DobroVet: reviews of the veterinary clinic, review of services, staff qualifications

We are responsible for those who have tamed - every responsible and caring pet owner knows this. Animals, like us, need constant and high-quality care, and sometimes qualified medical care. According to reviews, the veterinary clinic "DobroVet" is one of the medical institutions in Moscow where you can get the necessary services for the treatment, diagnosis or rehabilitation of animals.

Capital Veterinary Center

Representatives of the DobroVet clinic claim that you don’t have to worry about pets falling into their reliable hands. Veterinary Center is located at: per. Bronnitsky, d.1 (landmark Ryazansky prospekt, d.33). Located in a residential area, it occupies two floors of a separate building with an area of ​​more than 700 square meters. m. The territory of the clinic is fenced and equipped for walking animals. There is also a viral hospital for infected pets, where there are all the necessary conditions for feeding, keeping and treating.

By mistake, many people confuse this clinic with Dobrovet in Obninsk. Reviews about this institution, which is located in the Moscow region, are mostly positive, however, the popularity of the Moscow Veterinary Center is an order of magnitude higher than the Moscow Region. In most responses, where the exact address of the institution is not specified, users mean the veterinary clinic in Moscow.

Four-legged patients are received here by experienced narrow-profile and wide-profile veterinarians: general practitioners, surgeons, ophthalmologists, cardiologists, oncologists, etc. Long-term veterinary practice of specialists, their high level of qualification does not allow doubting the professionalism of doctors. The role of high-quality diagnostic equipment should not be underestimated, thanks to which specialists have the opportunity to make accurate diagnoses. Veterinary clinic "DobroVet" (Moscow), according to reviews, is equipped with all necessary equipment, tools and supplies. Blocks are equipped in the center for both urgent care and planned, inpatient treatment, examinations and examinations.

The goal of creating DobroVet is to provide quality veterinary services with a humane attitude towards our smaller brothers and to create the most comfortable conditions for them. And although our country is not a party to the European Convention for the Protection of Animal Rights, the veterinary clinic is trying to strictly follow the provisions of this international legal act.

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Why you should contact here

The DobroVet veterinary clinic, one of the few in Moscow, has all the necessary equipment and tools. In this center of medical care for animals, they suggest conducting a visual diagnosis to get an objective picture of the condition of the pet’s internal organs without surgery. Narrow-profile specialists accept DobroVet and a full range of endoscopic studies of the gastrointestinal tract, bronchi, lungs, large intestine, etc. are performed.

The regular admission of specialists is carried out in six equipped rooms of veterinarians-therapists. The clinic also has an office for ultrasound research, radiography, vaccination, an in-patient department to prepare four-legged patients for surgery and recover from it. Many experts recommend the DobroVet Veterinarian also because this institution is the only one that owns the Cheiron steam anesthesia apparatus, stationary and the Galileo Gold mechanical ventilation system.

In total, the clinic employs about 40 specialists. A close-knit team of professionals, including not only young veterinary specialists, but also distinguished doctors with scientific degrees of candidates and doctors of sciences, sets the main goal - to provide a comfortable, safe and effective treatment process for each four-legged patient due to fundamental knowledge, skills and professional experience of each of the doctors.

Surgery at DobroVet

In reviews of a veterinary clinic, a surgical department equipped with modern equipment is often mentioned. Turning here, the owners of tetrapods can count on the high diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities of the center. Today, emergency and planned care services are provided by experienced professionals:

  • Konchev Alexander Grigorievich. Leading surgeon and traumatologist, specialist in the field of neurosurgery, a graduate of the Moscow State Medical University.
  • Iordaki Victoria Fedorovna. A general surgeon, in July 2009 she successfully graduated from the Chisinau Agricultural University of the Republic of Moldova.
  • Avram Sergey Anatolyevich. A trauma surgeon has over 20 years of experience, a graduate of Donetsk National University, has completed an internship at one of the Louisiana universities in the city of Baton Rouge (USA), a participant in numerous international conferences and congresses.

The surgical department has several operating rooms with the best surgical, resuscitation equipment and anesthetic aid. In whatever condition the animal came here, they will be provided with emergency help. In order to comprehensively examine the pet before the intervention or after surgery, it is placed in a hospital.

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What surgical operations are performed

It is no secret that different methods can be used to treat the same disease. Only a veterinarian can determine which type of treatment an animal needs in a particular situation. If conservative-expectant tactics do not bring the desired results, doctors often resort to the decision to conduct surgery. According to reviews, DobroVet most often seeks for the following types of assistance:

  • docking of tails and ears;
  • opening abscesses;
  • drainage and treatment of postoperative wounds;
  • amputation of limbs;
  • reposition of bones after fractures;
  • surgical treatment of bowel obstruction;
  • urethrostomy;
  • osteosynthesis;
  • operations on the brain and spinal cord;
  • interventions on the chest, lungs;
  • castration, sterilization of animals;
  • removal and application of dressings, removal of sutures;
  • application and removal of gypsum.

In case of urgent need, the operation is carried out for pets in a short time. In some cases, specialists are able to prepare for the intervention while the animal is still on the way, making it possible to immediately begin emergency measures and not lose precious time. Dogs and cats with an acute form of the disease or severe trauma are examined by surgeons, conduct diagnostic tests and immediately prescribe an operation.

Intensive care and resuscitation

The DobroVet Veterinary Center in Moscow, unlike a number of other animal clinics, has a wide profile. The intensive care and resuscitation department is not in every institution. For example, he is not in the same veterinary clinic in Obninsk. There are not so many reviews about DobroVet from users whose pets had to go to the intensive care unit, but without comment it is clear how important it plays in saving the four-legged.

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In this department of the clinic are patients in serious condition, requiring constant monitoring, monitoring of cardiac, pulmonary activity. Appropriate equipment has been installed here, which displays the heart's work, the rhythm of its contractions, records blood pressure and makes it possible to quickly take measures to prevent the death of a pet.

Treatment of skin diseases in animals in DobroVet

Veterinarians in their reviews of DobroVet note that the most common cause of dermatological diseases in cats and dogs is poor quality care, poor nutrition, or poor conditions. And if a lot depends on the literacy and responsibility of the owner, then with a problem like allergic reactions, endocrine pathologies, infectious and parasitic diseases, it is impossible to help a pet without a special examination.

Doctors of the DobroVet clinic do not work 24 hours a day, but the hotline of this veterinary center works around the clock. If the owner has discovered strange symptoms in his pet, he can call the phone number listed on the official website of the company and get an initial consultation and a doctor’s recommendation. Sometimes you can solve the problem without medical intervention, but when the following symptoms appear, the animal must be urgently shown to the doctor:

  • focal or diffuse hair loss;
  • rashes and peeling on the skin;
  • dandruff;
  • the constant need to scratch is accompanied by aggressiveness;
  • lethargy and other changes in behavior.

Reception in the center is conducted by Ustinova Irina Valerevna. According to reviews, the DobroVet veterinary clinic has a modern laboratory, which allows you to conduct all analyzes and histological studies directly on the basis of the institution. The latest high-precision equipment helps to identify and differentiate various skin diseases in dogs and cats by conducting the following diagnostic procedures:

  • the study of the hair shaft under a microscope;
  • identification of microsporia under the Wood lamp;
  • examination of the skin-fatty traces and secretions from the external auditory canal under a microscope;
  • bacteriological examination of dermal scrapings;
  • bacteriological culture of material for the detection of dermatophyte fungi.

If you believe the reviews, in DobroVet you don’t have to wait long for the results of the analyzes. Thus, the stress associated with the stay of the pet in the clinic is minimized.

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How to treat endocrine pathologies in a pet

Identifying this type of disease is most difficult. Symptoms of endocrine diseases are usually not specific. Some pathologies do proceed latently, manifesting themselves as minor changes in behavior and well-being. For example, constant thirst and drying out of the mouth indicates problems with the kidneys, and hair loss directly indicates skin dermatitis, which can be caused by severe stress or diabetes.

Ustinova’s veterinarian is also not only a dermatologist, but also a full-time endocrinologist at the clinic. She will prescribe all the necessary tests to identify the disease and prescribe an effective course of treatment. To accurately diagnose endocrine disorder, you will need to collect all the information about the pet, the conditions and characteristics of its contents, nutrition, vaccination and deworming courses. After passing laboratory tests and tests, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment, which, as a rule, is based on taking steroid drugs. An endocrinologist will follow the process of therapy, adjust the dosage of prescribed medications.

Pets that suffer from diabetes require special attention to themselves from the owner. The well-being of the animal may depend on various factors, including the dosage of insulin, diet, feeding regimen, and concomitant disorders in the body. The owner must constantly monitor changes in health and keep a diary of observation of the animal, according to which the doctor can make a conclusion about the dynamics of the pathological process or the need to change treatment tactics.

Dentistry for pets

In reviews of the DobroVet clinic, users call dental services for pets the most popular. Dental treatment and the prevention of diseases of the oral cavity are practiced in every veterinary clinic that meets modern requirements. The staff of the veterinary center employs veterinary dentistry professionals who provide a full range of services for pets.

Most often resort to ultrasonic brushing. During the procedure, deposits on the teeth are eliminated using a special device - an ultrasonic scaler. Cleaning can be performed both within the walls of the center and at home. In addition to this service, pets are sanitized with oral medications, treat inflammatory diseases, including stomatitis and gingivitis, remove milk and non-viable teeth.

Since the animal is not able to talk about what it hurts and what discomfort it experiences, owners should pay attention to the symptoms characteristic of diseases of the teeth and oral cavity. Bring a dog or cat to the veterinarian if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • plaque or dark spots on the teeth;
  • profuse salivation;
  • fetid smell from the mouth;
  • difficulty eating up to a complete rejection of food;
  • the presence of loose teeth;
  • swelling of the gums, etc.
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According to reviews, DobroVeta is attentive to the health of the oral cavity of pets, pet owners are advised on the rules and features of caring for the oral cavity, and give recommendations on the prevention of tartar. In addition to the elementary preventive measures, which include daily cleaning, the inclusion of solid writing in the diet, the use of special cleaning sticks and bones, annual prevention of great importance is the annual examination of teeth and gums by a specialist. Judging by the reviews, DobroVet offers a painless ultrasonic cleaning of the pet’s oral cavity at an affordable price.


Reviews of "DobroVeta" in Moscow often describe cases of going to the clinic with animals with poor eyesight or serious eye diseases. In most cases, the animal requires the help of a qualified ophthalmologist. If the pet has at least one of the symptoms described below, it must be urgently shown to the doctor:

  • squinting or drooping eyelids;
  • tearing or purulent discharge from the eyes;
  • conjunctival redness;
  • photophobia;
  • loss of vision.

According to reviews, DobroVet receives calls 24 hours a day and forms a preliminary appointment with a veterinarian-ophthalmologist. The specialist accepts not only cats and dogs, but also domestic rodents, birds and even exotic pets. At the reception, an ophthalmologist examines the fundus, examines the cornea and conjunctiva, detects injuries, measures intraocular pressure and tests for obstruction of the nasolacrimal canal, corneal sensitivity and other manipulations to examine organs of vision.

Based on the results of the diagnosis, the specialist will prescribe an individual treatment or operation. Surgical intervention is required mainly for serious disorders where conservative therapy is meaningless. Among surgical procedures, most often performed:

  • cartilage resection of the third century;
  • lens removal;
  • restoration of patency of the nasolacrimal canal;
  • elimination of ptosis;
  • eyelid plastic.

After the vision problem can be resolved, the animal must be shown to the doctor at least once every six months. In the Moscow clinic "DobroVet", doctors give detailed recommendations on the care, hygiene and nutrition of the pet. In case of complications, the examination is repeated.

Diagnosis in the veterinarian

Unlike the Dobrovet clinic in Obninsk (there are not as many reviews about it as the Moscow Veterinary Center), Dobrovet at Bronnitsky boasts all the necessary equipment to conduct a complete diagnosis of animal diseases. Endoscopy allows you to get close to that organ of the pet, which causes the doctor more questions, and make a thorough examination. In addition, during endoscopic diagnosis, the doctor can independently fix the problem without the intervention of surgeons (for example, remove a polyp in the intestine or nasal cavity).

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Endoscopy in domestic animals is a relatively new research technique used in veterinary medicine. This type of diagnosis is used in advanced clinics and one of them is DobroVet. Veterinary center in Moscow keeps up to date. Endoscopy is used here as a safe and non-traumatic way of visual inspection of internal organs. With it, you can examine almost the entire body of the animal.

During the diagnostic procedure, a special tool is used - an endoscope. It resembles a long thin hose, a tube, at one end of which there is a camera with a flashlight, and the other part is connected to the monitor, where the image is displayed. In the endoscopic department of the veterinary clinic "DobroVet", according to reviews, animals conduct the following types of examinations:

  • esophagogastroduodenoscopy - diagnosis of the digestive system;
  • bronchoscopy - a study of the respiratory tract;
  • colonoscopy - determination of the condition of the large intestine;
  • arthroscopy - diagnosis and treatment of affected joints;
  • rhinoscopy - a study of the nasal passages.

Treatment and diagnostic invasive procedures include laparoscopy. Unlike other methods of endoscopic examination, laparoscopy involves surgical intervention. A special tube is introduced to the organs under examination through a puncture in the peritoneum. Laparoscopy is performed if necessary to remove the uterus and ovaries in cats and dogs, to perform manipulations on the gall bladder, remove a hernia, turn the intestines, and extract stones from the bladder. Unlike classical abdominal surgery, there is no risk of severe bleeding during laparoscopy. After this procedure, no deep postoperative scars remain, and the animal itself is quickly restored after surgical manipulation.

Positive user feedback

Among the reviews about the Veterinary Center "DobroVet" there are many positive gratitude comments. People write that this veterinary clinic, unlike a number of others in Moscow, is one of the best institutions for animals. Many are satisfied with the warm attitude of the staff towards each four-legged - they accept pets as their own, with affection and care. All staff are friendly and welcoming.

Special attention in the reviews about the company "DobroVet" is given to a wide range of services. The advantage of this veterinary center is considered by many to be a pharmacy where you can buy any prescribed medications for the animal. The vet clinic itself is located in a building with a neat light facade. It closely monitors cleanliness and hygiene. The undoubted advantage of the Veterinary Center "DobroVet", according to reviews, is the clear and convenient interface of the site. The clinic portal has all the necessary information for pet owners about doctors and services.

Most of the clients of the veterinary clinic find its location convenient. It is located in the "Nizhny Novgorod" area of ​​the South-Eastern administrative district of the capital. The Vetcenter is located within walking distance from Ryazan Avenue, Taganskaya and Marxist Streets. It can easily be reached by private car or public transport, and without being tied to any one metro station. In a couple of trolleybus stops from the vetclinic there are metro stations Kitay Gorod, Marksistskaya, Taganskaya, Proletarskaya, Ryazansky Prospekt, Tekstilshchiki, Kuzminki, and Vykhino.

Most metropolitan medical institutions in Moscow offer only outpatient treatment, however, DobroVet has both an operating unit and a stationary unit with isolated compartments for each pet. This veterinary center does not have a specific specialization according to the type of animal or the nature of the disease. They help any pets, even exotic animals.

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There is a loyal system of discounts for regular visitors of the clinic, additional services are offered free of charge. As a rule, they are not obligatory, but they are necessary for daily care of a pet (for example, bathing, cutting hair and nails, flea treatment, deworming, ear cleaning, etc.). Chipping pets is rapidly gaining popularity. Such a service appeared relatively recently, and the DobroVet veterinary clinic in Moscow, according to reviews, was one of the first to provide it. The bottom line is this: an animal is implanted under the skin with a microchip, which helps to identify it in case of loss. Thanks to the microcircuit, it is much easier to serve a pet in clinics, since the chip can also serve as an information carrier and store the medical history in electronic form.

Why are visitors to the veterinary clinic unhappy

In parallel with the positive feedback, there are many comments of negative content. Most often, angry customer reviews are caused by the need to sit in a huge line to get an appointment with a doctor. A large flow of patients is, of course, a good sign and a definite plus to the reputation of the veterinarian, but still it is impossible for the animals to explain that you need to wait and behave calmly. Even 10 minutes of waiting seem unbearable for the owners: there is noise, barking, stale air in the corridor. If you believe the reviews, a preliminary appointment is made, but in practice, few people keep order in line, and the staff themselves do not pay due attention to this issue.

Another factor that indicates instability in the work of the clinic is staff turnover.

Clients often refer to the unprofessional attitude of veterinarians to work. Repeatedly, clinic specialists made incorrect diagnoses, prescribed treatment, which led to the death of sick animals. Cases of infection of pets with deadly diseases in the hospital, in particular, panleukopenia (cat's plague), are rare. This may indicate that the clinic carelessly approaches the issues of disinfection of the room and medical instruments.

Another unpleasant moment is the cost of services. In the veterinary clinic "DobroVet" prices are significantly higher than the average in Moscow. At the same time, there is no official price list on the site. When people call and consult about treatment, they are informed of the approximate cost, which may be several times lower than the amount that the client is voiced on the basis of the services provided.


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