We choose insulation for the door

The main function of the front door is protection against unauthorized entry. However, it should provide a decent level of isolation from the cold and street noise. This can be achieved only if you purchase high-quality insulation for the door. Keep in mind that modern materials of this kind provide a quite adequate level of thermal insulation, so if you make the wrong choice you will encounter two problems at once.

door heaters

Thus, choosing insulation for the door, you need to be extremely careful. Today, there are many ways to isolate housing from the cold. Often used to install a second doorway. The result is a vestibule, which is an excellent air cushion that reliably protects the interior from cold air.

But today we will discuss the insulation of the door leaf itself. Until recently, a standard list of widespread and cheap materials that went to the door trim was used for this. It:

  • insulation for metal doors
  • synthetic leather;
  • some types of tissue.

It should be noted that these insulation for the door is practically not used today. This is due not only to their appearance, but also to the inability to qualitatively protect the premises in severe frosts. In addition, they are only suitable for wooden doors.

Almost all modern doors are available with a layer of insulation inside. As such, the following materials can be used:

  • corrugated cardboard;
  • mineral wool;
  • polystyrene foam;
  • simple foam rubber.

If you purchased a simple wooden door, the only way to warm it is the upholstery we already mentioned. As an outer layer, it is better to use a skin substitute or dense fabric, under which cotton wool or foam is laid.

We strongly advise against purchasing various types of mineral wool for these purposes . These heaters for the door have good performance, but over time they quickly slip into one lump and almost completely lose their thermal insulation properties.

heater for doors Price

More recently, natural wool was widely used for this purpose. It had good performance, but was an excellent substrate for the reproduction of various pests. Not to mention the fact that natural material serves as an excellent substrate for mold and fungi, which do not have the best effect on the health of those who live in the house.

Foam rubber protects from the cold much better, but is extremely short-lived. In three to five years, it will turn into dust, and you will have to re-insulate the door. Much more reliable isolon. This is a modern and durable material that will protect your home from the cold for a long time. Such a heater for doors, the price of which does not exceed 10-20 rubles. per meter, would be a great choice even with a limited budget. It is very good if you have the opportunity to buy an isolon coated with a layer of foil. The thermal insulation performance of this kind of material is even higher.

If you choose insulation for metal doors, then there is no particular alternative. The main material is mineral wool and its varieties.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26190/

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