Varieties of garden strawberries: variety and special requirements

Many of us love the real snowy winter: with frosts, patterns on the windows and warm mittens. It is difficult to give up the pleasure of basking in a cozy rug while snow and a snowstorm are raging outside the window. All this is great and wonderful, but winter one day completely recedes and the time comes for a warm season - spring.

In the spring we indulge ourselves with flowers, fresh fruits and berries. Most of all, probably, each of us loves strawberries and strawberries. And if we can find strawberries in any city market, then we will have to fight for strawberries. However, there is a secret, probably not known to everyone. Do you think that strawberries and garden strawberries are different plants? No matter how! The same berry is simply called differently.

Garden strawberries can be grown on their site to pamper themselves and their loved ones with delicious berries, as well as cakes, pies and real cakes every year. One has only to make an effort, and you yourself will feel all the charm of the process of planting, courtship and, finally, harvesting. The best varieties of strawberries - on your site!

Varieties of garden strawberries require special requirements, but it is only more pleasant to eat sweet berries, knowing about quality care and proper nutrition of plants.

Today, there are modern requirements for strawberry varieties, the list of which includes the following: plant inflorescences should be compact and multi-flowered, rising above the leaves; berries ripening at the same time, having the same shape and size; easily detached stalk; the skin of berries is bright red, having sufficient density and small achenes; juicy pulp of pleasant aroma and color; sweet and sour taste of berries.

Of course, even the best varieties of strawberries have their own shortcomings, which you have to put up with from time to time. For example, many varieties of strawberry garden are unstable to pests. Its berries are not always evenly colored and the flesh is often uneven on the berries of the whole variety. Asymmetrical fruits do not always have a full taste and perfect surface - all this somehow affects the quality of the product.

The best varieties of garden strawberries are countless. Every year, breeders of all countries breed more and more new species so that every lover of these sweet red berries can choose their favorite variety for planting.

Among the best varieties, several can be distinguished: “Dukat” and “Troitskaya” (dessert varieties), “Stranger” (a variety of very early ripening) and “Borovitskaya” (a variety of very late ripening).

In addition to delicious dessert strawberry varieties, there are also decorative ones. For example, "Pink Panda" or "Baron Solemacher."

There are varieties of strawberries, resistant to winter frosts. They are quite rare, but very practical: "Cinderella", "Sudarushka" or "Hero".

If you have already decided to plant garden strawberries, keep in mind that this plant constantly needs a change of place, that is, a crop rotation. A year, two, and it is urgent to change the location of beds with garden strawberries.

Only the soil warms up - you can safely take up the landing. Clean the ground from branches and old leaves, work hard with secateurs. Do not forget to thoroughly plow the ground.

Pay special attention to the fact that after setting the berries, garden strawberries no longer need care and processing until the harvest.

Strawberries - a berry that is not only tasty, but also truly healthy! Its various varieties are a real storehouse of vitamins necessary for every person in the spring. Growing strawberries on your own plot, you provide yourself with a real holiday not only in spring but also all year round (frozen strawberries will be very useful in the fall, when cold winds and colds come).


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