Liquid waterproofing for concrete: technology description, features and reviews

The design of the house will not last long if the foundation is not protected from moisture. Concrete is the foundation of the foundation, it is strong and durable, but is not able to endure a humid environment for a long time. Precipitation affects this part of the house above, while soil and groundwater affect it below. To this should be added tufts and pressure of the soil, chemicals that are contained in the water, as well as the temperature difference in the ground and underground parts of the foundation.

The need for waterproofing

If the foundation is not isolated at the time of construction, then in a couple of years, you will have to pay a much larger amount for the restoration of the material.

liquid waterproofing for concrete
Waterproofing is presented in a huge assortment today, it can be:

  • mastic;
  • roll;
  • liquid.

The latter variety is more effective, with its help you can create a seamless contour and cut off the moisture path inside the structure.

Varieties of liquid waterproofing

Liquid waterproofing for concrete is represented by several materials, the most common are liquid rubber and liquid glass. Manufacturers declare only the advantages of these solutions, but in practice it turns out that the disadvantages are also present. If we compare liquid rubber and glass with rolled bituminous materials, as well as membrane films, the former will be distinguished by the ease of application on the base of a variety of forms. The material is able to penetrate even hard-to-reach places.

Using liquid glass or rubber, you can create a layer that will be more resistant to moisture than bituminous materials.

liquid glass for concrete waterproofing instruction

The technology of waterproofing concrete with liquid glass does not provide for heating of the material, which facilitates application work and increases the level of fire safety. The resulting layer is not toxic, it does not float in the heat, and also does not ignite. These materials can replace several layers of rolled waterproofing at once, however, the application should be done with a rather thin layer, so the final weight is small.

Area of ​​use

Liquid rubber and glass can adhere well to all surfaces. These advantages have significantly expanded the scope of use of the described materials, so today they are used to waterproof structures and rooms with a constant presence of water.

liquid waterproofing for concrete price

This should include:

  • fonts in baths;
  • fountains;
  • foundation bowls of pools.

Liquid Glass Reviews

In construction hypermarkets, in particular in Leroy, liquid waterproofing of concrete is offered in a wide assortment. Among other materials, liquid glass should be distinguished, whose service life is 5 years. This does not mean that after this period the foundation will lose protection. Glass during operation will only gradually self-destruct, and the process will begin with the surface layers. According to consumers, in a year the reinforced layer will become thinner by 1 mm. If you apply liquid glass with a layer of up to 5 mm, then the material will completely lose its properties in the tenth year.

liquid waterproofing concrete Leroy

However, users emphasize that waterproofing can provide a longer life if coated with protective paint. When consumers use liquid penetrating waterproofing for concrete, they emphasize another nuance, which can be called a minus and a plus. It is expressed in instant crystallization. The solution should be applied very quickly, otherwise it will set and will not be suitable for work. If you do not have practice, then it is better to entrust the matter to a professional, since the material can simply be spoiled.

Fast setting becomes an advantage, according to buyers, when it is necessary to cover a concrete pool bowl located close to groundwater. In this case, we are talking about designs that manage to fill with water in one evening. In humid conditions, waterproofing work can not be done with every material, to be precise - only with liquid glass. In 4 hours, the surface will completely dry and form an impermeable film.

If you decide to use liquid glass for waterproofing concrete, the instructions you must have read. From it you can learn that, using this material, it is important to comply with the dosage. If you mix the material with the composition according to the type of concrete mixture, then there should not be a reinforced dose, since the solution will turn out to be “oak” and will not adjust to the design. In this case, the seams will be torn, as well as the joints. In addition, according to consumers, the coating will be unstable to damage, and if accidentally hit, cracks will appear.

Liquid Glass Application Guidelines

Liquid waterproofing for concrete is one of the most effective. If you decide to use liquid glass, then you can apply for application:

  • a brush;
  • roller;
  • brush.

Depending on what the final goals are, the proportion of the mixture should be chosen.

liquid glass for concrete waterproofing price

When it is planned to lay the rolled material over the laid layer, the waterproofing is made surface. To do this, the glass is diluted with concrete and applied with a brush or spray gun in two layers. The mixture penetrates the foundation by 2 mm, filling cracks and micropores.

Liquid waterproofing for concrete can also be used when the foundation is precast. In this case, it is required to isolate the joints using a composition of cement and water glass. To create a solid monolithic foundation, liquid glass should be added to the solution. It is important to consider the dosage, otherwise the strength of the structure will suffer. Foundation pouring should be carried out by several people who will produce the mixture until it sets.

Sometimes liquid glass is used for injection waterproofing. In this case, work is usually carried out to restore the foundation, which began to collapse during operation. To do this, holes are made in separate parts of the structure using a puncher, and then the prepared mixture is pumped into the inside. It is unlikely that there will be specific equipment in the house, so such work is usually trusted by professionals, and it is easy to overdo it with a dosage.

Features of applying liquid rubber

Liquid waterproofing for concrete is offered for sale in the form of rubber. This is a finished composition that is applied with a roller or brush. Mixtures are cheaper if they are intended for application in several layers. It should be remembered that after opening the packaging, the rubber will not be stored, so it must be consumed immediately. This waterproofing technology is time consuming and not capable of providing deep penetration.

liquid penetrating waterproofing for concrete

You can use a two-component composition, for example a bitumen emulsion, which is mixed with polymers during operation and applied by spraying. This will require special equipment. The composition is clogged by pressure to the base quite firmly. This allows you to reduce the consumption of material, and if you work by spraying, you have to use the services of specialists.

Features of liquid rubber

The price of liquid waterproofing for concrete will be mentioned below. However, cost is not the only thing you need to know before purchasing a product. When choosing a solution to protect the foundation, you should pay attention to the features of liquid rubber, which remains flexible even after drying. This indicates that the movement of soil and shrinkage of the house will not affect the integrity of the formed layer. The material will only stretch a little in those places where the foundation cracked or shrink when shifted. If we compare rubber with liquid glass, the latter does not have such abilities.

liquid waterproofing concrete technology

The cost of liquid waterproofing

The price of liquid glass for waterproofing concrete is 249 rubles. for 10 liters This is 15 kg of solution. As for liquid glass, 1 kg of material can be purchased for 155 rubles. The consumption of this waterproofing per square meter will be approximately 6 kg. Depending on the porosity, the indicator may vary. Sometimes it reaches 3 kg per square meter.


In order to achieve a positive result when waterproofing the foundation with liquid type materials, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the technology. For example, liquid rubber should be applied solely to a dry surface, but manufacturers claim that the coating will dry even if the foundation remains wet. And for the material there is no difference - the base was dry or wet; the problem is that the water inside the foundation after the completion of waterproofing simply will not find a way out.


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