Which siding is better - vinyl or acrylic (reviews)

Recently, the decoration of buildings and structures with siding is gaining more and more popularity.

Purpose of siding

which siding is better vinyl or acrylic

The purpose of this material is not only the decoration of the facade, but also the protection of the outer surface of the walls from negative external influences. Among other things, this material is able to hide surface imperfections, providing condensate drainage on the inner surface of the finish. Having decided to choose siding for the facade of the house , you can take advantage of a huge assortment of material, which may have different colors and textures. Siding is considered durable material that is ready to last for three decades or more. For the reason that the described decoration is offered for sale in a large assortment, consumers often ask themselves which siding is better - vinyl or acrylic.

Criterias of choice

which siding is better acrylic or vinyl reviews
Cost acts as the main point when choosing a finishing or building material. However, consumers also pay attention to technical features, as well as quality characteristics. These include parameters, among which are the durability of the finish, the period of its operation and the ability to maintain the original appearance for a long time. Thinking about which siding is better - vinyl or acrylic, consumers also pay attention to resistance to temperature changes, which can be daily and seasonal. Important and resistance to atmospheric phenomena, as well as ease of installation.

Features of vinyl siding

what to choose acrylic or vinyl siding
If you do not know what to choose - acrylic or vinyl siding, then you should consider each type of material separately.

For example, vinyl siding is made using high quality polyvinyl chloride, and extrusion technology is used. The panel includes two layers - inner and outer. The first is impact resistant, while the second is characterized by a high degree of resistance to sunlight. Among the strengths of vinyl siding can be highlighted the ease of installation, as well as unpretentiousness in operation. Thinking about which siding is better - vinyl or acrylic, it is worth considering that the first type of material can be installed on any frame, while you can do without outside help, which is possible due to the small weight of a separate panel. This attracts home craftsmen for the reason that they have the opportunity to save on the expensive services of professional craftsmen.

Operational Features

vinyl siding advantages and disadvantages

When choosing vinyl material, you will not need to periodically tint the panels or to maintain their appearance. For 10 years, you can count on an excellent appearance of the finish, which you will hardly have to look after. Such material almost does not fade over time and is resistant to destruction under the influence of extremely low temperatures, the same can be said about high temperatures reaching up to +50 degrees.

If you decide to choose vinyl siding, the advantages and disadvantages of this material should be considered. Among the former, we can additionally highlight the fact that the material is not exposed to infection by fungus and mold. It is not attacked by harmful insects. Material does not rot or rust. Owners of private houses choose vinyl siding for the reason that it does not conduct electric current, which is important for stand-alone buildings.

Features of acrylic siding

which siding to choose for a residential building

If you still have not decided which siding is better - vinyl or acrylic, it is worth considering the last kind of material, which is made on the basis of acrylic polymers. Experts recommend choosing acrylic material for the reason that it has all the advantages of a vinyl material and has some other advantages. Among them, one can distinguish a higher resistance to ultraviolet radiation. This material does not reduce its strength characteristics during the entire period of operation. The panels are not weakened at the fixation points. This material can be operated at a higher temperature, the mark of which reaches 85 degrees. This lining is completely not afraid of exposure to chemical solvents, which allows cleaning with synthetic detergents. If you are thinking about which siding is better - acrylic or vinyl, you should read the reviews about these materials before purchasing.

Fire safety

vinyl siding reviews

Acrylic siding almost does not burn, and if it is affected by a flame, then the lining begins to emit harmful substances, but in very minimal quantities. There is also a minus, which is expressed in higher finishing costs compared to vinyl siding. However, it is important to consider a longer service life - half a century or more. That is why it is easy to see the ultimate benefit.

Additional comparative characteristics of two materials

Reviews of "vinyl siding" will help you make the right choice. For example, homeowners note that this material does not look as representative as acrylic. Among other things, the last kind of material is deformed quite rarely, unlike the opponent. Acrylic material is 10 times more resistant to ultraviolet radiation. However, do not think that this finish does not fade at all. But reviews do not recommend spending money on such decoration if the house is in a shady area, and sunlight does not fall on its facade. At the same time, overpaying will be inappropriate.

Quite often, consumers also pay attention to maintainability. However, in this case there are absolutely no differences between the materials. Both types of cladding are equally convenient to repair in case of mechanical damage, when there is a need to replace a separate panel with a new one.

Caring for both types of cladding is quite simple. You can use special tools for this, but they are usually not required. If you decide to use the cost in the comparative characteristics, you need to know that the price of a vinyl panel is approximately 120 rubles. Whereas acrylic siding will cost 180 rubles apiece. The benefit is greater if the facade area is more impressive. The cost will vary when purchasing components: corners and rails. If possible, then materials in different areas can be combined, which will save on those areas of the facade that are not exposed to the harmful effects of sunlight.


When thinking about which siding to choose for a residential building, you should weigh all the positive and negative sides of the materials. Despite the fact that acrylic siding is less combustible, in the event of a fire, the whole house will in any case be engulfed in fire. You must decide what is more important for you at the initial stage - one-time expenses or a longer service life.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26165/

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