Unique cat breed - Siberian

Lovers of fluffy and very fluffy cats - rejoice! The favorite in this article will be a Siberian cat, which stands out among its brethren with a regal brutal appearance and special temper.

Siberian cat breed

As you know, the cat breed greatly affects the character . Siberian cat is a phlegmatic, charismatic, confident and very beautiful animal. Over the years, Russian breeders have worked on the breeding and recognition among the world felinologists of this breed. Today, among foreign animal lovers, these cats enjoy great love. Siberian "pussies" are exported to England, Australia, Germany, France and other countries near and far abroad. The price of this beautiful purebred creature ranges from $ 1,000 and above. But, despite the high cost, the demand for Siberians is constantly growing.


Siberian cats

This breed of cat, Siberian, is regal and aristocratic: a large and powerful skeleton, a beautiful long coat, a chic fur collar on a powerful neck, lynx ears with tassels, a large head, large expressive eyes. Seeing him once, it’s impossible not to fall in love with a Siberian! In adult cats, the weight can exceed 10 (!) Kg, females weigh a little less - about six kg. By the way, one of the disadvantages of the breed is excessive gluttony. Therefore, follow the figure of your pet, otherwise overweight can lead to a number of diseases.

Wool - this is the passport that this breed of cat can present. Siberian fur skin absolutely does not cause allergies. Therefore, allergy sufferers can safely begin to make friends with Siberians. Also, the wool practically does not get wet and the care of it by the person is minimal. Due to the hard pile, the cat will not have tangles and felted wool, so flour with combing and washing can be allowed once every six months or as needed. Your Siberian cat will be very happy about this.


The cat is Russian, and even more so Siberian. That's her character is not simple. Siberian motto: “What I want, then I do it!” And if you do not want to spoil the relationship with your pet, it is better not to limit her freedom. After all, this is a very independent breed of cat. The Siberian beauty is by no means affectionate and shows love only to one member of the family. She will not be aggressive or intrusive, but she will not sit on her lap either.

Siberian cat character

Sibiryachka, despite its independence, is absolutely not vindictive. She will never take revenge and shit in slippers. These cats are very patient with children and are ready to endure cuddling and pussing. But this behavior will not work with an adult, and the Siberian proud can release her claws.

Siberians have another wonderful trait - they are healers by nature. In case of a host’s malaise, your furry friend will rush to help, lie on a sore spot and warm him and cherish it. According to many breeders, such "cat medicine" really helps.

Siberian cat breed

Due to their wild and independent nature, cats are excellent hunters. Not a single mouse, or even a fly, will remain in the house. Take advantage of this weakness of the cat to awaken self-love in it - play more with it and let's train your hunting skills.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26169/

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