. The group of “beloved” important women includes from 5 to 10 ladies. True, the composition of this group is almost impossible to determine exactly, the herd is constantly mixed and “treason” in deer families is quite possible, especially if the herd has a large number of individuals.

The most powerful deer take custody only of those females who have estrus. As soon as this important period ends for the important woman, she is no longer interested in the male; he switches his attention to another.

Deer female: as they say, description

The size of the reindeer is not at all small. In length, animals reach 2–2.3 meters, weight is also impressive - 130-220 kg. Height at the withers - 1.4 meters, but quite often you can find very low animals - 1.2 meters at the withers.

The color of the fur in summer is gray-brown with coffee hues; in winter, dark spots appear on light fur. There is a mane on the neck. For some, it is very beautiful, while for others it is almost invisible, it is so small. The fur protects deer from severe northern frosts. It is short (1-2 cm), but thanks to the thick undercoat, it is extremely warm.

The name of the female deer has already been found out, the name "Vazhenka" is very suitable for her. Now it's time to talk about horns. Is there such a decoration for the important girls? It turns out yes. Reindeers are the only representatives of the family in which males and females have horns. Females and physique are much smaller than males, and, accordingly, their horns are also smaller. But they have another advantage - Vyazhenki walk with horns for the whole winter, while the males dump them at this time. Thus, nature made sure that pregnant females could defend for themselves the best place near the feeder. Immediately after calving, you can get rid of the horns, which they do.

Female deer and her cubs

Vazhenki cubs are worn in the womb for eight months. In most cases, only one deer is born, very rarely twins.

What is the name of a female deer
Newborn babies lie down on their mother’s barrel for the first day, and on the second they already follow their mother, not a single step behind. On the twentieth day of life, babies already begin to grow horns. Reindeer feeds mother's milk before the start of winter.

Interesting Reindeer Facts

As mentioned earlier, reindeer are unusual animals that can live in a very harsh northern climate, while managing to find food under the snow and produce offspring.

Interesting facts about deer:

1. If a reindeer has the opportunity to eat a bird delicacy, he can easily eat an adult bird, small rodents can also get on the menu of a handsome horned man.

2. To maintain salt balance in the body, deer not only drink seawater, they also gnaw off the dropped horns. If there is a lack of mineral salts, then they can even gnaw at each other's horns.

3. Deers are excellent swimmers. They are able to easily cross the river a few kilometers.

4. Migratory deer travel more than 500 kilometers.

reindeer female

5. Migration has been going on for decades along the same path.

6. Deer have a well-developed sense of smell. Under the snow with a depth of about 1 meter, they smell their main food - reindeer moss. In the wind, a human smell is heard at a distance of 4 km.

7. Reindeers are almost completely devoid of sweat glands, for this reason, their tongues are thrown out on the run, like dogs.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26164/

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