Polypropylene pipes for hot water supply - choose the best option

During the construction or overhaul of their housing, almost everyone has to choose pipes for arranging a high-strength and reliable communication system. The modern building materials market is simply overflowing with various options, for example, a polypropylene pipe (the price of which, it is worth noting, is reasonably reasonable), metal-plastic, steel products and much more. But which of them to give preference? This issue has recently become the most relevant.

polypropylene pipes for hot water supply

Previously, only metal pipes were used for hot water , which had to be repaired almost every year. However, thanks to new technologies, it became possible to use better materials. They have a longer service life and are considered as economical as they do not need painting and special care. One of the most popular options at present is polypropylene pipes for hot water supply. This type is ideal for any room, while there are no special requirements for temperature and humidity. Polypropylene pipes can be installed in residential buildings, industrial buildings (factories, factories), in boiler rooms, and even basements. It is precisely because of its operational properties that this material has gained great popularity in the construction of communications of a new generation.


More recently, this material was completely unfamiliar to a wide range of consumers. However, in the shortest possible time everything has changed dramatically. Increasingly, professional builders are recommending their customers to install just such products. What are their advantages? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to study in detail what a polypropylene pipe is.

polypropylene pipe price

Technical characteristics (main indicators):

  • Heat capacity - 1.75 kJ / kg 0 .
  • The extension is linear - 3.5 รท 10 -5 ( 1/0 C).
  • The equivalent roughness coefficient is 0.015 mm.
  • The maximum tensile strength is 35 MPa.
  • Thermal conductivity - 0.15 W m / 0 C.
  • Density - 0.989 g / m 3 .
  • Pressure - 25 bar.
  • The maximum tensile index is 30 MPa.
  • Welding time - 4-8 seconds.

The advantages of polypropylene pipes

When buying polypropylene pipes, one important indicator must be taken into account - the coefficient of thermal expansion. The thermal conductivity of propylene and metal is different. As you know, metal compounds are more sensitive to sudden temperature changes. For example, if for a long time hot water was supplied through the pipe, and then cold went abruptly, then this leads to rapid destruction. Fortunately, polypropylene pipes are not subject to this process due to the minimum amount of metal, which allows them to serve very long and reliably.

polypropylene pipe specifications

So, consider the main advantages of this product:

  • high strength;
  • durability, service life more than 50 years;
  • polypropylene pipe GOST PN20 does not burst even when water freezes;
  • ease of installation, one person can handle the laying of communications;
  • reliability;
  • has a high coefficient of hydraulic resistance ;
  • resistance to large temperature differences, water heating can reach up to 100 degrees;
  • good flexibility;
  • does not give in to corrosion;
  • ability to expand under the influence of high temperature.

Key points

Polypropylene pipes for hot water supply are interconnected using fittings or press fittings. This allows you to provide high-quality soldering and tightness of the connection, which can last more than a dozen years.

An important point: the water in contact with the polypropylene pipe remains unchanged in its molecular structure, which is extremely important for human health.

Features of the internal structure

An ordinary polypropylene pipe is a three-layer structure, which ensures high strength and reliability of the entire system. Two of them are basic, and one is intermediate. It acts as a retainer. The inner and outer layers are made of polypropylene, and the middle one is made of aluminum of small thickness or fiberglass.

GOST polypropylene pipe

Due to the high flexibility of materials, polypropylene pipes for domestic hot water are very easy to install, and you can change the direction of heating systems or water supply. The inner layer has a smooth surface that does not create any obstacles to the circulation of water.


Such pipes are often supplied in long coils, so that during installation virtually no joints and joints are formed. Modern communication products are universal, so they can be used for both external and internal systems. The polypropylene pipe (price - from 20 rubles per 1 meter) is inexpensive in itself, however, during installation it is necessary to take into account the cost of all connecting elements, as well as the work of the master. In any case, the long service life of such systems will subsequently significantly save on maintenance.

Undoubtedly, each person tries to create the maximum level of coziness and comfort in his house, so he is looking for the most modern and advanced materials for arranging housing. Since water supply is one of the most important components of comfort, more and more attention is paid to this particular engineering system. Therefore, it is recommended to install polypropylene pipes for domestic hot water. Both inexpensive and durable.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26193/

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