Order of Suvorov: history and modern value

In 1942, a new military award appeared in the USSR - the Order of Suvorov. This regalia became the first among the awards of the highest level of the hierarchy, possessing three degrees of seniority. 5-pointed star of the Order of Suvorov 1st art. was platinum, 2nd art. - gold, and the third - silver.

Order of Suvorov Price

Order of Surov: description, first awards

The idea of ​​creating the named order appeared in June 1942, when the position of the Soviet troops was catastrophic. It was at this time that Order No. 227, known as “Not a Step Backward,” came out. Immediately after the release of this order, 3 military awards were established - the orders of Kutuzov, Nakhimov and Suvorov. The difference between the listed orders was that they could be awarded only to commanders holding high posts. The draft order of Suvorov was prepared by architect P. Skokan.

According to the statute, 1 art. commanders of the fronts and armies, chiefs of staff, chiefs of military branches and their deputies were to be awarded. The basis for such a difference was the skillful actions of the listed commanders during large army operations, the complete or partial defeat of superior opponents.

Sign of 2 tbsp. awarded the command of the corps, brigades, divisions for the competent conduct of operations using the interaction of different branches of the armed forces. The result of such operations was to be the destruction or capture of a large part of the enemy’s living forces and the seizure of their weapons.

Suvorov Medal 3 tbsp. awarded for opposing an enemy superior in strength, successful defense and for attacking an enemy with a serious defeat. The commander of regiments, battalions, their deputies, as well as company commanders could receive the Order of Suvorov of this degree.

Suvorov medal
The first award with the described order took place in December 1942. Then the sign of 2 tbsp. the commander of the tank corps V. M. Badanov was noted. He raided the German rear, destroying the airfield, which helped the Paulus group in Stalingrad. As a result of this operation, the Germans lost 200 aircraft, 80 tanks and about 10 thousand soldiers.

In 1943, the Order of Suvorov 1 tbsp. 3 generals and 3 marshals (G.K. Zhukov, K.A. Meretskov and others) were awarded for the first time. It is worth noting that the sign of 1 tbsp. Foreign warlords have been awarded more than once. So, in 1944, General Harold Leofrick and about 30 other senior foreign officers received this order. In total, during the existence of this order, he was awarded 7 thousand people, of which 400 received the award of 1 tbsp. (L.P. Beria, I. Broz Tito, S. Kovpak, V. Degtyarev, N. Simonyak and others).

How much is the Order of Suvorov?

Order of Suvorov

The price of this award is not stable. It can vary depending on a variety of factors, and most importantly, on how great the desire of the collector to acquire this military award. Nevertheless, we will consider the starting prices for the Order of Suvorov in good condition:

  • Order of the 1st Art. - $ 5000;
  • Order of the 2nd Art. - $ 1200;
  • Order of the 3rd Art. - $ 350.

It is also worth remembering that the orders of Suvorov, mounted on a block, are considered the rarest. Accordingly, their price is much higher. In any case, the value of orders will constantly go up.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26196/

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